Here is the story of Barbara, a young woman raised to witness the splitting of Germany, the borders closing, and the appearance of the Stasi before making a daring escape, under fire, to the West; but, once on the other side, there are further struggles to face.
Traits of a Survivor follows Barbara as she navigates life, love, friendships, and tries to make a better life for her daughter.
About the Author
Elke B. Hawthorne has a master's in Human Services and one in Liberal Arts. She escaped being shot while crossing the border from East to West Berlin. Eventually, she married an American soldier, who was killed in Texas. Hawthorne raised her daughter as a single mother and eventually earned her US citizenship. She has traveled extensively to France, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, and Holland.
Traits of a Survivor is a 158-page paperback with a retail price of $43.00 (eBook $38.00). The ISBN is 979-8-88812-253-2. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For members of the press, to request a review copy, visit our virtual pressroom at https://dorrancepressroom.com/traits-of-a-survivor/ or to buy the book visit our online bookstore at https://bookstore.dorrancepublishing.com/traits-of-a-survivor/
Matthew Zappone
Dorrance Publishing
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