Bright MLS, the leading multiple listing service (MLS) in the Mid-Atlantic representing 95,000 real estate subscribers is proud to announce its Customer Support organization has been certified as a BenchmarkPortal Center of Excellence for the second consecutive year. The award recognizes companies who achieve this world-class distinction by meeting or surpassing rigorous standards of efficiency and effectiveness. Bright is one of only two MLS organizations in the country who have achieved this certification. Contact centers achieve the Center of Excellence distinction based on best-practice metrics drawn from the world’s largest database of objective and quantitative data that is audited and validated by researchers from BenchmarkPortal.*
“Maintaining high levels of excellence over a period of two years is a testimony to the Customer Support organization and their leadership, who support and encourage this excellence. Bright’s Customer Support professionals have shown exceptional dedication and results, for which I commend them,” said Bruce Belfiore, CEO, BenchmarkPortal.
“Our subscribers facilitated over $116B in real estate through nearly 600,000 transactions throughout the Mid Atlantic during 2020, and in the process, they valued high quality support more than ever, said Brian Donnellan, President and CEO, Bright MLS. “Our Customer Support organization helped our subscribers navigate their respective businesses through this incredibility busy time, through a hybrid work environment, never missing a beat. We take pride in serving our subscribers through a very challenging time for our country, and to be recognized by BenchmarkPortal with a Center of Excellence certification is a great reflection of our commitment to our subscribers.”
*KPIs covering over 50 metrics are reviewed and compared next to averages for other organizations as part of the evaluation process.
About Center of Excellence Certification
Contact centers and their managers who wish to implement best practices and attain world-class performance in their industry have a unique opportunity to certify their contact centers. BenchmarkPortal’s rigorous certification process has the advantage of referencing all performance goals to their best practices database of thousands of contact centers. Thus, contact centers will be held to performance levels that will improve their competitive position, not just force them to adhere to an arbitrary standard. Discover what the steps to certification are and how they will improve your center’s performance.
About BenchmarkPortal
From its origins in 1995, BenchmarkPortal has become a global leader in the contact center industry, providing benchmarking, certification, training, consulng and industry reports. The BenchmarkPortal team of professionals has gained international recognition for its innovative approach to best practices for the contact center industry. BenchmarkPortal hosts the world’s largest database of contact center metrics, which is constantly being refreshed with new data. BenchmarkPortal’s mission is to provide contact center managers with the tools and information that will help them optimize their efficiency and effectiveness in their customer communications. For more information on BenchmarkPortal please call 1-800-214-8929 or visit
About Bright MLS
Bright MLS’s real estate service area spans 40,000 square miles throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, including Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia. As a leading multiple listing service (MLS), Bright supports over 95,000 real estate professionals who in turn serve the more than 20 million homeowners in our footprint. In 2020, Bright’s customers facilitated $116.3B in real estate transactions through our system. For more information, please visit
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Christy Reap
202.309.9362 (C)