Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant
x |
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o |
Check the appropriate box: |
o Preliminary Proxy Statement |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
x Definitive Proxy Statement |
o Definitive Additional Materials |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy
Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
x No fee required. |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and
0-11. |
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): |
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
o Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. |
1) Amount Previously Paid: |
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
SEC 1913 (02-02) |
Persons who are to respond to the collection of information
contained in this form are not required to respond unless the form displays a currently valid
OMB control number. |
4666 Faries Parkway, Decatur, Illinois
To All Stockholders:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
of Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, a Delaware corporation, will
be held at the JAMES R. RANDALL RESEARCH CENTER, 1001 Brush
College Road, Decatur, Illinois, on Thursday, November 5,
2009, commencing at 10:30 A.M., for the following purposes:
(1) To elect Directors to hold office until the next Annual
Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors are duly
elected and qualified;
(2) To consider and take action respecting the adoption of
the Archer-Daniels-Midland Company 2009 Incentive Compensation
Plan, recommended by the Board of Directors of the Company;
(3) To ratify the appointment by the Board of Directors of
Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditors to audit the
accounts of the Company for the fiscal year ending June 30,
(4) If properly presented, to consider and act upon the
Stockholders proposal set forth in the accompanying Proxy
Statement; and
(5) To transact such other business as may properly come
before the meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors
D. J. Smith,
September 25, 2009
4666 Faries Parkway, Decatur, Illinois
September 25, 2009
General Matters
Our board of directors asks that you complete the accompanying
proxy for the annual stockholders meeting. The meeting
will be held at the time, place, and location mentioned in the
Notice of Annual Meeting included in this mailing. We are first
mailing our stockholders this proxy statement and a proxy form
(included in this mailing) around September 25, 2009.
We pay the costs of soliciting proxies from our stockholders. We
have retained Georgeson Inc. to help us solicit proxies. We will
pay Georgeson Inc. $23,000 plus reasonable expenses for its
services. Our officers may solicit proxies by means other than
mail. Our other employees or employees of Georgeson Inc. may
also solicit proxies in person or by telephone, mail, or the
internet at a cost we expect will be nominal. We will reimburse
brokerage firms and other securities custodians for their
reasonable expenses in forwarding proxy materials to their
We have a policy of keeping confidential all proxies, ballots,
and voting tabulations that identify individual stockholders.
Such documents are available for examination only by the
inspectors of election, our transfer agent and certain employees
associated with processing proxy cards and tabulating the vote.
We will not disclose any stockholders vote except in a
contested proxy solicitation or as may be necessary to meet
legal requirements.
Our common stock stockholders of record at the close of business
on September 10, 2009 are the only people entitled to
notice of the annual meeting and to vote at the meeting. At the
close of business on September 10, 2009, we had 642,248,767
outstanding shares of common stock, each share being entitled to
one vote on each of the nine director nominees and on each of
the other matters to be voted on at the meeting. Our
stockholders are the only people entitled to attend the annual
meeting. We reserve the right to direct stockholder
representatives with the proper documentation to an alternative
room to observe the meeting.
All stockholders will need a form of photo identification to
attend the annual meeting. If you are a stockholder of record
and plan to attend, please detach the admission ticket from the
top of your proxy card and bring it with you to the meeting. The
number of people we will admit to the meeting will be determined
by how the shares are registered, as indicated on the admission
ticket. If you are a stockholder whose shares are held by a
broker, bank, or other nominee, please request an admission
ticket by writing to our office at Archer-Daniels-Midland
Company, Shareholder Relations, 4666 Faries Parkway, Decatur,
Your letter to our office must include evidence of your stock
ownership. You can obtain evidence of ownership from your
broker, bank, or nominee. The number of tickets sent will be
determined by the manner in which shares are registered. If your
request is received by October 22, 2009, an admission
ticket will be mailed to you. Entities, such as a corporation or
limited liability company, that are stockholders may send one
representative to the annual meeting and the representative
should have a pre-existing relationship with the entity
represented. All other admission tickets can be obtained at the
registration table located at the James R. Randall Research
Center lobby beginning at 8:30 A.M. on the day of the
meeting. Stockholders who do not pre-register will only be
admitted to the meeting upon verification of stock ownership.
The use of cameras, video or audio recorders or other recording
devices in the James R. Randall Research Center is prohibited.
The display of posters, signs, banners or any other type of
signage by any stockholder in the James R. Randall Research
Center is prohibited.
Any request to deviate from the admittance guidelines described
above should be in writing, addressed to our office at
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, Secretary, 4666 Faries Parkway,
Decatur, Illinois
and received by us by October 22, 2009. We will also have
personnel in the lobby of the James R. Randall Research Center
beginning at 8:30 A.M. on the day of the meeting to
consider special requests.
If you properly execute the enclosed proxy form, your shares
will be voted at the meeting. You may revoke your proxy form at
any time prior to voting by:
(1) delivering written notice of revocation to our
(2) delivering to our Secretary a new proxy form bearing a
date later than your previous proxy; or
(3) attending the meeting and voting in person (attendance
at the meeting will not, by itself, revoke a proxy).
Under our bylaws, directors are elected by a majority vote in an
uncontested election (one in which the number of nominees is the
same as the number of directors to be elected) and by a
plurality vote in a contested election (one in which the number
of nominees exceeds the number of directors to be elected).
Because this years election is an uncontested election,
each director nominee receiving a majority of votes cast will be
elected (the number of shares voted for a director
nominee must exceed the number of shares voted
against that nominee). Approval of each other
proposal presented in the proxy statement requires the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding
shares of common stock present in person or by proxy at the
meeting and entitled to vote. Shares not present at the meeting
and shares voting abstain have no effect on the
election of directors. For the other proposals to be voted on at
the meeting, abstentions are treated as shares present or
represented and voting, and therefore have the same effect as
negative votes. Broker non-votes (shares held by brokers who do
not have discretionary authority to vote on the matter and have
not received voting instructions from their clients) are counted
toward a quorum, but are not counted for any purpose in
determining whether a matter has been approved.
Holders of Voting Securities
Based upon filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), we know that the following stockholders are beneficial
owners of more than 5% of our outstanding common stock shares:
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner
Percent of Class
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
and Related Entities
One State Farm Plaza
Bloomington, IL 61710
(1) |
Based on a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on
January 28, 2009, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance
Company and related entities have shared voting and dispositive
power with respect to 280,721 shares and sole voting and
dispositive power with respect to 56,294,742 shares. |
Proposal No. 1
Election of Directors for a One-Year Term
Our board of directors has fixed the size of the board at nine.
Unless you provide different directions, we intend for
board-solicited proxies (like this one) to be voted for the
nominees named below. Mr. Mulroney, a current member of our
board of directors, is not a nominee for re-election, having
reached the board established age guideline for retirement.
Although the nominees proposed for election to the board of
directors are all presently members of the board,
Mr. Felsinger has not previously been elected by our
stockholders. Mr. Felsinger was recommended by the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee after having been
identified by our chief executive officer as a potential nominee.
The nominees would hold office until the next annual
stockholders meeting and until their successors are
elected and qualified. If any nominee for director becomes
unable to serve as a director, we intend that the
persons named in the proxy may vote for a substitute who will be
designated by the board of directors. The board has no reason to
believe that any nominee will be unable to serve as a director.
Our bylaws were amended in February 2007 to require that each
director be elected by a majority of votes cast with respect to
that director in an uncontested election (where the number of
nominees is the same as the number of directors to be elected).
In a contested election (where the number of nominees exceeds
the number of directors to be elected), the plurality voting
standard governs the election of directors. Under the plurality
standard, the number of persons equal to the number of directors
to be elected who receive more votes than the other nominees are
elected to the board, regardless of whether they receive a
majority of the votes cast. Whether an election is contested or
not is determined as of the day before we first mail our meeting
notice to stockholders. This years election was determined
to be an uncontested election, and the majority vote standard
will apply. If a nominee who is serving as a director is not
elected at the annual meeting, Delaware law provides that the
director would continue to serve on the board as a
holdover director. However, under an amendment to
our Corporate Governance Guidelines approved by our board in
February 2007, each director annually submits an advance,
contingent, irrevocable resignation that the board may accept if
the director fails to be elected through a majority vote in an
uncontested election. In that situation, the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee would make a
recommendation to the board about whether to accept or reject
the resignation. The board will act on the Nominating/Corporate
Governance Committees recommendation and publicly disclose
its decision and the rationale behind it within 90 days
after the date the election results are certified. The board
will nominate for election or re-election as director, and will
elect as directors to fill vacancies and new directorships, only
candidates who agree to tender the form of resignation described
above. If a nominee who was not already serving as a director
fails to receive a majority of votes cast at the annual meeting,
Delaware law provides that the nominee does not serve on the
board as a holdover director.
The table below lists the nominees, their ages, positions with
our company, principal occupations, directorships of other
publicly-owned companies, the year in which each first was
elected as a director, and the number of shares of common stock
beneficially owned as of September 10, 2009, directly or
indirectly. Unless otherwise indicated in the footnotes to the
following table, and subject to community property laws where
applicable, we believe that each nominee named in the table
below has sole voting and investment power with respect to the
shares indicated as beneficially owned. Unless otherwise
indicated, all of the nominees have been executive officers of
their respective companies or employed as otherwise specified
below for at least the last five years.
Year First
Name, Age, Principal Occupation or
Position, Directorships of Other
Publicly-Owned Companies
George W. Buckley, 62
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of 3M Company (a
diversified technology company) since December, 2005; Chairman,
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Brunswick
Corporation (a global manufacturer and marketer of recreation
products) from 2000 - December, 2005; served in other executive
positions at Brunswick Corporation from 1997 - 2000;
Director of 3M Company and The Black & Decker
Mollie Hale Carter, 47
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, Sunflower Bank
and Vice President, Star A, Inc. (a farming and ranching
operation); Director of Westar Energy, Inc.
Donald E. Felsinger, 61
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Sempra
Energy (an energy services company); Group President and Chief
Executive Officer of Sempra Global from 1998 through 2004;
Director of Northrup Grumman Corporation
Victoria F. Haynes, 61
President and Chief Executive Officer of RTI International (an
independent, non-profit corporation that performs scientific
research and develops technology); Director of PPG Industries,
Inc. and Nucor Corporation
Antonio Maciel Neto, 52
Chief Executive Officer of Suzano Papel e Celulose (a Brazilian
paper and pulp company) since April, 2006; President of Ford
South America from October, 2003 - April, 2006;
President of Ford Brazil from July, 1999 - October, 2003
Patrick J. Moore, 55
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Smurfit-Stone Container
Corporation (a producer of paperboard and paper-based packaging
products); Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation and its U.S. and
Canadian subsidiaries filed voluntary petitions for
reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code
in January 2009
Thomas F. ONeill, 62
Principal, Sandler ONeill & Partners, L.P. (an
investment banking firm); Director of The Nasdaq OMX Group, Inc.
and Misonix, Inc.
Kelvin R. Westbrook, 54
President and Chief Executive Officer of KRW Advisors, LLC (a
consulting and advisory firm) since October, 2007; Chairman and
Chief Strategic Officer of Millennium Digital Media Systems,
L.L.C. (a broadband services company) (MDM) from
approximately September, 2006 - October, 2007; President and
Chief Executive Officer of Millennium Digital Media, L.L.C. from
May 1997 - October, 2006; Director of Stifel Financial
Corp. and Trust Manager of Camden Property Trust;
Broadstripe, LLC (formerly MDM) and certain of its
affiliates filed voluntary petitions for reorganization under
Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in January, 2009,
approximately fifteen months after Mr. Westbrook resigned
from MDM
Patricia A. Woertz, 56
Chairman since February 2007; President and Chief Executive
Officer since May 2006; previously Executive Vice President of
Chevron Corporation (a diversified energy company); Director of
The Procter & Gamble Company
* |
Less than 1% of outstanding shares |
(1) |
Includes stock units allocated under our Stock Unit Plan for
Nonemployee Directors that are deemed to be the equivalent of
outstanding shares of common stock for valuation purposes. |
(2) |
Includes 2,720,678 shares held in a family foundation or
owned by or in trust for members of Ms. Carters
family and 8,918,000 shares held in a limited partnership. |
(3) |
Includes 289,689 shares that are unissued but are subject
to stock options exercisable within 60 days from the date
of this proxy statement and 615 shares allocated under our
401(k) and Employee Stock Ownership Plan. |
Mr. Mulroney beneficially owns 103,781 shares of
common stock, constituting less than 1% of the outstanding
shares of common stock, which number includes stock units
allocated under our Stock Unit Plan for Nonemployee Directors
that are deemed to be the equivalent of outstanding shares of
common stock for valuation purposes.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the
election of the nine nominees named above as directors. Unless
otherwise indicated on your proxy, your shares will be voted
FOR the election of such nine nominees as directors.
Section 16(a)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Based solely upon a review of copies of reports furnished to us
during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009, the following
person filed the number of late reports or failed to file
reports representing the number of transactions set forth after
his name: D. C. Riddle, 1 report/1 transaction.
Stock Ownership Policy
The board of directors believes that it is important for each
member of our senior management to acquire and maintain a
significant ownership position in shares of our common stock to
further align the interests of senior management with the
stockholders interests. Accordingly, we have adopted a
policy regarding ownership of shares of our common stock by
senior management. The policy calls for members of senior
management to own shares of common stock with a fair market
value within a range of one to five times that individuals
base salary, depending on each individuals level of
responsibility with the company.
Officer Stock Ownership
The following table shows the number of shares of our common
stock beneficially owned as of September 10, 2009, directly
or indirectly, by each of the individuals named in the Summary
Compensation Table on page 28.
Common Stock
Within 60 Days
of Class
P. A. Woertz
S. R. Mills
D. J. Smith
J. D. Rice
E. A. Harjehausen
L. W. Batchelder
* |
Less than 1% of outstanding shares |
(1) |
Includes shares allocated to the accounts of the named
individuals under our 401(k) and Employee Stock Ownership Plan
and, pursuant to SEC rules, stock options exercisable within
60 days. |
Common stock beneficially owned as of September 10, 2009 by
all directors and executive officers as a group, numbering
31 persons including those listed above except for
Mr. Batchelder, is 15,510,904 shares representing
2.42% of the outstanding shares, of which 1,299,394 shares
are unissued but are subject to stock options exercisable within
60 days from the date of this proxy statement.
of Directors
The listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange, or NYSE,
require companies listed on the NYSE to have a majority of
independent directors. Subject to certain exceptions
and transition provisions, the NYSE standards generally provide
that a director will qualify as independent if the
board affirmatively determines that he or she has no material
relationship with our company other than as a director, and will
not be considered independent if:
(1) the director or a member of the directors
immediate family is, or in the past three years has been, one of
our executive officers or, in the case of the director, one of
our employees;
(2) the director or a member of the directors
immediate family has received during any
period within the last three years more than $120,000 per year
in direct compensation from us other than for service as a
director, provided that compensation received by an immediate
family member for service as a non-executive officer employee is
not considered in determining independence;
(3) the director or an immediate family member is a current
partner of one of our independent auditors, the director is
employed by one of our independent auditors, a member of the
directors immediate family is employed by one of our
independent auditors and personally works on our audits, or the
director or a member of the directors immediate family was
within the last three years an employee of one of our
independent auditors and personally worked on one of our audits;
(4) the director or a member of the directors
immediate family is, or in the past three years has been,
employed as an executive officer of a company where one of our
executive officers at the same time serves or served on the
compensation committee; or
(5) the director is a current employee of, or a member of
the directors immediate family is an executive officer of,
a company that makes payments to, or receives payments from, us
in an amount which, in any of the last three fiscal years,
exceeds the greater of $1 million or 2% of such other
companys consolidated gross revenues.
Section 2.8 of our bylaws also provides that a majority of
the board of directors be comprised of independent directors.
