Learn about virtual CISOs and how they can help your business.
NEW YORK, NY, USA, June 15, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ -- New York, NY, Release June 15, 2021. PrivSec Network will be hosting a free webinar series called Cybersecurity Talks featuring virtual CISOs. The first webinar will be held on June 17, 3 PM EDT via Zoom.Cybersecurity has been all over the news lately and the clear message is that companies need help. A virtual Chief Information Security Officer is a security expert offering a fraction of their time to companies in need. This webinar will cover what a vCISO does as well as the current trends in cybersecurity, such as ransomware, breaches, vendor risk and how companies are responding to customers’ questions about security.
Businesses interested in how to advance their own cybersecurity programs or to learn more about engaging with virtual CISOs can join the webinar through Eventbrite (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vciso-coffee-klutch-3-experts-share-their-top-3-tips-tickets-156720020801). Please join us with your questions and be prepared to engage with the panel.
George Rosamond, CTO of ClearOPS, will be moderating these panel discussions, “in the post-SolarWinds world, closing the gap on privacy and security leaves many companies with nowhere to turn. This event puts a spotlight on vCISOs, who act as a mitigation to the challenges of this new world." Joining him are three security experts, Dr. K. from DataPoint Solutions Consulting, Ferry Haris from FeHa International Consulting and Cheri Hotman from The Hotman Group.
About PrivSec Network
PrivSec Network is an online directory of virtual CISOs. Please visit us at www.privsecnetwork.com or visit our YouTube channel for more selected clips from our webinars. You may also email us at info@privsecnetwork.com.
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