Stockgroup  Information  Systems  Inc.
500  -  750  West  Pender  Street
Vancouver,  BC  V6C  2T7

July  7,  2003

United  States  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
Washington,  DC
USA  20549

Attention:     MR.  NEIL  MILLER

Re:  Registration  on  Form  SB-2                   Via fax to:  202-942-9635
     File  No.  333-105735
     Stockgroup  Information  Systems  Inc.

Dear  Sirs/Mesdames:

The  writer, being the Chief Financial Officer of Stockgroup Information Systems
Inc.  (the "Company"), respectfully requests, pursuant to Rule 477 of Regulation
C  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), that the
Post-Effective  Amendment  dated  June 26, 2003 to the Registration Statement of
the  Company  filed on Form SB-2, and originally filed by the Company on May 30,
2003  (File  No.  333-105735)  (the  "Registration  Statement"),  be  withdrawn
effective  immediately.

The  Post-Effective  Amendment  in  question  stated  that the Company wished to
de-register the shares in the Registration Statement.  The Company confirms that
it  is  hereby requesting the withdrawal due to the fact that the Company wishes
to  leave  the Registration Statement effective and continue the registration of
the  shares.

The  Company  confirms that no securities of the Company were sold in connection
with  Post-Effective  Amendment  being  withdrawn.

Our  detailed  Company  information  is  as  follows:

SIC#  7389
IRS  #  84-1379282
CUSIP  #861273  100
CIK  #0001054097

Thank  you  for  your  time  and  assistance.



/s/  David  Gillard

David  Gillard,  CGA
Chief  Financial  Officer
Secretary  and  Treasurer