Under our bylaws, an independent director means a
director who
(1) is not a current employee or a former member of our
senior management or the senior management of one of our
(2) is not employed by one of our professional services
(3) does not have any business relationship with us, either
personally or through a company of which the director is an
officer or a controlling shareholder, that is material to us or
to the director,
(4) does not have a close family relationship, by blood,
marriage, or otherwise, with any member of our senior management
or the senior management of one of our affiliates,
(5) is not an officer of a company of which our Chairman or
Chief Executive Officer is also a board member,
(6) is not personally receiving compensation from us in any
capacity other than as a director, and
(7) does not personally receive or is not an employee of a
foundation, university, or other institution that receives
grants or endowments from us, that are material to us, the
recipient, or the foundation/university/institution.
The board of directors has reviewed business and charitable
relationships between us and each non-employee director,
including those described below in the Certain Relationships and
Related Transactions section, to determine compliance with the
NYSE and bylaw standards described above and to evaluate whether
there are any other facts or circumstances that might impair a
directors or nominees independence. Based on that
review, the board has determined that eight of its ten current
members, Messrs. Buckley, Felsinger, Maciel, Moore,
ONeill, and Westbrook, Dr. Haynes and
Ms. Carter, are independent. Ms. Woertz is not
independent under the NYSE or bylaw standards because of her
employment with us. Mr. Mulroney is not independent under
our bylaw standards because he is the senior partner of a law
firm that provides professional services to us.
In determining that Mr. Moore is independent, the board
considered that, in the ordinary course of business,
Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation, of which Mr. Moore is
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, purchased approximately
$13.6 million worth of certain commodity products from our
company, and sold approximately $3.7 million worth of
certain products to our company, on an arms-length basis during
the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009. The board determined
that this arrangement did not exceed the NYSEs threshold
of 2% of Smurfit-Stone Container Corporations consolidated
gross revenues, that Mr. Moore does not have a direct or
indirect material interest in such transactions, and that such
transactions do not otherwise impair Mr. Moores
In determining that Ms. Carter is independent, the board
considered that, during all or a portion of the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2009, Ms. Carters brother was
employed by our company in a non-executive officer capacity as a
compliance auditor at total compensation less than $120,000. The
board determined that Ms. Carter does not have a direct or
indirect material interest in such employment relationship and
that such employment relationship does not otherwise impair
Ms. Carters independence. Also in determining that
Ms. Carter is independent, the board considered that,
during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009, the company
purchased from Westar Energy Inc. approximately
$2.6 million of utility services in the ordinary course of
business and on an arms-length basis. Ms. Carter is a
director of Westar Energy Inc. The board determined that this
arrangement did not exceed the NYSEs threshold of 2% of
Westar Energy Inc.s consolidated gross revenues, that
Ms. Carter does not have a direct or indirect material
interest in such utility transactions, and that such utility
transactions do not otherwise impair Ms. Carters
In determining that Mr. Buckley is independent, the board
considered that, in the ordinary course of business, 3M Company,
of which Mr. Buckley is Chairman, President and Chief
Executive Officer, purchased approximately $389,000 of certain
commodity products from our company, and sold approximately
$191,000 of supplies to our company, on an arms-length basis
during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009. The board
determined that this arrangement did not exceed the NYSEs
threshold of 2% of 3M Companys consolidated gross
revenues, that Mr. Buckley does not have a direct or
indirect material interest in such transactions, and that such
transactions do not otherwise impair Mr. Buckleys
In determining that Mr. Felsinger is independent, the board
considered that, in the ordinary course of business, Sempra
Energy, of which Mr. Felsinger is Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer, purchased approximately $1.8 million of
ethanol from our company, and sold approximately that same
amount of ethanol to our company, on an arms-length basis during
the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009. The board determined
that this arrangement did not exceed the NYSEs threshold
of 2% of Sempra Energys consolidated gross revenues, that
Mr. Felsinger does not have a direct or indirect material
interest in such transactions, and that such transactions do not
otherwise impair Mr. Felsingers independence.
Governance Guidelines
The board has adopted corporate governance guidelines that
govern the structure and functioning of the board and set-out
the boards policies on governance issues. The guidelines,
along with the written charters of each of the committees of the
board and our bylaws, are posted on our internet site,, and are
available free of charge on written request to Secretary,
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, 4666 Faries Parkway, Decatur,
In accordance with our corporate governance guidelines, the
non-management directors meet in executive session at least
annually. If the non-management directors include any directors
who are not independent pursuant to the boards
determination of independence, at least one executive session
includes only independent directors. The lead director, or in
his or her absence, the chairperson of the Nominating/Corporate
Governance Committee, presides at such meetings. The
non-management directors met in executive session four times
during fiscal 2009.
Meetings and Attendance at Annual Meetings of
During the last fiscal year, our board of directors held five
regularly scheduled meetings and four special meetings. All
incumbent directors attended 75% or more of the combined total
meetings of the board and the committees on which they served
during the last fiscal year. We expect all director nominees to
attend the annual stockholders meeting. All director
nominees standing for election at our last annual
stockholders meeting held on November 6, 2008
attended that meeting.
Concerning Committees and Meetings
The boards standing committees are the Audit,
Compensation/Succession, Nominating/Corporate Governance, and
Executive Committees. Each committee operates pursuant to a
written charter adopted by the board, available on our internet
The Audit Committee consists of Mr. ONeill,
Chairperson, Mr. Buckley, Ms. Carter and
Dr. Haynes. The Audit Committee met eight times during the
most recent fiscal year. All of the members of the Audit
Committee were determined by the board to be independent
directors, as that term is defined in our bylaws, in the NYSE
listing standards and in Section 10A of the Securities
Exchange Act. No director may serve as a member of the Audit
Committee if such director serves on the audit committees of
more than two other public companies unless the board determines
that such service would not impair such directors ability
to serve effectively on the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee
(1) the overall plan of the annual independent audit;
(2) financial statements;
(3) the scope of audit procedures;
(4) the performance of our independent auditors and
internal auditors;
(5) the auditors evaluation of internal controls;
(6) matters of legal compliance; and
(7) certain relationships and related transactions.
The Compensation/Succession Committee consists of
Mr. Westbrook, Chairperson, and Messrs. Felsinger,
Maciel and Moore. The Compensation/Succession Committee met six
times during the most recent fiscal year. All of the members of
the Compensation/Succession Committee were determined by the
board to be independent directors, as that term is defined in
our bylaws and in the NYSE listing standards. The
Compensation/Succession Committee:
(1) establishes and administers a compensation policy for
senior management;
(2) reviews and approves the compensation policy for all of
our employees and our subsidiaries other than senior management;
(3) approves all compensation elements with respect to our
executive officers and all employees with a base salary of
$500,000 or more;
(4) reviews and monitors our financial performance as it
affects our compensation policies or the administration of those
(5) establishes and reviews a compensation policy for
non-employee directors;
(6) reviews and monitors our succession plans;
(7) approves awards to employees pursuant to our incentive
compensation plans; and
(8) approves modifications in the employee benefit plans
with respect to the benefits salaried employees receive under
such plans.
All of the Compensation/Succession Committees actions are
reported to the board of directors and, where appropriate,
submitted to the board of directors for ratification. Members of
management attend meetings of the committee and make
recommendations to the committee regarding compensation for
officers other than the Chief Executive Officer. In determining
the Chief Executive Officers compensation, the committee
considers the evaluation prepared by the non-management
In accordance with the General Corporation Law of Delaware, the
committee may delegate to one or more officers the authority to
grant stock options to other officers and employees who are not
directors or executive officers, provided that the resolution
authorizing this delegation specify the total number of options
that the officer or officers can award. The charter for the
Compensation/Succession Committee also provides that the
committee may form subcommittees and delegate tasks to them.
The Compensation/Succession Committee regularly consults with
compensation experts from nationally-recognized firms on matters
such as executive compensation philosophy, compensation and
benefit plan design, market information and analyses regarding
executive compensation, the amount and forms of compensation
awarded, and committee processes. In this regard, the
Compensation/Succession Committee engaged Towers Perrin during
fiscal 2009 and met with representatives of that firm in
connection with matters that included:
Analyses of the elements and aggregate value of compensation
paid by our comparator companies to their executive
officers; and
The philosophy behind and structure of revised annual and
long-term incentive arrangements for executive officers (see
Compensation Discussion and Analysis below).
For additional information on the responsibilities and
activities of the Compensation/Succession Committee, including
the committees processes for determining executive
compensation, see the section of this proxy statement entitled
Compensation Discussion and Analysis commencing on
page 11.
Governance Committee
The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee consists of
Ms. Carter, Chairperson, and Messrs. Felsinger, Maciel
and Westbrook. The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee met
four times during the most recent fiscal year. All of the
members of the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee were
determined by the board to be independent directors, as that
term is defined in our bylaws and in the NYSE listing standards.
The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee:
(1) identifies individuals qualified to become members of
the board, including evaluating individuals appropriately
suggested by stockholders in accordance with our bylaws;
(2) recommends individuals to the board for nomination as
members of the board and board committees;
(3) develops and recommends to the board a set of corporate
governance principles applicable to the company; and
(4) leads the evaluation of the directors, the board and
board committees.
In assessing an individuals qualifications to become a
member of the board, the Nominating/Corporate Governance
Committee may consider various factors including education,
experience, judgment, independence, integrity, availability, and
other factors that the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee
deems appropriate. The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee
strives to recommend candidates that complement the current
board members and other proposed nominees so as to further the
objective of having a board that reflects a diversity of
background and experience with the necessary skills to
effectively perform the functions of the board and its
committees. The Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee will
consider nominees recommended by a stockholder provided the
stockholder submits the nominees name in a written notice
delivered to our Secretary at our principal executive offices
not less than 60 nor more than 90 days prior to the
anniversary date of the immediately preceding annual
stockholders meeting. However, if the annual meeting is
called for a date that is not within 30 days before or
after such anniversary date, the notice must be received at our
principal executive offices not later than the close of business
on the tenth day following the day on which such notice of the
date of the annual meeting was mailed or public disclosure of
the date of the annual meeting was made (whichever first
occurs). Different notice delivery requirements may apply if the
number of directors to be elected at an annual meeting is being
increased, and we do not make a public announcement naming all
of the nominees or specifying the size of the increased board at
least 100 days prior to the first anniversary of the
preceding years annual meeting. Any notice of a
stockholder nomination must set forth the information required
by Section 1.4(c) of our bylaws, and must be accompanied by
a written consent from the proposed nominee to being named as a
nominee and to serve as a director if elected, and a written
statement from the proposed nominee as to whether he or she
intends, if elected, to tender the contingent, irrevocable
resignation that would become effective should the individual
fail to receive the required vote for re-election at the next
meeting of stockholders. All candidates, regardless of the
source of their recommendation, are evaluated using the same
The Executive Committee consists of Ms. Woertz,
Chairperson, Mr. Moore, Lead Director, and
Mr. Mulroney. The Executive Committee met once during the
most recent fiscal year and acted once by unanimous written
consent. The Executive Committee acts on behalf of the board to
determine matters which, in the judgment of the Chairman of the
board, do not warrant convening a special board meeting but
should not be postponed until the next scheduled board meeting.
The Executive Committee exercises all the power and authority of
the board in the management and direction of our business and
affairs except for matters which are expressly delegated to
another board committee and matters that cannot be delegated by
the board under applicable law, our certificate of
incorporation, or our bylaws.
with Directors
We have approved procedures for stockholders and other
interested parties to send communications to individual
directors or the non-employee directors as a group. You should
send any such communications in writing addressed to the
applicable director or directors in care of the Secretary,
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, 4666 Faries Parkway, Decatur,
All correspondence will be forwarded to the intended
Code of
The board has adopted a Business Code of Conduct and Ethics that
sets forth standards regarding matters such as honest and
ethical conduct, compliance with law, and full, fair, accurate,
and timely disclosure in reports and documents that we file with
the SEC and in other public communications. The Business Code of
Conduct and Ethics applies to all of our employees, officers,
and directors, including our principal executive officer,
principal financial officer, and principal accounting officer.
The Business Code of Conduct and Ethics is available at our
internet site,, and is available free of
charge on written request to Secretary, Archer-Daniels-Midland
Company, 4666 Faries Parkway, Decatur, Illinois
Any amendments to
certain provisions of the Business Code of Conduct and Ethics or
waivers of such provisions granted to certain executive officers
will be promptly disclosed on our internet site.
Discussion and Analysis
The purpose of the Compensation Discussion and Analysis is to
explain the process the Compensation and Succession Committee
(Committee) uses to determine compensation and
benefits for our named executive officers.
Named executive officers include:
Patricia A. Woertz
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President
Steven R. Mills
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
David J. Smith
Executive Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel
John D. Rice
Executive Vice President (Commercial and Production)
Edward A. Harjehausen
Senior Vice President
Lewis W. Batchelder
Chairman of the Management Board, Toepfer International GmbH
(formerly Senior Vice President)
For fiscal year 2009 (FY09), we exceeded target
financial business plan objectives approved by the board of
directors for return on net assets adjusted for LIFO
(RONA) and net earnings adjusted for LIFO (Net
Earnings). LIFO means
first-out and refers to the practice of valuing inventory
so the most recent costs to the Company are reflected in the
cost of products sold. LIFO is excluded in order to align the
performance metric with the Companys internal management
measures. These metrics are further defined starting on
page 16. We also met or exceeded nonfinancial objectives
approved by the board for Safety and Performance Development.
In addition, as part of ADMs compensation program design,
the Committee retains discretion to consider performance outside
of pre-established objectives to ensure that the program
reflects company performance and managements impact in
achieving that performance. The Committee viewed FY09 to be a
challenging economic environment and a year of mixed results. In
determining FY09 compensation, the Committee took into account
the following:
decline in Net Earnings
absolute decline in stock price
mixed results on total shareholder return (TSR)
versus external benchmarks
safety factors not included in specific safety metrics
company performance and execution of the business plan in light
of the overall economy
leadership development and succession planning
progress on strategic initiatives
capital investments and management of capital projects
compliance with and management oversight of company policies and
management of regulatory and legal challenges
management and oversight of joint ventures and other investments
other financial and non-financial results (on an absolute and
relative basis)
Based on this comprehensive performance assessment, and combined
with a review of the economic environment and competitive
trends, the Committee made the following decisions for our named
executive officers:
salaries remain unchanged for FY10
FY09 annual cash incentives were paid between 84% - 115% of
target, which resulted in a 33% - 67% reduction from FY08
long-term incentive (LTI) awards (granted in
September 2009 based upon FY09 performance) were paid at the
base level. These grant values were 20% - 81%
below FY08 grant values
Specifically for the CEO, her FY09 bonus is 33% below FY08 and
her FY09 LTI grant value is 36% below FY08 grant value.
In FY09, the Committee made the following changes to our
compensation programs:
incorporated individual goals into the annual cash incentive
formally incorporated Committee informed judgment/discretion
into both the annual cash incentive and long-term incentive
eliminated company-sponsored financial planning assistance
extended by one year the period of time over which an automobile
is driven before replacement
instituted a new cash balance pension plan for all employees
hired after January 1, 2009 and transitioned those with
less than 5 years of service as of January 1, 2009
from a final average pay defined benefit pension plan to a cash
balance plan
limited the availability of subsidized retiree medical benefits
to only to those whose combined age and service, as of
January 1, 2009, equals or exceeds 55
eliminated eligibility for retiree life insurance for all
of Executive Compensation
Is The Role Of The Committee?
The Committee is composed of all independent directors and is
responsible to the board of directors and our shareholders for
establishing our compensation philosophy and establishing and
administering our compensation policies and programs. As part of
this responsibility, the Committee:
establishes and administers a compensation policy for senior
management that is competitive with compensation paid by other
companies for comparable responsibilities and performance and is
designed to be supportive of the companys strategy and
shareholders interests
reviews and approves the compensation policy established by
senior management that applies to all employees of the company
and its subsidiaries other than senior management
reviews and monitors our financial performance as it affects our
compensation policies or the administration of such policies
establishes and reviews a compensation policy for non-employee
reviews and monitors our companys succession plans
performs or delegates all settlor functions of the company with
respect to each employee pension or welfare benefit plan
sponsored by us or any of our subsidiaries
seeks input from the board on appropriate issues related to
The Committees charter is available on the investor
relations section of our website. Additional information
regarding the Committees authority to determine
compensation can be found on pages 8 and 9 under the
caption Compensation/Succession Committee.
Is The Role Of The Board?
The non-management directors approve the companys business
plan, which is used to set financial business objectives for the
annual incentive plan. The non-management directors also
establish and approve all performance criteria for evaluating
the CEO and annually evaluate the performance of the CEO based
on these criteria. The non-management directors also ratify the
CEOs compensation. When asked by the Committee, the board
can also provide input and ratification on any additional
compensation-related issues. For FY09, the board provided input
and ratified the following additional compensation items:
compensation of the named executive officers
metrics related to the compensation plan
design changes to the compensation plan
Is The Role Of The Committee Consultant?
The Committee has engaged Towers Perrin as its independent
compensation consultant since April 2008. As the independent
consultant, Towers Perrin reports directly to the Committee.
Towers Perrin provides the Committee with objective and expert
analyses and independent advice on executive and director
Each Committee meeting includes an executive session where the
Committee meets exclusively with Towers Perrin; company
management is not included in these meetings. Outside of these
meetings, Towers Perrin works with our management team solely on
behalf of the Committee to assist the Committee in fulfilling
its duties and responsibilities.
Are The Roles Of Executives?
To assist the Committee in determining compensation for the
other named executive officers, our CEO attends Committee
meetings. She provides the Committee with her assessment of the
named executive officers performance, both as individuals
and with respect to the functions or business units they
oversee. She also recommends to the Committee, but does not
determine, the specific amount of compensation that should be
paid to the named executive officers.
Our Chief Human Resources Officer administers all employee
compensation and benefits programs, with oversight and
supervision by the Committee. He prepares the majority of the
materials for the meetings and provides analyses that assist the
Committee with their decisions, such as summaries of competitive
market practices, summaries of our succession planning actions,
and reports regarding our companys performance to date.
Throughout the year, the General Counsel attended Committee
meetings and assisted on legal issues related to our
compensation and benefit programs. Our executives leave meetings
during discussions of individual compensation actions affecting
them personally and during all executive sessions, unless
requested to attend by the Committee.
Is Our Executive Compensation Philosophy?
We believe compensation programs are critical tools in creating
shareholder value. In support of this philosophy, our current
executive compensation programs are designed to support our
business objectives by:
offering competitive total compensation opportunities
recognizing and rewarding superior financial and operational
placing a significant portion of compensation
at-risk such that executives are subject to clear
financial consequences for underperformance
aligning the interests of named executive officers with those of
our shareholders
attracting and retaining a strong executive team, as well as
motivating the current executive team to develop leadership and
Is The History Of Our Compensation Programs?
To fully understand our current reward programs, it is important
to understand the history of the programs and the impact of
external factors on financial results.
From 1902 until 2003, our compensation programs consisted
primarily of base salary and benefits, with periodic stock
option grants. The primary rationale for this structure was the
challenge of setting business objectives and aligning
compensation with performance in an industry where results are
highly-impacted by external factors, such as weather, crop
disease, government programs, and other factors beyond
managements control.
In 2003, the Committee saw a need to add variable,
performance-based compensation to the compensation
programs both to help drive our companys
business strategy and to respond to market competition for key
talent. Thus, over the last six years, we have significantly
changed our programs to put more compensation
at-risk and align compensation with performance. In
FY03, the Committee introduced a long-term incentive
equity-based program. For FY08, the Committee introduced an
annual cash incentive program. Actions were initially taken at
the executive officer level, and are gradually being implemented
deeper into the employee population.
Each year, the Committee assesses the various compensation
programs and may make adjustments to ensure the programs are
aligned with performance. While the Committee has always
retained discretion over the incentive programs, in FY09
informed judgment (or discretion) was introduced as a formal
component of both the annual and long-term incentive programs.
Under the annual incentive program, our performance is measured
against pre-established
business plan objectives. These objectives contain a series of
assumptions that can be dramatically impacted by events outside
of the control of management. In our long-term incentive
program, the Committee assesses performance over a
period in determining the size of our annual grant. It became
evident that the incentive programs required a formal component
for the Committee to exercise discretion in order to ensure
equity to shareholders and to our employees. The use of informed
judgment is discussed in further detail on page 18.
Compensation And Benefits Are Provided To Named Executives
Officers And Why?
The Committee utilizes the following forms of compensation and
benefits: base salary, annual cash incentives, long-term equity
incentives, benefits and perquisites. The various elements serve
different objectives.
Base salaries and benefits are intended to attract and retain
employees by providing a stable source of income and security
over time. Annual cash incentives are designed to motivate and
reward executives to increase shareholder value by achieving
annual operational and financial objectives, and by
outperforming external benchmarks over a
period. The use of equity compensation aligns the interests of
executives with those of shareholders by driving long-term
shareholder value, supporting stock ownership, and encouraging
retention. The size of long-term equity incentive grants varies
based on performance against internal and external metrics.
Are Target Compensation Levels Determined?
Total direct compensation consists of salary, annual cash
incentive, and long-term equity incentives. In seeking to
provide a competitive target total direct compensation package,
the Committee reviews comparator company compensation data, both
with respect to total direct compensation and compensation
elements, as a
general reference to make compensation decisions, but does not
establish specific compensation parameters based on such data.
The Committee defines competitiveness as providing targeted
total direct compensation between the 40th and 60th percentile
levels of total direct compensation provided by the comparator
group of companies. An individual executives target total
direct compensation may or may not fall within the 40th -
60th percentile range due to other factors considered by the
Committee including individual responsibilities, an
executives experience and tenure, individual performance,
and business objectives.
The Committee used input from management and from its
independent consultant, Towers Perrin, to select the comparator
group of companies. The market comparator references include:
S&P 100 Industrials
Nonfinancial companies participating in the Towers Perrin
Executive Compensation Database with revenue of $20 billion
or greater
Custom industry comparator group, consisting of the
19 companies as shown in the table below
The primary factors considered in compiling this group of
companies included the nature and scope of their business, size,
and location. For 2009, this group consisted of:
Industry Comparator Group
Altria Group Inc
General Mills
Sara Lee Corp
Bunge Ltd.
Hess Corp
Sunoco Inc
Caterpillar Inc
International Paper Company
Tesoro Corp
ConAgra Foods, Inc
Kraft Foods Inc
Tyson Foods Inc
Deere & Co.
Marathon Oil Corp.
Valero Energy Corp
Dow Chemical
DuPont (E.I.) De Nemours
The company does not use this comparator group to assess company
performance. Company performance is assessed using four
benchmarks as described on page 22.
Is The
Majority Of Our Named Executive Officers Compensation
Based On Performance?
As discussed earlier, we are transitioning our compensation
programs from a base salary-focused structure towards a more
variable, performance-based structure. As a result, a
substantial percentage of the target total compensation for the
named executive officers is at-risk. The Committee
reviews the portion of compensation allocated to: (i) fixed
versus variable performance-based compensation,
(ii) short-term versus long-term compensation, and
(iii) cash versus equity-based compensation. We do not have
a predetermined policy for the allocation.
FY09% of Target Total Direct Compensation
Patricia A. Woertz
Steven R. Mills
David J. Smith
John D. Rice
Edward A. Harjehausen
Lewis W. Batchelder
of Compensation
Are Base Salaries Determined?
Base salaries are established based on a named executive
officers position, skills, experience, and
responsibilities. Competitiveness of base salary levels are
assessed annually relative to salaries within the marketplace
for similar executive positions. Increases may be considered for
various factors such as individual performance, changes in
changes in competitive marketplace levels.
Were The Base Salary Increases For Named
Based on managements recommendation, and approved by the
Committee, our newly-appointed Chief Financial Officer was the
only named executive officer to receive a base salary increase
during FY09 to reflect his promotion. Base salary levels for all
other named executives officers were maintained for FY09, and no
named executive officer received a base salary increase for FY10.
The primary reasons for maintaining salary levels include:
movement from primarily a base salary-focused compensation
structure to a performance-based, at-risk
compensation structure. This move requires a gradual shift of
compensation away from salary increases to the annual cash
incentive and long-term incentive programs
remaining consistent with market conditions and trends as they
relate to compensation among comparator companies
Cash Incentives
Is The Annual Cash Incentive Opportunity For Each Named
Executive Officer?
The purpose of the annual cash incentive program is to reward
performance based on the achievement of company, business, and
individual objectives. At the start of each fiscal year, the
Committee approves minimum, target, and maximum annual cash
incentive levels for each named executive officer. Target annual
cash incentive levels are expressed as a percentage of salary.
Target Annual Cash
Minimum Annual
Incentive as % of
Target Annual Cash
Maximum Annual
Cash Incentive ($)
Incentive ($)
Cash Incentive ($)*
Patricia A. Woertz
Steven R. Mills
David J. Smith
John D. Rice
Edward A. Harjehausen
Lewis W. Batchelder
* |
Excludes any business group or individual performance factor
adjustments as described below |
How Do
We Calculate Annual Cash Incentives?
Annual cash incentives are determined by company-wide business
objectives and the Committees independent assessment of
our companys performance. This outcome is then adjusted
within a range of -20% to +20% based on individual and business
group performance.
How Is
The Company Performance Factor Determined?
At the beginning of FY09, the Committee approved the following
company-wide business objectives: (1) RONA, (2) Net
Earnings, (3) Safety, and (4) Performance Development.
Each objective has a weighting in the final company performance
factor, with 30% reserved for the Committees performance
Net Earnings
Performance Development
Committees Informed Judgment of Performance
Each objective is described in greater detail below:
1. RONA: The Committee selected RONA as a
financial metric because RONA
measures the efficient use of both fixed assets and working
capital to support a focus on operating effectiveness
is driven by how we effectively manage Assets and how we grow
Net Earnings
encourages margin enhancement, cost control, and the effective
management of the net assets employed
closely tracks return on equity
is a measure that is definable and easily understood by both
external and internal stakeholders
For the purpose of the cash incentive calculation, return on net
assets adjusted for LIFO (RONA) is defined as total
four quarter trailing adjusted Net Earnings adjusted for
after-tax changes in LIFO inventory valuation reserves expressed
as a percentage of the four quarter average adjusted Net Assets
as adjusted for after-tax LIFO inventory valuation reserves.
Adjusted Net Earnings excludes investment income (interest
income and dividends received), interest expense, and gains and
losses on securities. Net Assets (current assets plus
investments and other assets plus net property, plant and
equipment (total assets) less current and long-term
liabilities) are adjusted to exclude cash and cash equivalents,
long and short-term marketable securities, segregated cash and
investments and long and short-term debt.
The Committee always retains the discretion to exclude the
impact (positive or negative) of extraordinary events from the
calculation of RONA if the Committee determines that the events
were beyond managements control and if the exclusion is
appropriate to align annual cash incentives with performance.
FY09 RONA, excluding a one-time tax event related to Wilmar of
$158 million, was 10.27%, resulting in the achievement of
196.3% of the business objective.
2. Net Earnings: In addition to RONA, the
Committee added Net Earnings as a second financial metric in
FY09 to reduce reliance on a single financial measure. LIFO is
excluded, consistent with the calculation for RONA.
The Committee retains the discretion to exclude the impact of
extraordinary events from the calculation of Net Earnings in the
same way as discussed above for RONA.
FY09 Net Earnings, excluding a one-time tax event related to
Wilmar of $158 million, were $1.543 billion, resulting
in the achievement of 132.3% of the business objective.
3. Safety objectives: The safety
component focuses on achieving improvement in employee,
contractor and process safety. Improvement is measured by
metrics for recordable rate of injury, lost work day rate, and
process safety. For FY09, the safety component also included an
objective tied to the advancement of our Values Based
(a registered trademark of Quality Safety Edge) program. In the
Values Based
program, employees observe their coworkers behaviors and
provide positive feedback to reinforce safe behaviors.
FY09 Safety achievement was 124.9% of the business objective.
4. Performance Development: The
performance development component focuses on the establishment
of and performance related to individual goals, feedback and
development plans. In FY09, senior leaders and their managerial
direct reports were required to complete aligned goals and
achieve a combined average performance rating of meets
expectations. They were also required to complete
individual development plans and have executed on at least one
aspect of their development plan.
FY09 Performance Development achievement was 100% of the
5. Committees Performance
Assessment: In addition to the four business
objectives discussed above, the Committee also uses its informed
judgment to ensure that the annual cash incentive appropriately
reflects our companys performance and managements
efforts in achieving that performance. To provide its informed
judgment, the Committee conducts a rigorous and comprehensive
assessment of internal and external factors. This review
includes absolute performance,
performance, managements control over events not
contemplated in the business plan which materially impacted RONA
and Net Earnings, and performance relative to multiple external
benchmarks. In addition to RONA and Net Earnings, the Committee
focuses on TSR, earnings per share, and return on equity. The
Committee also reviews nonfinancial performance in the areas
such as safety and performance development.
For FY09, the Committee determined no additional award would be
made under the Committees Performance Assessment
component. In making this decision, the Committee considered the
decline in Net Earnings
absolute decline in stock price
mixed results on TSR versus external benchmarks
safety factors not included in specific safety metrics
company performance and execution of the business plan in light
of the overall economy
leadership development and succession planning
progress on strategic initiatives
capital investments and management of capital projects
compliance with and management oversight of company policies and
management of regulatory and legal challenges
management and oversight of joint ventures and other investments
other financial and non-financial results (on an absolute and
relative basis)
The Company Performance Factor for FY09 was 104.6% as shown in
the following table:
Range of
FY09 Minimum to
as % of
FY09 Actual Payout
Amount of
Maximum Objective
FY09 Actual Performance
as % of Target
Total Payout*
Net Earnings
$1-$2 billion
Employees (Global)
Recordable Rate
Lost Work Day Rate
Employee/contractor/ process minimum of
Contractor (OCIP
contractors only)
5-25% improvement from FY08; meet
Recordable Rate
Lost Work Day Rate
Values Based Safety implementation Goals
Process Safety (weighted incidents/hour) Behavior -
implementation of VBS mandates
Performance Development
0%-100% completion
Committee Performance Assessment
Informed judgment
Informed judgment
FY09 Company Performance Factor
* |
Weighting multiplied by FY09 Actual Payout as% of Target |
Are Individual and Business Group Performance Factors
Each of the named executive officers establishes goals with
their immediate supervisor that are aligned with the current and
long-term business plan of our company.
Were The Cash Incentive Payments To Named Officers For
Patricia A. Woertz
Steven R. Mills
David J. Smith
John D. Rice
Edward A. Harjehausen
Lewis W. Batchelder
* |
Includes company, business group and individual performance
factors |
Long-Term Incentives
Our LTI program the (LTI Program) aligns the
interests of executives with those of shareholders by driving
long-term shareholder value, supporting stock ownership, and
encouraging long-term service with the company. In the following
sections, we discuss the process for determining grants
delivered under our LTI Program.
Our LTI awards are determined based upon the Committees
assessment of performance during the prior three fiscal years.
For example, equity grants made in September 2009 reflected
FY07-FY09 performance.
This concept of making grants based on the assessment of prior
performance is similar in approach to our cash annual incentive
plan (i.e., cash incentive awards paid in early FY10 are based
upon performance achieved in FY09). However, due to the current
SEC disclosure rules, these recent grants will not appear in the
Grants of Plan-Based Awards table until next year because the
SEC requires companies to report LTI awards granted during the
fiscal year, not based on the fiscal years performance.
As a result, we will discuss grants made in both August 2008 and
in September 2009.
Grants made in August 2008 are reported in our Grants of
Plan-Based Awards table on page 31 because the grant dates
occurred during FY09. These grants reflect performance prior to
FY09, specifically for the three-year performance period,
FY06 FY08.
Grants made in September 2009 reflect performance for the
period ending June 2009. These awards will not be reported in
the Grants of Plan-Based Awards table until next years
proxy statement in accordance with the current SEC disclosure
Did We Determine LTI Awards Granted In August
At the start of the fiscal year, target LTI grant values are
determined for each named executive officer. The target levels
are stated as a percentage of base salary.
Target Grant Value
as % of Salary
Target Grant Value
Patricia A. Woertz
Steven R. Mills
David J. Smith
John D. Rice
Edward A. Harjehausen
Lewis W. Batchelder
The actual grant could range from 0% 200% of the
target grant value based on weighted average RONA over a
period, with more weight given to the final fiscal years
results in order to place more focus on and provide a greater
incentive for performance in the most recent year:
FY06 25%, FY07 25%, and FY08
50%. Our actual weighted average RONA performance during this
performance period was 13.35%, which resulted in an incentive
earned percentage of 200%.
Performance Levels as Weighted
Payout of Equity Incentive
Average of RONA for FY06-FY08
Awards Earned as %
As a result of this performance, in August 2008, our named
executive officers received equity grants with a value of 200%
of their target grant. These grants were delivered in equal
portions of stock options and restricted shares, based on the
fair market value on the grant date. Both stock options and
restricted shares are valued on the grant date using a
Black-Scholes pricing model. Because our fair market valuation
considers the vesting restrictions associated with the equity
grants, this valuation differs slightly from the valuation
utilized for accounting purpose.
Stock options were granted at an exercise price equal to fair
market value in accordance with the 2002 Incentive Compensation
Plan. The options vest incrementally over five years and can be
exercised during a ten-year period following the date of grant.
Restricted shares vest three years after the date of grant.
All awards granted under the LTI Program vest immediately if
control of the company changes or upon the death of the
executive. Awards continue to vest if the executive leaves the
company because of disability or retirement. The Committee
believes that these provisions are appropriate to assure named
executive officers stay focused on the long-term success of the
company during a sale of the company or amidst certain personal
circumstances. These provisions also increase the value of the
awards to the named executive officers which, in turn, enhances
Additional Performance-Based Stock Option Grant for the CEO:
In addition to participating in the LTI Program,
Ms. Woertz was eligible to receive an additional
performance-based stock option award for her performance for
FY08. The Committee provided this additional opportunity to
incent Ms. Woertz to further enhance company performance
and shareholder value. The potential payout value range was from
0% to 308% of her base salary. The Committee determined the
actual payout based on its discretionary evaluation of
Ms. Woertz performance in FY08. The primary factors
considered were:
favorable financial performance on an absolute and relative basis
progress in leadership re-organization and talent management
advancements in the strategic planning process
As a result of this evaluation, the Committee determined that
Ms. Woertz was entitled to an award with a value equal to
208% of her base salary and granted stock options with respect
to 307,167 shares with an exercise price of $26.03 per
Equity Grants made in August 2008 (reflecting FY06-FY08
Options (#)
Shares (#)
LTI Program
Patricia A. Woertz
options grant
Steven R. Mills
David J. Smith
John D. Rice
Edward A. Harjehausen
Lewis W. Batchelder
Did We Determine LTI Awards Granted In September
The Committee adopted a new LTI design for FY09 (FY09 LTI
Program). Under the FY09 LTI Program, the Committee
determined that the named executive officers could receive a
base award in an amount designed to align target
total compensation between the
percentiles. Base awards are granted if Net Earnings exceed the
sum of the dividend payments and after-tax interest expenses.
The base award helps to ensure that the FY09 LTI Program is
competitive. The FY09 LTI Program allows executives an
opportunity to earn additional long-term incentive awards that
recognize differing levels of above-target performance and, at
maximum, could result in top quartile pay.
The Committee used its discretion and informed judgment and
granted a base award for FY09. In making this
decision, the Committee considered absolute and relative
performance for the FY07-FY09 period. The Committee primarily
focused on the following two factors but also took into account
the additional factors discussed on page 18:
absolute decline in stock price
mixed results on TSR versus external benchmarks
As a result, LTI awards granted in September 2009 for FY07-FY09
performance decreased by 26% 82% for the named
executive officers relative to the August 2008 grants. A
comparison of grant values for August 2008 versus September 2009
for our named executive officers is provided in the table below.
For Ms. Woertz, the August 2008 LTI Accounting Value
includes both her award under the LTI Program and the additional
performance-based option grant described on page 21.
September 2009 LTI
August 2008 LTI
Value ($)
Value ($)
% Decline
Patricia A. Woertz
Steven R. Mills
David J. Smith
John D. Rice
Edward A. Harjehausen
Lewis W. Batchelder
The September 2009 grants were awarded in 50% stock options, 25%
restricted shares, and 25% performance share units
(PSUs) based on the fair value on the grant date.
PSUs are a new LTI vehicle for our company, and were granted in
lieu of a comparable value of earned restricted shares.
The Committee utilized (for the first time) PSUs in September
2009, to further enhance managements focus on TSR on both
an absolute and relative basis. Executives have an opportunity
to earn 1/3 of the PSUs over a 1-year performance period, 2/3
over a 2-year performance period and all PSUs over a 3-year
performance period if our TSR exceeds the average TSR of four
benchmarks over the respective performance periods. Any earned
PSUs will vest and be paid in shares of our common stock if the
executive remains employed for the full 3-year performance
period. The four TSR benchmarks are:
1. S&P 500
2. Russell 3000 companies with an S&P industry
classification of Food, Beverage & Tobacco
3. S&P 500 Consumer Staples
4. Average of Bunge Ltd., ConAgra Foods, Inc. and Corn
Products International Inc.
All equity grants made in September 2009 are valued on the grant
date using a Black-Scholes pricing model. Since our fair market
valuation considers the vesting restrictions associated with the
equity grants, this valuation differs slightly from the
valuation utilized for accounting purposes.
Stock options and restricted shares are structured identically
to the August 2008 grants, as discussed in the above
section. PSUs have the same vesting provisions with respect to
termination of employment and change of control as stock options
and restricted shares as explained on pages 39 and 40.
Grants made in September 2009 (reflecting FY07-FY09
(These grants will be presented in the Grants of Plan-Based
Awards table in our 2010 proxy statement.)
(base award)
Stock Units (#)
Patricia A. Woertz
Steven R. Mills
David J. Smith
John D. Rice
Edward A. Harjehausen
Lewis W. Batchelder
The Company Have A Policy For When Grants Are
The Committee grants all equity awards to named executive
officers, and no attempt is made to time the granting of these
awards in relation to the release of material, non-public
information. The exercise price of all stock options is set at
fair market value (as determined in accordance with the
applicable Incentive Compensation Plan) on the grant date. Under
the 2002 Incentive Compensation Plan and proposed 2009 Incentive
Compensation Plan, fair market value is the closing market price
on the last trading day prior to the date of grant. The
Committee meets during the first fiscal quarter of the following
fiscal year and determines the annual equity awards granted to
named executive officers. These awards are issued promptly
following the date of the Committees meeting and approval.
In addition to annual awards, the named executive officers may
receive awards when they join the company or change their
status, including promotions.
Retirement Benefits Are Provided?
The company provides the following programs to named executive
officers to support the attraction, retention and motivation of
these employees. With few exceptions, our philosophy is to offer
the same benefits to all U.S. salaried employees as is
offered to our named executive officers.
Retirement Program
401(k) Plan/
Employee Stock
Ownership Plan
All salaried employees
Qualified defined contribution plan where employees may defer up
to 50% of eligible pay, up to $16,500. The company provides a
1% employer contribution and a match of 4% on the first 6%
contributed by an employee. The employee contribution can be
made pre-tax (401(k)) or after-tax (Roth 401(k)). In addition,
employees who are 50 years of age or older can elect
make-up contributions of up to $5,500 each year.
Retirement Plan for
Salaried Employees
All salaried employees
Those with 5 or more years of service as of January 1, 2009,
participate in a qualified defined benefit plan where the
benefit is based on number of years of service and base salary
during the later stages of employment. Those with less than
5 years of service as of January 1, 2009 participate in a
qualified cash balance pension plan where the benefit is based
on an accrual of benefit based on that years base
Retirement Plan
Employees whose
retirement benefit is
limited by applicable IRS law
Non-qualified deferred compensation plan that ensures
participants in the Retirement Plan receive an aggregate
retirement benefit that would have been received if not for
certain limitations under applicable tax law.
Compensation Plan
Employees with salaries
above $175,000
Eligible participants may defer up to 75% of their annual base
salary and up to 100% of their annual cash incentive until
specific future dates. Earning credits are added to the
deferred compensation account balances based upon hypothetical
investment elections available under these plans and chosen by
the participant. These hypothetical investment options
correspond with the investment options (other than Company
common stock) available under the 401(k) Plan/Employee Stock
Ownership Plan.
Other Benefits Are Provided To Named Executive
We provide a benefits package for employees and their
dependents, portions of which may be paid for by the employee.
Benefits include: life, health (including prescription drug),
dental, vision, and disability insurance; dependent and
healthcare reimbursement accounts; tuition reimbursement; paid
time-off; holidays;
and a matching gifts program for charitable contributions. Named
executive officers have the same benefits package as other
Perquisites Are Provided To Named Executive
We no longer provide company-sponsored financial planning
assistance as a perquisite. An annual automobile allowance is
provided but the period of time over which an automobile is
driven before replacement has been extended by one year. We
continue to provide Ms. Woertz with personal use of
company-owned aircraft. Given the location of our headquarters
in Decatur, Illinois, the Committee requires that she have
access to the aircraft for personal use for security and
efficiency reasons. Ms. Woertz is responsible for any taxes
on imputed income related to the provision of this perquisite.
Direct Compensation
Was Total Direct Compensation For FY09?
The Summary Compensation Table, found on page 28, presents
the accounting expense recognized during each fiscal year with
respect to LTI grants outstanding during each year. As a result,
we believe it is helpful to provide a supplemental compensation
table showing total direct compensation with the value of LTI
grants made in September 2009 for FY07-FY09 performance. The
following table shows:
salary received in the given year
annual cash incentive awards for that years performance
equity grants for that years performance
This table is not intended to replace the Summary Compensation
Table, but rather to provide a summary of the Committees
decisions about total direct compensation for our named
executive officers as a result of each years performance.
Annual Cash
Equity Grants
Total Direct
(grant date value)
% Change
Patricia A. Woertz
Steven R. Mills
David J. Smith
John D. Rice
Edward A. Harjehausen
Lewis W. Batchelder
The Equity Grants column in the table above reflects the grant
date values of the respective equity grants. If accounting
values were reflected, the percentage decrease with respect to
the value of Ms. Woertzs FY2009 equity grant compared
to her FY2008 equity grant would be 35.6%. The percentage
decreases with respect to the other named executive officers
would be essentially unchanged from the percentage decreases
shown in the table.
How Is
The Summary Compensation Table Different?
The following table shows the reconciliation for FY09 between
the Total Direct Compensation table on page 24 and the
total compensation disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table
on page 28. To reconcile the two tables, the adjustments
adding the September 2009 LTI grant for FY09 performance
subtracting the accounting expense recognized during FY09 for
all equity grants, which include prior year grants
subtracting the change in pension value and all other
compensation from the summary compensation table
Grant Date
Change in
Value of LTI
Awarded in
Value and
2009 for
During FY09
All Other
for All Equity
Total Direct
Table Total
Patricia A. Woertz
Steven R. Mills
David J. Smith
John D. Rice
Edward A. Harjehausen
Lewis W. Batchelder
Agreements, Severance, and
Do Any
Named Executive Officers Have Employment
Only Ms. Woertz, our CEO, has an employment agreement,
which was entered into May 2006 when she joined our company. The
employment agreement provides for employment at will
and does not have a specified contract term.
Ms. Woertzs compensation has been determined to a
significant degree by the terms of her employment agreement. At
the time it was being negotiated, the Committee retained
Frederic W. Cook & Co., Inc., an outside compensation
expert, specifically to advise it with respect to
Ms. Woertzs compensation. Prior to approving the
employment agreement, the Committee considered the advice of
this expert, analyzed information regarding the total
compensation provided to the chief executive officers of other
public companies of a comparable size, and considered the
attributes Ms. Woertz would bring to the positions of
President and Chief Executive Officer in the context of the
competitive marketplace and the greater responsibilities of the
President and Chief Executive Officer relative to other Company
Under her employment agreement, she is provided benefits upon
termination without cause or resignation for good reason as
cash severance of 2x salary and target bonus
2 years of health and welfare benefits
2 years of age and service credit for the retirement plan
2 additional years of vesting for outstanding equity awards
If the termination occurs within 2 years of
her cash severance multiple is increased to 3x, benefits are
increased to 3 years, and all equity will vest upon a
In addition, if the payments exceed the IRS statutory limit and
result in a penalty excise tax, she will receive a
payment to cover the tax.
Ms. Woertz is also subject to a
non-compete and
non-solicitation provision following termination without cause
or resignation for good reason.
Do The
Remaining Named Executive Officers Have Severance
Yes, the remaining named executive officers are covered under
the Companys Severance Policy. Upon a termination without
cause or resignation for good reason, an executive receives the
2x salary (Committee has discretion for additional consideration)
healthcare coverage will be extended for up to one-year
severance period plus one additional year of vesting for any
grants made after 2004
50% of the market value of pre-2004 equity grants that are
unvested will be paid in cash
If a
occurs, all outstanding equity will vest.
In addition, at the request of the Company, each executive would
be subject to a non-compete and non-solicitation agreement.
Executive Compensation Policies
The Company Require Stock Ownership?
The Committee has adopted stock ownership guidelines for our
executives, including the named executive officers. As of
June 30, 2009, each of the named executive officers had
achieved or exceeded the guideline.
Guideline as a
Multiple of Salary
Patricia A. Woertz
Steven R. Mills
David J. Smith
John D. Rice
Edward A. Harjehausen
Lewis W. Batchelder
The Company Have A Recoupment Policy?
In addition to meeting the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley, our
equity grant programs have specific recoupment provisions.
There Policies In Place That Prohibit The Sale Or Purchase Of
Stock By Named Executives?
Named executive officers are strongly encouraged not to engage
in hedging ADM stock in any way, including the
purchase or sale of any equity derivatives. We also impose
limits on the permitted timing of equity transactions by our
named executive officers.
The Committee Consider Section 162(m) Of The Internal
Revenue Code In The Design Of Executive Compensation
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code generally
disallows a tax deduction to public corporations for
compensation paid in excess of $1 million annually to the
CEO and the three other most highly-compensated executive,
excluding the Chief Financial Officer, except for qualifying
performance-based compensation. Because the
CEOs salary exceeds $1 million, a portion will not be
tax deductible. Although elements of our FY09 annual and
long-term incentive awards are designed to be performance-based
and comply with 162(m), the Committee retains the discretion to
provide compensation that may not be tax deductible if it feels
these actions are in the best interests of the Company and its
stockholders. The Committee believes that the amount of any
expected loss of a tax deduction under Section 162(m) will
be insignificant to the Companys overall tax position.
Does The Company Account For Equity Grants?
We account for stock-based payments under the requirements of
SFAS 123(R). A complete discussion of the assumptions made
as well as the financial impact of this type of compensation can
be found in Note 9 of the Consolidated Financial Statements
in our
Form 10-K
for the year ended June 30, 2009.
Does The Company Address 409A?
All plans and employee agreements were reviewed and amended in
order to comply with 409A, a provision in the Internal Revenue
code that imposes restrictions on deferred compensation and
penalties on covered participants for failure to comply.
Does The Company Address Liabilities Associated With Retirement
The Committee is mindful that the non-qualified deferred
compensation and supplemental retirement plans create financial
statement liabilities. Therefore, the company attempts to hedge
the deferred compensation plan liabilities by directing the
named executive officers elective deferrals into a
separate account and then investing such account in a manner
consistent with the hypothetical investments elected by
participants. We do not set amounts aside in a rabbi
trust for the benefit of participants in the deferred
compensation or supplemental retirement plans. However, the
deferred compensation plans have rabbi trust funding
triggers in the event of a potential change in control of the
Company. This trigger provides some measure of assurance to
employees that amounts they have chosen to defer from their
current compensation will be held for their benefit, subject to
creditor claims as required under the applicable tax law. In
maintaining the non-qualified plans, the Committee has duly
considered that the federal income tax deduction available to
the company occurs at the same time that participants are paid
benefits from the applicable plan.
The company is required to fund its qualified pension plans in a
manner consistent with the minimum funding requirements of the
Internal Revenue Code and the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act (ERISA). Historically, the company has
made contributions in excess of the minimum to maintain its
plans at or near a full funding level relative to the accrued
benefit obligation.
Committee Report
The Compensation/Succession Committee has reviewed and discussed
the Compensation Discussion and Analysis with management. Based
upon this review and discussion, the Compensation/Succession
Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this proxy
K. R. Westbrook, Chairperson
D. E. Felsinger
A. Maciel
P. J. Moore
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
None of the members of the Compensation/Succession Committee is
or has been an employee of our company or any of our
subsidiaries. There are no interlocking relationships between
our company and other entities that might affect the
determination of the compensation of our executive officers.
Compensation Table
The following table summarizes the compensation for the fiscal
years noted in the table of our principal executive officer,
principal financial officer, our three other most
highly-compensated executive officers who were serving as
executive officers on June 30, 2009, and an individual who
would have been included among the three most highly-compensated
executive officers, other than the principal executive officer
and principal financial officer, but for the fact that he was no
longer serving as an executive officer on June 30, 2009
(collectively, the named executive officers).
Change in
Pension Value
All Other
Name and Principal Position
($) (1)
($) (1)
P. A. Woertz
Chairman, CEO and
S. R. Mills
Executive Vice President and CFO
D. J. Smith
Executive Vice
President, Secretary and General Counsel
J. D. Rice
Executive Vice
E. A. Harjehausen
Senior Vice President
L. W. Batchelder
Senior Vice
(1) |
The amounts shown for stock and option awards represent the
dollar amount of compensation expense recognized for financial
statement reporting purposes during fiscal years 2009, 2008 and
2007, respectively, in connection with all outstanding grants of
options and restricted stock (including grants made in prior
fiscal years) to each of the listed officers. We calculated
these amounts in accordance with the provisions of
SFAS No. 123(R) based on the grant date fair value of
the awards utilizing the assumptions discussed in Note 9 to
our financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30,
2009, and in Note 8 to our financial statements for the
fiscal years ended June 30, 2008 and 2007, respectively. We
recognize compensation expense over the service period
applicable to a particular grant, which is typically the period
over which the grant vests and/or becomes exercisable, and do
not adjust the expense based on actual experience; however, for
retirement-eligible executive officers, commencing in fiscal
year 2006 the stock and option awards have been fully-expensed
during the fiscal year in which the awards are made. This
difference in accounting for stock and option awards under
SFAS No. 123(R) results in substantial variability in
the amounts shown in these columns between retirement-eligible
executive officers and nonretirement-eligible executive officers
in the Summary Compensation Table. The amount of compensation
expense is not affected by subsequent changes in the price of
our common stock. |
(2) |
Represents cash bonus related to fiscal year 2009, paid in
September 2009. |
(3) |
Each amount shown represents the annualized change (12/15 of the
aggregate change) in actuarial present value of the named
executive officers accumulated benefit under all defined
benefit and actuarial pension plans from the pension plan
measurement date for plan year 2008 (March 31, 2008) to the
measurement date for plan year 2009 (June 30,
2009) using the same assumptions used for financial
reporting purposes |
except that retirement age is assumed to be the normal
retirement age (65) specified in the plans. No named
executive officer received above market or preferential earnings
on deferred compensation. To derive the change in pension value
for financial reporting purposes, the assumptions used to value
pension liabilities on March 31, 2008 were interest of
6.75% and mortality determined under RP2000CH projected to 2015
using Scale AA and the assumptions used to value pension
liabilities on June 30, 2009 were interest of 6.25% and
mortality determined under RP2000CH projected to 2016 using
Scale AA. |
(4) |
Includes the following items for Ms. Woertz: |
$8,852 for payment of taxes in connection with the
companys payment of expenses related to personal financial
planning advice; |
$12,250 in matching contributions under our 401(k) and Employee
Stock Ownership Plan; and |
Perquisites and personal benefits whose aggregate incremental
cost to us totaled $51,705, which included: |
$26,242 for personal use of company-owned aircraft; and |
Amounts related to personal use of company-owned automobile, and
payment of expenses related to personal financial planning
advice, home telephone, internet service and security systems. |
(5) |
Includes the following items for Mr. Mills: |
$6,426 for payment of taxes in connection with the
companys payment of expenses related to personal financial
planning advice; |
$12,250 in matching contributions under our 401(k) and Employee
Stock Ownership Plan; and |
Perquisites and personal benefits whose aggregate incremental
cost to us totaled $18,194, which included expenses related to
personal financial planning advice, home security system and
personal use of company-owned automobile. |
(6) |
Includes the following items for Mr. Smith: |
$6,492 for payment of taxes in connection with the
companys payment of expenses related to personal financial
planning advice; |
$12,250 in matching contributions under our 401(k) and Employee
Stock Ownership Plan; and |
Perquisites and personal benefits whose aggregate incremental
cost to us totaled $19,918, which included expenses related to
personal financial planning advice, personal use of
company-owned automobile, and reimbursement of expenses related
to home telephone system. |
(7) |
Includes the following items for Mr. Rice: |
$6,417 for reimbursement of taxes in connection with the
companys payment of expenses related to personal financial
planning advice; |
$12,250 in matching contributions under our 401(k) and Employee
Stock Ownership Plan; and |
Perquisites and personal benefits whose aggregate incremental
cost to us totaled $20,428, which included expenses related to
personal financial planning advice, personal use of
company-owned automobile, and reimbursement of expenses related
to home telephone system. |
(8) |
Includes the following items for Mr. Harjehausen: |
$6,446 for payment of taxes in connection with the
companys payment of expenses related to personal financial
planning advice;
$12,250 in matching contributions under our 401(k) and Employee
Stock Ownership Plan; and
Perquisites and personal benefits whose aggregate cost to us
totaled $19,072, which included expenses related to personal
financial planning advice and personal use of company-owned
(9) Effective November 6, 2008, Mr. Batchelder no
longer serves in an executive officer capacity.
(10) Includes the following items for Mr. Batchelder:
$227 for payment of taxes in connection with the companys
payment of expenses related to personal financial planning
advice, $590,351 for payment of certain foreign taxes, $12,765
related to certain social tax
and $50,800 for payment of taxes in connection with the
companys payment of certain expatriate expenses;
$23,750 in matching contributions under our 401(k) and Employee
Stock Ownership Plan;
Perquisites and personal benefits whose aggregate incremental
cost to us totaled $26,710 which included expenses related to
personal financial planning advice, personal use of
company-owned automobile, and reimbursement of expenses related
to home security system; and
Amounts payable pursuant to our expatriate policy which totaled
$251,783 and included a $155,359 goods and services
differential, and amounts relating to tax equalization and tax
preparation, education assistance, home leave and housing
Aggregate incremental cost to our company of perquisites and
personal benefits is determined as follows. In the case of
payment of expenses related to home phone, internet service and
security systems, incremental cost is determined by the amounts
paid to third-party providers. In the case of personal use of
company-owned aircraft, incremental cost is based solely on the
cost per hour to the company to operate the aircraft, and does
not include fixed costs that do not change based on usage, such
as purchase costs of the aircraft and non-trip-related hangar
expenses. Our direct operating cost per hour of an aircraft is
based on the actual costs of fuel, on-board catering, aircraft
maintenance, landing fees, trip-related hangar and parking
costs, and smaller variable costs, divided by the number of
hours the aircraft was operated during the year. In the case of
personal use of company-owned automobiles, incremental cost is
based on the direct costs to operate the vehicle, such as
maintenance, fuel, registration and parking fees, and does not
include fixed costs to acquire or lease the vehicle. In the case
of personal financial planning advice, education assistance and
travel expenses, incremental cost is the amount paid to the
service providers.
In connection with the election of Ms. Woertz as our
President and Chief Executive Officer, we and Ms. Woertz
entered into Terms of Employment dated as of April 27,
2006. Pursuant to the Terms of Employment, the board approved an
initial annual salary for Ms. Woertz of $1,200,000 and
approved a target annual bonus of at least 125% of her annual
salary. Pursuant to the Terms of Employment, there shall be no
reduction in Ms. Woertzs initial $1,200,000 annual
salary as a result of subsequent salary reviews. Payment of a
target bonus to Ms. Woertz was guaranteed for fiscal 2007.
Ms. Woertz is also entitled to receive, pursuant to the
Terms of Employment, other benefits and perquisites comparable
to those received by her predecessor as Chief Executive Officer
or, if more favorable, other ADM senior officers. Provisions of
Ms. Woertzs Terms of Employment relating to
termination of her employment and change of control of our
company are described below in the Termination of
Employment and Change-in-Control Arrangements section.
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards During Fiscal 2009
The following table summarizes the grants of plan-based awards
made to our named executive officers during the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2009.
All Other
All Other
Grant Date
Number of
or Base
Fair Value
of Shares
Price of
of Stock
of Stock
Price on the
or Units
Date of
Grant Date
($/Sh) (1)
Grant ($)
Awards ($) (2)
P. A. Woertz
S. R. Mills
D. J. Smith
J. D. Rice
E. A. Harjehausen
L.W. Batchelder
(1) |
Exercise price was determined by using the closing market price
of a share of our common stock on the New York Stock Exchange on
the trading day immediately prior to the grant date. |
(2) |
The grant date fair value is generally the amount the company
would expense in its financial statements over the awards
service period under SFAS No. 123(R). |
All of the awards in the table above were granted under our 2002
Incentive Compensation Plan. All of the awards shown in the
All Other Stock Awards column in the table above are
restricted stock awards, and all of these awards vest in full
three years after the date of grant. Under the terms of the
restricted stock award agreement pertaining to each of these
awards, the recipient of the award may vote and receive cash
dividends on restricted shares prior to their vesting date, but
may not transfer or pledge the shares in any manner prior to
vesting. Dividends on restricted shares are paid at the same
rate as dividends to our stockholders generally. Vesting
accelerates upon the death of the award recipient or a change in
control of our company, and continues in accordance with the
original vesting schedule if employment ends as a result of
disability or retirement. If employment ends for other reasons,
unvested shares are forfeited. In addition, if an award
recipients employment is terminated for cause, or if the
recipient breaches a non-competition or confidentiality
restriction or participates in an activity deemed by us to be
detrimental to our company, the recipients unvested shares
will be forfeited, and any shares that have already vested must
be returned to us or the recipient must pay us the amount of the
shares fair market value as of the date they vested.
All of the awards shown in the All Other Option
Awards column in the table above are non-qualified stock
option awards, vest and become exercisable in five equal annual
installments commencing on the first anniversary of the grant
date, and must be exercised within ten years after the grant
date. The exercise price may be paid in cash or by delivering
shares of our common stock that are already owned by the award
recipient and that have been held for at least six months. Tax
withholding obligations resulting from the exercise may be paid
by surrendering a portion of the shares being acquired, subject
to certain conditions. Under the terms of the stock option
agreement pertaining to each of these awards, vesting and
exercisability accelerate upon the death of the recipient or
change in control of our company, and continue in accordance
with the original vesting schedule if employment ends as a
result of disability or retirement. If employment ends for other
reasons, a recipient forfeits any interest in the unvested
portion of any option, but retains the right to exercise the
previously vested portion of any option for a period of three
months. In addition, if an award recipients employment is
terminated for cause, or if the recipient breaches a
non-competition or confidentiality restriction or participates
in an activity deemed by us to be detrimental to our company,
recipients right to exercise any unexercised options will
terminate, the recipients right to receive option shares
will terminate, and any shares already issued upon exercise of
the option must be returned to us in exchange for the lesser of
the shares then-current fair market value or the price
paid for the shares, or the recipient must pay us cash in the
amount of the gain realized by the recipient from the exercise
of the option.
The impact of a termination of employment or change in control
of our company on restricted stock and stock option awards held
by our named executive officers is quantified in the
Termination of Employment and
Arrangements section below.
Equity Awards at Fiscal 2009 Year-End
The following table summarizes information regarding unexercised
stock options and unvested restricted stock awards for the named
executive officers as of June 30, 2009.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Number of
Value of
Shares or
Shares or
Units of
Units of
Stock that
Stock that
have not
have not
P. A. Woertz
S. R. Mills
D. J. Smith
J. D. Rice
E. A. Harjehausen
L.W. Batchelder
(1) |
Calculated by multiplying the closing market price of a share of
our common stock on the New York Stock Exchange on June 30,
2009, which was $26.77, by the number of shares or units that
have not vested. |
(2) |
Stock options vest at the rate of 20% of the initial grant per
year, with remaining vesting dates on August 8 of 2009, 2010,
2011, 2012 and 2013. |
(3) |
Stock options vest at the rate of 20% of the initial grant per
year, with remaining vesting dates on August 3 of 2009, 2010,
2011 and 2012. |
(4) |
Stock options vest at the rate of 20% of the initial grant per
year, with remaining vesting dates on May 1 of 2010 and 2011. |
(5) |
Stock options vest at the rate of 20% of the initial grant per
year, with remaining vesting dates on August 10 of 2009, 2010
and 2011. |
(6) |
Stock options vest at the rate of 20% of the initial grant per
year, with remaining vesting dates on August 8 of 2009 and 2010. |
(7) |
Stock options vest at the rate of 20% of the initial grant per
year, with remaining vesting dates on August 19 of 2009. |
(8) |
Stock options vest at the rate of 11.1% of the initial grant per
year, with remaining vesting dates on October 14 of 2009, 2010,
2011 and 2012. |
(9) |
Stock options vest at the rate of 11.1% of the initial grant per
year, with remaining vesting dates on August 8 of 2009, 2010 and
2011. |
(10) |
Restricted share awards vest as to 266,360 shares on
August 3, 2010 and 185,714 shares on August 8,
2011. |
(11) |
Restricted share awards vest as to 22,891 shares on
August 10, 2009, 40,398 shares on August 3, 2010
and 31,837 shares on August 8, 2011. |
(12) |
Restricted share awards vest as to 43,948 shares on
August 10, 2009, 56,023 shares on August 3, 2010
and 38,163 shares on August 8, 2011. |
(13) |
Restricted share awards vest as to 43,166 shares on
August 10, 2009, 55,028 shares on August 3, 2010
and 37,551 shares on August 8, 2011. |
(14) |
Restricted share awards vest as to 31,639 shares on
August 10, 2009, 40,522 shares on August 3, 2010
and 27,755 shares on August 8, 2011. |
(15) |
Restricted share awards vest as to 37,442 shares on
August 10, 2009, 47,732 shares on August 3, 2010
and 32,653 shares on August 8, 2011. |
Exercises and Stock Vested During Fiscal 2009
The following table summarizes information regarding stock
options exercised by the named executive officers during the
fiscal year that ended June 30, 2009, and restricted stock
awards to the named executive officers that vested during that
same fiscal year.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
($) (1)
Vesting (#)
($) (2)
P. A. Woertz
S. R. Mills
D. J. Smith
J. D. Rice
E. A. Harjehausen
L.W. Batchelder
(1) |
Represents the difference between the market value of the shares
acquired upon exercise (calculated using the average of the high
and low sale prices reported on the New York Stock Exchange on
the exercise date) and the aggregate exercise price of the
shares acquired. |
(2) |
Represents the market value of the shares that vested,
calculated using the average of the high and low sale prices
reported on the New York Stock Exchange on the vesting date. |
The following table summarizes information regarding the
participation of each of the named executive officers in our
defined benefit retirement plans as of the pension plan
measurement date for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009.
of Years
Value of
Plan Name
(#) (1)
($) (1)
P. A. Woertz
ADM Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees
ADM Supplemental Retirement Plan II
S. R. Mills
ADM Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees
ADM Supplemental Retirement Plan II
D. J. Smith
ADM Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees
ADM Supplemental Retirement Plan II
J. D. Rice
ADM Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees
ADM Supplemental Retirement Plan II
E. A. Harjehausen
ADM Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees
ADM Supplemental Retirement Plan II
L.W. Batchelder
ADM Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees
ADM Supplemental Retirement Plan II
(1) |
Calculated as of the pension plan measurement date used for
financial statement reporting purposes, which was June 30,
2009. The assumptions used to value pension liabilities on such
date were interest of 6.25% and mortality determined under
RP2000CH projected to 2016 using Scale AA. The amounts reported
for Ms. Woertz are the present value of her projected
normal retirement benefit under the Retirement and Supplemental
Plans at June 30, 2009. The amounts reported are calculated
by projecting the balance in the accounts forward to age 65
by applying a 4.17% interest rate and then discounting back to
June 30, 2009 using the assumptions specified above. The
total account balance for Ms. Woertz at June 30, 2009
under the Retirement and Supplemental Plans was $1,093,241,
which is the amount that would have been distributable if she
had terminated employment on that date. |
(2) |
Mr. Rice is eligible for early retirement under the terms
of the Retirement Plan. If Mr. Rice had retired on
June 30, 2009, the total value of his Retirement Plan and
Supplemental Plan benefit would be $2,985,486 instead of
$2,562,374, the difference reflecting an early retirement
subsidy. |
(3) |
Mr. Harjehausen is eligible for early retirement under the
terms of the Retirement Plan. If Mr. Harjehausen had
retired on June 30, 2009, the total value of his Retirement
Plan and Supplemental Plan benefit would be $2,879,731 instead
of $2,361,993, the difference reflecting an early retirement
subsidy. |
(4) |
Mr. Batchelder is eligible for early retirement under the
terms of the Retirement Plan. If Mr. Batchelder had retired
on June 30, 2009, the total value of his Retirement Plan
and Supplemental Plan benefit would be $3,458,404 instead of
3,375,402, the difference reflecting an early retirement subsidy. |
Retirement Plan
We sponsor the ADM Retirement Plan for Salaried Employees, which
is a qualified defined benefit plan under Section 401(a) of
the Internal Revenue Code. The Retirement Plan covers eligible
salaried employees of our company and its participating
Effective January 1, 2009, the Retirement Plan was amended
to provide benefits determined under a cash-balance formula. The
cash-balance formula applies to any participant entering or
re-entering the plan on or after January 1, 2009 and to any
participant who has less than five years of service prior to
January 1, 2009.
For a participant with an accrued benefit but less than five
years of service prior to January 1, 2009, an account was
established on January 1, 2009 with an opening balance
equal to the present value of his or her accrued benefit
determined under the final average pay formula. The accrued
benefits of all other participants to whom the cash-balance
formula does not apply continue to be determined under the
traditional final average pay formula. Ms. Woertz
participates in the cash-balance formula, while the other named
executive officers participate in the final average pay formula.
A participant whose accrued benefit is determined under the
cash-balance formula has an individual hypothetical account
established under the Retirement Plan. Pay and interest credits
are made on an annual basis to the participants account.
Pay credits are equal to a percentage of the participants
earnings for the year based on the sum of the participants
age and years of service at the end of the year under the
following schedule.
Age + Service
Less than 40
at least 40 but less than 50
at least 50 but less than 60
at least 60 but less than 70
at least 70 but less than 80
80 or more
Interest credits are made at the end of the year and are
calculated on the balance of the participants account as
of the first day of the plan year, using an interest rate based
upon the yield on
Treasury bonds, subject to a minimum annual interest rate of
1.95%. The participants pension benefit will be the amount
of the balance in the participants account at the time
that the pension becomes payable under the Retirement Plan. The
pension payable to a participant whose accrued benefit under the
final average pay formula was converted to the cash-balance
formula at January 1, 2009, if paid in annuity form, will
be increased to reflect any additional benefit which the
participant would have received in that form under the
traditional formula, but only with respect to the benefit
accrued by the participant prior to January 1, 2009. A
participant under the cash-balance formula becomes vested in a
benefit under the Retirement Plan after three years of service.
There are no special early retirement benefits under the
cash-balance formula.
For a participant whose accrued benefit is determined under the
final average pay formula, the formula calculates a life annuity
payable at a normal retirement age of 65 based upon a
participants highest average earnings over five
consecutive of the last 15 years of employment. The final
average pay formula provides a benefit of 36% of a
participants final average earnings, plus 16.5% of the
participants final average earnings in excess of Social
Security covered compensation. This benefit accrues
ratably over 30 years of service. A participant accrues an
additional benefit of
of final average earnings for years of service in excess of 30.
Early retirement is available at age 55 with 10 years
of service. The life annuity payable at early retirement is
subsidized relative to the normal retirement benefit. The
payment amount in life annuity form is 97% of the full benefit
amount at age 64, and 50% at age 55, with adjustments
between those two ages. Mr. Rice, Mr. Harjehausen and
Mr. Batchelder are currently eligible for early retirement.
A participant under the final average pay formula becomes vested
in a benefit under the Retirement Plan after five years of
Earnings for purposes of the cash-balance and the final average
pay formulas generally include amounts reflected as pay on
Form W-2,
increased by 401(k) Plan deferrals and elective cafeteria
plan contributions, and decreased by bonuses, expense
allowances/reimbursements, severance pay, income from stock
option and restricted stock awards or cash payments in lieu
thereof, merchandise or service discounts, amounts paid in a
form other than cash, and other fringe benefits. Annual earnings
are limited as required under Section 401(a)(17) of the
Internal Revenue Code.
When a participant is eligible for a pension, the participant
has a choice of a life annuity, a joint and 50% survivor
annuity, a joint and 75% survivor annuity, or a joint and 100%
survivor annuity. Each joint and survivor annuity form is the
actuarial equivalent of the life annuity payable at the same
age, with actuarial equivalence determined using the IRS
prescribed mortality table under Section 417(e) of the
Internal Revenue
Code and an interest rate assumption of 6%. A lump-sum payment
option is available only to cash-balance participants.
Retirement Plan
We also sponsor the ADM Supplemental Retirement Plan, which is a
non-qualified deferred compensation plan under Section 409A
of the Internal Revenue Code. The Supplemental Plan covers
participants in the Retirement Plan whose benefit under such
plan is limited by the benefit limits of Section 415 or the
compensation limit of Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal
Revenue Code. The Supplemental Plan also covers any employee
whose qualified plan benefit is reduced by participation in the
ADM Deferred Compensation Plan. Participation by those employees
who otherwise qualify for coverage is at the discretion of the
board, Compensation/Succession Committee or, in the case of
employees other than executive officers, the Chief Executive
Officer. The Supplemental Plan provides the additional benefit
that would have been provided under the Retirement Plan but for
the limits of Section 415 or 401(a)(17) of the Internal
Revenue Code, and but for the fact that elective contributions
made by the participant under the ADM Deferred Compensation Plan
are not included in the compensation base for the Retirement
Plan. A participant is not vested in a benefit under the
Supplemental Plan unless and until the participant is vested in
a benefit under the Retirement Plan, which requires three years
of service for a cash-balance formula participant and five years
of service for a final average pay formula participant, for
vesting. A separate payment form election will be allowed with
respect to the Supplemental Plan benefit from among the same
options available under the Retirement Plan. Except as noted
below for Ms. Woertz, it has not been our practice to grant
additional service credit under the Supplemental Plan beyond
what is earned under the Retirement Plan.
Ms. Woertz entered the Supplemental Plan when she satisfied
the one year of service requirement for entry into the
Retirement Plan on May 1, 2007. Ms. Woertzs
Terms of Employment provide that, once a participant, her
Supplemental Plan benefit will be fully-vested, will be
calculated after including bonuses in the compensation base, and
will be payable in a lump sum six months following her
separation from service. The severance provisions of such Terms
of Employment also provide for the additional benefit that would
derive from two years of pension coverage (or three years of
pension coverage in the event of a termination within two years
following a change in control).
Deferred Compensation
The following table summarizes information with respect to the
participation of the named executive officers in our
non-qualified deferred compensation plans for the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2009.
in Last
at Last
in Last FY
P. A. Woertz
S. R. Mills
D. J. Smith
J. D. Rice
E. A. Harjehausen
L.W. Batchelder
(1) |
The amounts reported in this column were reported in the Summary
Compensation Table on page 28 as part of each
individuals compensation for the fiscal year ended
June 30, 2009. |
(2) |
The amounts reported in this column were not reported in the
Summary Compensation Table as part of each individuals
compensation for the most recent fiscal year because none of the
earnings is considered to be above market. |
(3) |
Of the amounts shown in this column, the following amounts were
previously reported as compensation to the respective
individuals in the Summary Compensation Table in previous years: |
Amount Reported as
Compensation in Previous Years
P.A. Woertz
J. D. Rice
E. A. Harjehausen
L.W. Batchelder
We sponsor two nonqualified deferred compensation
plans the ADM Deferred Compensation Plan for
Selected Management Employees I and II (referred to as
Deferred Comp Plan I and Deferred Comp Plan
II). Deferred Comp Plan I was frozen as to new
participants and new deferrals effective January 1, 2005,
and is maintained as a separate grandfathered plan
under Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code. Deferred
Comp Plan II is structured to comply with
Section 409A. Deferred Comp Plan II covers salaried
employees of our company and its affiliates whose annualized
base salary is $175,000 or more. Participation by those
employees who otherwise qualify for coverage is at the
discretion of the board, Compensation/Succession Committee or,
in the case of employees other than executive officers, the
Chief Executive Officer.
A participant in Deferred Comp Plan II can defer up to 75%
of his or her base salary and up to 100% of his or her bonus.
Earnings credits are added based upon hypothetical investment
elections made by participants. A participant can establish up
to five scheduled distribution accounts that are
payable upon dates specified by the participant, generally in a
lump sum, but with one such account eligible for installment
payout over a period of two to five years. Withdrawals are
allowed upon a showing of hardship by the
participant in accordance with Section 409A. A participant
also can establish a retirement account to be paid
six months following separation from service. Payment following
separation from service is in a lump sum, except that a
participant can elect upon initial deferral into the account to
have installments paid over a period of two to twenty years if
separation from service occurs after retirement eligibility.
Small account balances of $10,000 or less are paid in a lump sum
only. Deferred Comp Plan II provides for
make-whole company matching credits to the extent
that a participants election to defer under the Deferred
Comp Plan II causes a loss of company matching
contributions under the 401(k) and Employee Stock Ownership
Plan. No make-whole company matching credits were
made on behalf of the named executive officers for fiscal year
A participant with an account balance remaining under Deferred
Comp Plan I continues to receive earnings credits on such
account based upon hypothetical investment elections made by the
participant. A participant can establish up to two
scheduled distribution accounts that are payable
upon dates specified by the participant in either a lump sum or
installments over a period of two to four years. A participant
also can take unscheduled withdrawals of up to 25% of the
balance of his or her accounts, subject to a withdrawal penalty
of 10% of the withdrawn amount. Only one such unscheduled
withdrawal is allowed in any year. Withdrawals also are allowed
upon a showing of hardship by the participant. A
participants account under Deferred Comp Plan I is paid
following termination of employment. Payment following
termination of employment is in a lump sum, except that a
participant can elect to have installments paid over a period of
two to twenty years if termination of employment occurs after
retirement eligibility.
Deferred Comp Plan I and II balances are fully-vested.
Unpaid amounts at death are paid to designated beneficiaries.
The hypothetical investment options available under Deferred
Comp Plans I and II are determined by us and correspond
with the investment options (other than our companys
common stock) that are made available to participants in the
qualified 401(k) and Employee Stock Ownership Plan. These
investment options consist of shares in the publicly-traded,
open-end mutual funds listed below, and the plan earnings
credited to each participants account in these plans
correspond to the earnings performance of the mutual funds
selected. Participants in the Deferred Comp Plans I and II
may reallocate the amount of new deferrals and existing account
balances among these investment options at any time. We do not
set assets aside for the benefit of
plan participants, but we do maintain investments separately in
a company account to hedge the liabilities created by the plans.
In fiscal 2009, the investment options available under Deferred
Comp Plans I and II and their respective notional rates of
return were as follows:
Fiscal 2009 Annualized Rate of Return
Deemed Investment Option
(7/1/08 to 6/30/09)
Galliard Stable Value Fund
PIMCO Total Return Fund
Vanguard Wellington Fund
Dodge & Cox Stock Fund
Vanguard Institutional Index Fund
Vanguard Morgan Growth Fund
T. Rowe Price Mid-Cap Growth Fund
Frontegra IronBridge Small-Cap Fund
BlackRock International Value Fund
Vanguard LifeStrategy Income Fund
Vanguard LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund
Vanguard LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund
Vanguard LifeStrategy Growth Fund
Vanguard Target Retirement Income
Vanguard Target Retirement 2010
Vanguard Target Retirement 2015
Vanguard Target Retirement 2020
Vanguard Target Retirement 2025
Vanguard Target Retirement 2030
Vanguard Target Retirement 2035
Vanguard Target Retirement 2040
Vanguard Target Retirement 2045
Vanguard Target Retirement 2050
of Employment and
We have entered into certain agreements and maintain certain
plans that will require us to provide compensation to named
executive officers of our company in the event of a termination
of employment or a change in control of our company. See the
tabular disclosure and narrative description under the Pension
Benefits and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation sections above
for detail regarding payments that would result from a
termination of employment or change in control of our company
under our pension and nonqualified deferred compensation plans.
The individual agreement we have with Ms. Woertz related to
termination of employment and change in control of our company
is discussed below.
Under the terms of the restricted stock award agreements
pertaining to the awards held by named executive officers,
vesting accelerates upon the death of the award recipient or a
change in control of our company, and continues in accordance
with the original vesting schedule if employment ends as a
result of disability or retirement. If employment ends for other
reasons, unvested shares are forfeited. In addition, if an award
recipients employment is terminated for cause, or if the
recipient breaches a non-competition or confidentiality
restriction or participates in an activity deemed by us to be
detrimental to our company, the recipients unvested shares
will be forfeited, and any shares that have already vested must
be returned to us or the recipient must pay us the amount of the
shares fair market value as of the date they vested. Under
the terms of the stock option agreements pertaining to the
awards held by named executive officers, vesting and
exercisability accelerate upon the death of the recipient or
change in control of our company, and continue in
accordance with the original vesting schedule if employment ends
as a result of disability or retirement. If employment ends for
other reasons, a recipient forfeits any interest in the unvested
portion of any option, but retains the right to exercise the
previously vested portion of any option for a period of three
months. In addition, if an award recipients employment is
terminated for cause, or if the recipient breaches a
non-competition or confidentiality restriction or participates
in an activity deemed by us to be detrimental to our company,
the recipients right to exercise any unexercised options
will terminate, the recipients right to receive option
shares will terminate, and any shares already issued upon
exercise of the option must be returned to us in exchange for
the lesser of the shares then-current fair market value or
the price paid for the shares, or the recipient must pay us cash
in the amount of the gain realized by the recipient from the
exercise of the option.
The amount of compensation payable to each named executive
officer in various termination and change in control scenarios
is listed in the tables below. The amounts listed are calculated
based on the assumption that the named executive officers
employment was terminated or that a change in control occurred
on June 30, 2009.
A. Woertz
The following table lists the potential payments and benefits
upon termination of employment or change in control of our
company for Ms. Woertz, our Chairman, President and Chief
Executive Officer. We entered into Terms of Employment with
Ms. Woertz when she joined our company. The payments and
benefits provided in the Terms of Employment are described in
detail below the table.
without Cause
without Good
or Voluntary
Reason or
Related to a
for Good
Change in
Benefits and Payments
with Cause
upon Termination
Health benefits
Vesting of nonvested stock options
Vesting of nonvested restricted stock awards
Gross-up for
excise tax
(1) |
Represents the discounted present value of two years of extended
health coverage granted pursuant to Ms. Woertzs Terms
of Employment, using a discount rate of 6.25%. |
(2) |
Represents the value of two years of accelerated vesting of
stock options and restricted stock pursuant to
Ms. Woertzs Terms of Employment. The amount shown
with respect to stock options was calculated by multiplying the
number of shares as to which accelerated vesting occurs with
respect to options that were in the money as of
June 30, 2009 by the difference between the fair market
value of a share of our common stock on June 30, 2009 and
the exercise price of the stock option. The amount shown with
respect to restricted stock was calculated by multiplying the
number of shares as to which accelerated vesting occurs by the
fair market value of a share of our common stock on
June 30, 2009. |
(3) |
Severance payment granted pursuant to Ms. Woertzs
Terms of Employment. Represents two years of pay credits
under the cash balance formula for both the Retirement and
Supplemental Plans, with pay credits determined considering both
base pay and target bonus. The Supplemental Plan calculates a
benefit payable six months following separation from service
and, accordingly, this balance is discounted to a present value
using a discount rate of 6.25%. |
(4) |
Represents discounted present value of three years of extended
health coverage granted pursuant to Ms. Woertzs Terms
of Employment, using a discount rate of 6.25%. |
(5) |
Pursuant to Ms. Woertzs Terms of Employment, vesting
and exercisability of all equity awards is accelerated in full.
Values shown were calculated in the same manner as described in
note (2) to this table. |
(6) |
Severance payment granted pursuant to Ms. Woertzs
Terms of Employment. Represents three years of pay credits
under the cash balance formula calculated in the same manner as
described in note (3) to this table. |
(7) |
Pursuant to the terms of the stock option and restricted stock
agreements under the 2002 Incentive Compensation Plan, vesting
of all equity awards continues after termination of employment. |
Upon an involuntary termination of Ms. Woertzs
employment by the board without cause or the voluntary
termination by Ms. Woertz of her employment for good reason
in circumstances that are unrelated to a change in control of
our company, Ms. Woertz shall receive payments equal to two
years base salary plus target annual bonus paid in equal
installments on the regular payroll schedule, two years of
continuation coverage under the companys benefit plans,
two years of accelerated vesting of equity awards, and two
years credit with respect to age, service and covered
compensation for purposes of calculating pension benefits.
Ms. Woertzs Terms of Employment generally provide
that a termination is for cause if it is as a result
of her indictment for or conviction of a felony or any crime
involving dishonesty, fraud, theft or financial impropriety, or
a determination by the board that she has (i) willfully and
continuously failed to substantially perform her duties,
(ii) engaged in a material act of dishonesty or gross
misconduct in employment that is injurious to the company, or
(iii) willfully violated a material requirement of the
companys code of conduct or her fiduciary duty to the
company. The Terms of Employment also generally provide that a
termination by Ms. Woertz is for good reason if
it results from (i) an adverse change in her status or
positions as President and CEO of the company, or removal from
such positions, (ii) any reduction in her base salary or
target bonus, (iii) requiring her to relocate to a place of
employment more than 50 miles from the companys
headquarters, (iv) the failure to re-elect her as a
director or her removal as a director, or (v) the
companys failure to obtain agreement from any successor to
the companys business to assume and perform the Terms of
Upon an involuntary termination of Ms. Woertzs
employment by the board of directors without cause or the
voluntary termination by Ms. Woertz of her employment for
good reason that occurs prior to and in connection with, or
within two years following, a change in control of our company,
Ms. Woertz shall receive a lump-sum payment equal to three
years base salary plus target annual bonus, accelerated
vesting of all outstanding equity awards, three years of
continuation coverage under our benefit plans, three years
credit with respect to age, service and covered compensation for
purposes of calculating pension benefits,
gross-up for
any excise tax payable under Internal Revenue Code
Section 280G, and other terms and provisions to be
developed with the board. A change in control would
generally include for these purposes (i) a person or group
acquiring 30% or more of our voting securities,
(ii) approval by our stockholders of the dissolution or
liquidation of the company or the sale of all or substantially
all of its assets, (iii) the consummation of certain
mergers or other business combinations, (iv) a majority of
our directors are replaced under certain circumstances, or
(v) the board determines that a person or group has
acquired effective control of the companys business and
As a condition to receiving severance payments and benefits,
Ms. Woertz agreed in the Terms of Employment to release us
from all claims and to abide by reasonable post-employment
restrictive covenants, such as non-competition with principal
competitors, non-solicitation of employees, customers and
suppliers, and non-disparagement of our company and board of
directors, for two years following termination of employment.
R. Mills, D. J. Smith, J.D. Rice, E. A. Harjehausen, and
L.W. Batchelder
The following table lists the potential payments and benefits
upon termination of employment or change in control of our
company for our current named executive officers other than P.
A. Woertz under the terms of agreements involving stock option
and restricted stock awards.
Benefits and
Related to a
Change in
for Cause
S. R. Mills
Vesting of nonvested stock options
Vesting of nonvested restricted stock awards
D. J. Smith
Vesting of nonvested stock options
Vesting of nonvested restricted stock awards
J. D. Rice(4)
Vesting of nonvested stock options
Vesting of nonvested restricted stock awards
E. A. Harjehausen(4)
Vesting of nonvested stock options
Vesting of nonvested restricted stock awards
L.W. Batchelder(4)
Vesting of nonvested stock options
Vesting of nonvested restricted stock awards
(1) |
Vesting and exercisability of all equity awards is accelerated
in full. The amount shown with respect to stock options was
calculated with respect to options that were in the
money as of June 30, 2009 and was determined by
multiplying the number of shares subject to those options as to
which accelerated vesting occurs by the difference between the
fair market value of a share of our common stock on
June 30, 2009 and the exercise price of the stock option.
The amount shown with respect to restricted stock was calculated
by multiplying the number of shares as to which accelerated
vesting occurs by the fair market value of a share of our common
stock on June 30, 2009. |
(2) |
Pursuant to the terms of the stock option and restricted stock
agreements under the 1996 Incentive Compensation Plan, 1999
Incentive Compensation Plan, and 2002 Incentive Compensation
Plan, vesting of all equity awards continues on the same
schedule after termination of employment. |
(3) |
Because this named executive officer is not yet eligible for
retirement under the terms of the ADM Retirement Plan for
Salaried Employees, no current termination of employment would
be considered retirement under any of the applicable
equity-based compensation plans. |
(4) |
Mr. Rice, Mr. Harjehausen and Mr. Batchelder are
eligible for early retirement under the Retirement Plan. The
subsidized early retirement benefit that is available in the
event of retirement is described in the footnotes to the table
under the caption Pension Benefits. |
Compensation for Fiscal 2009
Our standard compensation for non-employee directors consists of
an annual retainer of $250,000, one-half of which must be paid
in stock units pursuant to our Stock Unit Plan for Non-Employee
Directors. The other half of the annual retainer may be paid in
cash, stock units, or a combination of both, at the election of
each non-employee director. Each stock unit is deemed for
valuation and bookkeeping purposes to be the equivalent of a
share of our common stock. In addition to the annual retainer,
our Lead Director receives a
stipend in the amount of $25,000, the chairperson of the Audit
Committee receives a stipend in the amount of $15,000, the
chairperson of the Compensation/Succession Committee receives a
stipend in the amount of $12,500, and the chairperson of the
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee receives a stipend in
the amount of $10,000. All such stipends are paid in cash. We do
not pay fees for attendance at board and committee meetings.
Directors are reimbursed for
traveling expenses incurred in attending board and committee
meetings. Directors may also be provided with certain
perquisites from
During fiscal 2009, the company adopted a policy regarding
ownership of shares of our common stock by our non-employee
directors. The policy calls for non-employee directors to own
shares of common stock (including stock units issued pursuant to
the Stock Unit Plan for Non-Employee Directors) with a fair
market value of not less than three times the amount of the
annual cash retainer.
Stock units are credited to the account of each non-employee
director on a quarterly basis in an amount determined by
dividing the quarterly amount of the retainer to be paid in
stock units by the fair market value of a share of our common
stock on the last business day of that quarter, and are
fully-vested at all times. As of any date on which cash
dividends are paid on our common stock, each directors
stock unit account is also credited with stock units in an
amount determined by dividing the dollar value of the dividends
that would have been paid on the stock units in that
directors account had those units been actual shares by
the fair market value of a share of our stock on the dividend
payment date. For purposes of this plan, the fair market
value of a share of our common stock on any date is the
average of the high and low reported sales prices for our stock
on the New York Stock Exchange on that date. Each stock unit is
paid out in cash on the first business day following the earlier
of (i) five years after the end of the calendar year that
includes the quarter for which that stock unit was credited to
the directors account, and (ii) when the director
ceases to be a member of our board. The amount to be paid will
equal the number of stock units credited to a directors
account multiplied by the fair market value of a share of our
stock on the payout date. A director may elect to defer the
receipt of these payments in accordance with the plan.
The following table summarizes compensation provided to each
non-employee director for services provided during fiscal 2009.
Fees Earned or
Paid in
All Other
G. W. Buckley
M. H. Carter
D. E. Felsinger(3)
V. F. Haynes
A. Maciel
P. J. Moore
M. B. Mulroney
T. F. ONeill
K. R. Westbrook
(1) |
As described above, one-half of the annual retainer of $250,000
is paid in stock units, which are reported in the Stock
Awards column. In addition, the directors may elect to
receive the other half of the annual retainer in the form of
cash, stock units or a combination of both. For fiscal 2009,
Ms. Carter and Messrs. Buckley and Mulroney elected to
receive their entire annual retainer in the form of stock units. |
(2) |
The amounts set forth in this column represent the dollar amount
of compensation expense recognized for financial statement
reporting purposes during fiscal year 2009 in connection with
mandatory stock unit grants to each of the listed directors.
Each stock unit is deemed for valuation and bookkeeping purposes
to be the equivalent of a share of our common stock. Because
these stock units are fully-vested when granted, we immediately
expense the full grant date fair value in accordance with the
provisions of SFAS No. 123(R). Each of the listed
directors is a nonemployee director and the fair value of
services provided by each director has been used to calculate
the number of stock units credited to each director by |
dividing the quarterly fair value of the services provided by
the fair market value of a share of our companys common
stock on the last business day of the quarter. For purposes of
this plan, the fair market value of a share of our
common stock on any date is the average of the high and low
reported sales prices for our stock on the New York Stock
Exchange on that date. The fair value of services provided by
each of the directors has been determined to be $62,500 per
quarter. The aggregate number of stock units credited to the
account of each non-employee director as of June 30, 2009
(including mandatory stock unit grants, voluntary elections to
receive stock units and the deemed reinvestment of dividends)
was as follows: |
Number of Stock
Units at 6/30/09
G. W. Buckley
M. H. Carter
D. E. Felsinger(3)
V. F. Haynes
A. Maciel
P. J. Moore
M. B. Mulroney
T. F. ONeill
K. R. Westbrook
(3) |
Mr. Felsinger was appointed as a director effective
August 5, 2009. |
(4) |
Represents the aggregate incremental cost to us for personal use
of company-owned aircraft. Incremental cost is based solely on
the cost per hour to our company to operate the aircraft, and
does not include fixed costs that do not change based on usage,
such as purchase costs of the aircraft and non-trip-related
hangar expenses. Our direct operating cost per hour of an
aircraft is based on the annual costs of fuel, on-board
catering, aircraft maintenance, landing fees, trip-related
hangar and parking costs, and smaller variable costs, divided by
the number of hours the aircraft was operated during the year. |
Compensation Plan Information
Number of Securities
Number of Securities
Remaining Available for
to be Issued Upon
Future Issuance Under
Exercise of
Exercise Price of
Equity Compensation
Outstanding Options,
Outstanding Options,
Plans (Excluding
Warrants and
Warrants and
Securities Reflected in
Plan Category
Column (a))(c)
Equity Compensation Plans Approved by Security Holders
Equity Compensation Plans Not Approved by Security Holders
9 ,332,897
(1) |
Consists of 99,372 shares to be issued upon exercise of
outstanding options pursuant to our 1996 Stock Option Plan,
468,597 shares to be issued upon exercise of outstanding
options pursuant to our 1999 Incentive Compensation Plan,
10,141,050 shares to be issued upon exercise of outstanding
options pursuant to our 2002 Incentive Compensation Plan and
506,387 shares to be issued upon exercise of outstanding
options pursuant to the ADM International Limited
Savings-Related Share Option Scheme, all as of June 30,
2009. The ADM International Limited Savings-Related Share Option
Scheme is a program whereby employees in the United Kingdom can
save through payroll deductions and have the option to purchase
shares at a predetermined, discounted price at a point in time
in the future. |
(2) |
Consists of 1,511,664 shares available for issuance
pursuant to our 1999 Incentive Compensation Plan,
3,465,662 shares available for issuance pursuant to our
2002 Incentive Compensation Plan, and |
4,355,571 shares available for issuance pursuant to the ADM
International Limited Savings-Related Share Option Scheme, all
as of June 30, 2009. Benefits which may be granted under
the 1999 Incentive Compensation Plan and 2002 Incentive
Compensation Plan are options, stock appreciation rights,
restricted stock, performance shares, performance units and
cash-based awards. Only options can currently be granted under
the ADM International Limited Savings-Related Share Option
Scheme. |
Our company does not have any equity compensation plans that
have not been approved by our stockholders.
Report of
the Audit Committee
The Audit Committee provides assistance to the Board of
Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibility to the
stockholders relating to the Companys (i) financial
statements and the financial reporting process,
(ii) preparation of the financial reports and other
financial information provided by the Company to any
governmental or regulatory body, (iii) systems of internal
accounting and financial controls, (iv) internal audit
functions, (v) annual independent audit of the
Companys financial statements, (vi) legal compliance
and ethics programs as established by management and the Board,
and (vii) related-party transactions.
The Audit Committee assures that the corporate information
gathering and reporting systems developed by management
represent a good faith attempt to provide senior management and
the Board of Directors with information regarding material acts,
events, and conditions within the Company. In addition, the
Audit Committee is directly responsible for the appointment,
compensation, and oversight of the independent auditors. The
Audit Committee ensures that the Company establishes, resources,
and maintains a professional internal auditing function and that
there are no unjustified restrictions or limitations imposed on
such function. The Audit Committee reviews the effectiveness of
the internal audit function and reviews and approves the actions
relating to the General Auditor, including performance
appraisals and related base and incentive compensation. The
Audit Committee is comprised of four independent directors, all
of whom are financially literate and one of whom (T.F.
ONeill, the Chairperson) has been determined by the Board
of Directors to be a financial expert as defined by
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Management has the primary responsibility for the financial
statements and the reporting process, including the systems of
internal controls. In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities,
the Audit Committee reviewed and discussed the audited financial
statements in the annual report with management, including a
discussion of the quality not just the
acceptability of the accounting principles, the
reasonableness of significant judgments, the development and
selection of the critical accounting estimates, and the clarity
of disclosures in the financial statements. Also, the Audit
Committee discussed with management education regarding
compliance with the policies and procedures of the Company as
well as federal and state laws.
The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed with the independent
auditors, who are responsible for expressing an opinion on the
conformity of those audited financial statements with generally
accepted accounting principles, the effectiveness of our
internal control over financial reporting, and the matters
required to be discussed by the Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 61 (Communication with Audit Committees, AU
Section 380), including their judgment as to the
quality not just the acceptability of
the Companys accounting principles, the reasonableness of
significant judgments and the clarity of disclosures in the
financial statements. In addition, the Audit Committee received
the written disclosures and the letter from the independent
auditors required by applicable requirements of the PCAOB and
has discussed with the independent auditors the auditors
independence from management and the Company. The Audit
Committee has adopted an Audit and Non-audit Services
Pre-Approval Policy and considered the compatibility of
non-audit services with the independent auditors
independence. The Audit Committee recommended to the Board of
Directors (and the Board of Directors approved) a hiring policy
related to current and former employees of the independent
The Committee discussed the Companys major risk exposures,
the steps management has taken to monitor and control such
exposures, and guidelines and policies to govern the
Companys risk assessment and risk management processes.
The Audit Committee discussed with the internal and independent
auditors the overall scope and plans for their respective
audits. The Audit Committee met with the internal and
independent auditors, with and without management present, to
discuss the results of their examinations, their evaluations of
the accounting and financial controls, and the overall quality
of the Companys financial reporting. The Audit Committee
met individually with members of management in executive
session. The Audit Committee held eight meetings during fiscal
year 2009.
In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above,
the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors (and
the Board of Directors approved) that the audited financial
statements be included in the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended June 30, 2009 for filing with the SEC.
The Audit Committee has appointed, subject to ratification by
the stockholders of the Company, Ernst & Young LLP as
independent auditor for the fiscal year ending June 30,
T. F. ONeill, Chairperson
G. W. Buckley
M. H. Carter
V. F. Haynes
Relationships and Related Transactions
The spouse of L. W. Batchelder (an executive officer for a
portion of the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009) owns
and operates a company which acts as a reseller of certain
specialty food ingredients that we manufacture and sell. During
the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009, such company purchased
approximately $385,000 of those products from us in the ordinary
course of business and on an arms-length basis.
and Approval of Certain Relationships and Related
Various policies and procedures of our company, including our
Business Code of Conduct and Ethics, our bylaws, the charter of
the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee and annual
questionnaires completed by all of our directors and executive
officers, require disclosure of and otherwise identify to the
company transactions or relationships that may constitute
conflicts of interest or otherwise require disclosure under
applicable SEC rules as related person transactions
between our company or its subsidiaries and related persons. For
these purposes, a related person is a director, executive
officer, nominee for director, or 5% stockholder of the company
since the beginning of the last fiscal year and their immediate
family members.
Although the companys processes vary with the particular
transaction or relationship, in accordance with our Business
Code of Conduct and Ethics, directors, executive officers and
other company employees are directed to inform appropriate
supervisory personnel as to the existence or potential existence
of such a transaction or relationship. To the extent a related
person is involved in the relationship or has a material
interest in the transaction, the companys practice,
although not part of a written policy, is to refer consideration
of the matter to the board or the Audit Committee. The
transaction or relationship will be evaluated by the board or
the committee, which will approve or ratify it if it is
determined that the transaction or relationship is fair and in
the best interests of the company. Generally, transactions and
series of related transactions of less than $120,000 are
approved or ratified by appropriate company supervisory
personnel and are not approved or ratified by the board or a
committee thereof.
The transactions described in the preceding section were
considered and ratified by our board upon the recommendation of
the Audit Committee.
Proposal No. 2
Approval of the 2009 Incentive Compensation Plan
The companys board of directors, following approval by the
Compensation and Succession Committee of the Board (the
Committee), authorized the adoption of the
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company 2009 Incentive
Compensation Plan (the 2009 Plan) effective as of
August 6, 2009, subject to the approval of the 2009 Plan by
the companys stockholders. A copy of the 2009 Plan is
attached as Exhibit A to this Proxy Statement, and
this discussion is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
full text of the 2009 Plan.
The board of directors and the Committee believe that the
adoption of the 2009 Plan would be in the best interests of the
company. The purpose of the 2009 Plan is to provide employees,
directors and consultants with an incentive to put forth maximum
efforts for the companys success and to provide a valuable
means of retaining key personnel as well as attracting new
management personnel when needed for future operations and
Our 1999 Incentive Compensation Plan expires in October, 2009
and no further awards will be made under such plan. If the 2009
Plan is approved by the companys stockholders, no further
awards will be made under the Archer-Daniels-Midland Amended and
Restated 2002 Incentive Compensation Plan (the 2002
Plan). The 2009 Plan provides that the number of shares of
Common Stock of the company available for awards under the 2009
Plan will be 30,000,000 plus the number of shares that have not
yet been made subject to awards under the 2002 Plan as of the
effective date of the 2009 Plan. It is estimated that there will
be approximately 1,347,254 shares remaining available under
the 2002 Plan on the effective date of the 2009 Plan, meaning
that the total number of shares available for awards under the
2009 Plan will be approximately 31,347,254. The 2009 Plan is
otherwise very similar to the 2002 Plan, with the following
principal changes:
eligibility for participation has been expanded beyond employees
to include non-employee directors and certain consultants and
advisers to the company;
the types of awards available for grant has been expanded to
include other stock-based awards;
minimum vesting periods have been established for awards other
than options and stock appreciation rights;
it is expressly provided that no action may be taken that would
constitute a repricing of option or stock
appreciation right awards without the consent of the
companys stockholders;
a sale of all or substantially all of the companys assets
will constitute a change of control only when the
transaction is consummated, rather than when the companys
stockholders approve the transaction; and
awards granted in substitution for outstanding awards granted by
an entity prior to its acquisition by the company will not count
against the maximum number of shares authorized under the 2009
The 2009 Plan has been designed to meet the requirements of
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the Code), regarding deductibility of
executive compensation, discussed below. The basic features of
the 2009 Plan are as follows:
The 2009 Plan will be administered by the Committee or a
subcommittee of the Committee, which shall consist of two or
more directors who are non-employee directors within
the meaning of
Rule 16b-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, outside
directors for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Code,
and independent directors under the rules of the New
York Stock Exchange. Subject to the provisions of the 2009 Plan,
the Committee will have the power to make awards under the 2009
Plan and to determine when and to whom awards will be granted,
and the form, amount, and other terms and conditions of each
award. The Committee will have the authority to interpret the
2009 Plan and any award or agreement made under the 2009 Plan;
to establish, amend, waive, and rescind any rules and
regulations relating to the administration of the 2009 Plan; to
determine the terms and provisions of any agreements entered
into under the 2009 Plan; and to make all other determinations
necessary or advisable for the administration of the 2009 Plan.
In addition, the board of directors of the company may delegate
authority to officers of the company to grant and administer
option grants under the 2009 Plan to participants (other than
themselves) who are not officers or directors of the company
subject to the requirements of Section 16 of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934. With respect to participants outside the
United States, the Committee also has the authority under the
Plan to modify the terms of awards held by such participants,
establish subplans for such participants, and take other actions
in order to comply with the laws of other countries or the
requirements of foreign securities exchanges.
and Number of Shares
All non-employee directors of the company and all employees of
and qualified consultants and advisers to the company and its
affiliates will be eligible to receive awards under the 2009
Plan at the discretion of the Committee. The company currently
has nine non-employee directors and the company and its
affiliates currently have approximately 28,000 employees
eligible to participate in the 2009 Plan.
The total number of shares of Common Stock of the company
available for distribution under the 2009 Plan is 30,000,000
plus the number of shares remaining available for grant under
the 2002 Plan on the effective date of the 2009 Plan (subject to
adjustment for future stock splits, stock dividends, and similar
changes in the capitalization of the company). Of this number of
shares, no more than 15,000,000 may be granted in the form of
awards other than options or stock appreciation rights, and no
more than 30,000,000 can be subject to incentive stock options.
Shares subject to 2009 Plan awards granted in substitution for
outstanding awards granted by another entity prior to its
acquisition by the company will not count against the maximum
number of shares available for grant under the 2009 Plan. Any
shares subject to an award under the 2009 Plan, or to an award
under the 2002 Plan that remains outstanding on the effective
date of the 2009 Plan, that is forfeited, cancelled, settled in
cash or otherwise terminated will, to the extent of such
forfeiture, cancellation, cash settlement or termination, again
be available for award under the 2009 Plan. Shares used to
satisfy the purchase price of an option or tax withholding
obligations in connection with any form of award, and shares
subject to a stock appreciation right that are not issued in
connection with the stock settlement of the stock appreciation
right will not be available for grant again under the 2009 Plan.
No participant may receive in any fiscal year of the company
awards under the 2009 Plan that exceed the following
limitations: no more than 2,000,000 shares subject to stock
options, no more than 2,000,000 shares subject to stock
appreciation rights, no more than 1,000,000 shares of
restricted stock
restricted stock units, no more than 1,000,000 performance
shares and/or performance share units, no performance units with
a maximum aggregate pay-out in excess of $10,000,000, no
cash-based awards with a maximum aggregate pay-out in excess of
$10,000,000, and no other stock-based awards of more than
1,000,000 shares or with a maximum aggregate pay-out in
excess of $10,000,000.
Awards under the 2009 Plan are to be evidenced by written or
electronic agreements containing the terms and conditions of the
awards. Such agreements may be amended unilaterally by the
company (with the approval of the Committee) unless any such
amendment would materially impair the rights of participants, in
which case the consent of the participants would be required. In
addition, no option or stock appreciation right award agreement
may be amended to decrease the applicable option price or base
price, nor may any other action be taken that would constitute a
repricing of an option or stock appreciation right
for accounting purposes, without the prior consent of the
companys stockholders.
Types of
The types of awards that may be granted under the 2009 Plan
include incentive and nonqualified stock options, stock
appreciation rights, restricted stock and restricted stock
units, performance shares and performance share units,
performance units, cash-based awards and other stock-based
Subject to certain restrictions applicable to incentive stock
options, awards granted under the 2009 Plan will be exercisable
by the participants at such times as are determined by the
Committee, but in no event may the term of an award be longer
than ten years after the date of grant. In addition to the
general characteristics of all of the awards described in this
Proxy Statement, the basic characteristics of awards that may be
granted under the 2009 Plan are as follows:
Incentive and Nonqualified Stock
Options. Both incentive and nonqualified
stock options may be granted to participants at such exercise
prices as the Committee, or the officers delegated authority to
and administer options by the board of directors, may determine,
but the exercise price for any option may not be less than 100%
of the fair market value (as defined in the 2009 Plan) of a
share of Common Stock of the company as of the date the option
is granted, except in the case of substitute awards. Stock
options may be granted and exercised at such times as the
Committee, or the officers delegated authority to grant and
administer options by the board of directors, may determine,
except that (a) incentive stock options may be granted only
to employees, (b) no incentive stock options may be granted
more than ten years after the effective date of the 2009 Plan,
(c) an option shall not be exercisable more than ten years
after the date of grant, and (d) the aggregate fair market
value of the shares of Common Stock of the company with respect
to which incentive stock options granted under the 2009 Plan and
any other plan of the company first become exercisable in any
calendar year for any employee may not exceed the $100,000
maximum amount permitted under Code Section 422(d).
Additional restrictions apply to an incentive stock option
granted to an individual who beneficially owns more than 10% of
the combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company.
The purchase price payable upon exercise of options may be paid
in cash, or, if the Committee permits, by delivering stock
already owned by the participant (the fair market value of the
shares delivered on the date of exercise being equal to the
option price of the stock being purchased), or by a combination
of cash and such stock, unless otherwise provided in the related
agreement. The Committee may also allow payment (a) in the
form of an authorization to the company to withhold from the
total number of shares of Common Stock as to which the option is
being exercised the number of shares having a fair market value
on the date of exercise equal to the aggregate option price for
the total number of shares as to which the option is being
exercised, (b) in the form of an irrevocable authorization
to a third party with whom the participant has a brokerage or
similar relationship to sell the shares acquired upon exercise
of the option and use the sale proceeds to pay the purchase
price, or (c) by any other means that the Committee
determines to be consistent with the 2009 Plans purpose
and applicable law.
Upon the termination of a participants employment, the
unvested portions of all of the participants options will
be forfeited, and a limited period of time after termination
will be provided during which the vested portions of the options
may be exercised. This period will be one year after termination
if employment ends because of the participants death, and
three months after termination if employment ends for any other
reason. These periods may not, in any case, extend beyond the
expiration date of an option, and may be varied by the terms of
the applicable award agreements.
Stock Appreciation Rights. The value of
a stock appreciation right granted to a participant is
determined by the appreciation in the number of shares of Common
Stock of the company subject to the stock appreciation right
during its term, subject to any limitations upon the amount or
percentage of total appreciation that the Committee may
determine at the time the right is granted. The participant
receives all or a portion of the amount by which the fair market
value of a specified number of shares, as of the date the stock
appreciation right is exercised, exceeds a price specified by
the Committee at the time the right is granted. The price
specified by the Committee must be at least 100% of the fair
market value of the specified number of shares of Common Stock
of the company to which the right relates, determined as of the
date the stock appreciation right is granted, except in the case
of substitute awards. A stock appreciation right may be granted
in connection with a previously or contemporaneously granted
option, or independent of any option. A stock appreciation right
may be paid in cash, shares of Common Stock of the company or a
combination of cash and shares as determined by the Committee.
No stock appreciation right may be exercised more than ten years
after its date of grant. Stock appreciation rights may be
exercised after a termination of employment in accordance with
the same rules applicable to options.
Performance Awards and Cash-Based
Awards. Performance shares, performance share
units, performance units and cash-based awards entitle the
participant to payment in amounts determined by the Committee
based upon the achievement of specified performance goals during
a specified term. With respect to awards intended to comply with
the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code, such
performance goals will be based on one or any combination of two
or more of the following criteria: earnings per share; net
income before or after taxes; return on assets, net assets,
equity, investment or capital; cash flow, cash flow return per
share and cash flow return on investments (net cash flows
divided by owners equity); earnings before or after any
one or more of taxes, interest, depreciation and amortization;
gross revenues; and share price (including, but not limited to,
growth measures and total stockholder return). The performance
criteria selected may be
applied on an absolute or comparative basis, and may relate to
performance by the Company or any subsidiary, affiliate,
division or business unit of the company. The Committee may
define the manner of calculating the performance criteria it
chooses to use in any performance period, including the use of
non-GAAP adjustments to such criteria. Awards that
are not intended to comply with Section 162(m) of the Code
may be based on these or other performance criteria, as
determined by the Committee. Each performance share or
performance share unit has an initial value equal to the fair
market value of a share of Common Stock of the company on the
date of grant, and performance units and cash-based awards shall
have values as determined by the Committee.
Performance shares, performance share units, performance units
and cash-based awards whose vesting is subject to the
satisfaction of performance goals over a performance period will
be subject to a performance period of not less than one year
from the grant date, with limited exceptions. Payments with
respect to earned awards may be made in cash, shares of Common
Stock of the company or a combination of cash and shares as
determined by the Committee. Shares issued in payment of earned
awards shall have an aggregate fair market value determined as
of the last day of the applicable performance period equal to
the value of the earned awards to be paid in shares. Unless
otherwise provided in an applicable award agreement, a
participant will receive a pro rata payout of performance share,
performance share unit, performance unit or cash-based awards
(based on actual achievement of performance goals during the
performance period) if employment ends during the performance
period due to death, disability or retirement, but will forfeit
all such awards if employment ends for any other reason during
the performance period. The Committee may require or permit
participants to defer the issuance of shares or the settlement
of awards in cash under such rules and procedures as it may
establish under the 2009 Plan.
Restricted Stock Awards and Restricted Stock
Units. The Committee may grant participants
shares of Common Stock of the company that are subject to such
transfer and other restrictions as the Committee may determine,
along with a risk of forfeiture or repurchase. The Committee may
also grant participants restricted stock units, each of which
provides a participant the right to receive a share of Common
Stock of the company after satisfaction of a vesting period, and
which are also subject to restrictions and a risk of forfeiture.
Awards of restricted stock provide the participant with
dividends and voting rights prior to vesting, but the dividends
may be made subject to such restrictions and risk of forfeiture
as the Committee may determine. Awards of restricted stock units
may provide the participant with dividend equivalents prior to
vesting, at the discretion of the Committee. Restricted stock
awards and restricted stock unit awards that vest solely as a
result of the passage of time and continued service by the
participant will be subject to a vesting period of not less than
three years from the grant date, with limited exceptions.
Other Stock-Based Awards. The Committee
may also grant other awards that are valued in whole or in part
by reference to, or are otherwise based on
payable in, shares of Common Stock of the company. If such
stock-based awards vest solely as a result of the passage of
time and continued service by the participant, they will be
subject to a vesting period of not less than three years from
the grant date, with certain exceptions. Payments with respect
to other stock-based awards may be made in cash, shares of
Common Stock of the company or a combination of cash and shares
as determined by the Committee. The Committee has the discretion
to determine the terms and conditions of these other stock-based
awards so long as they are consistent with the vesting
requirements and other provisions of the 2009 Plan.
During the lifetime of a participant to whom an award is
granted, only such participant (or, if so provided in the
applicable agreement in the case of a nonqualified stock option
or a stock appreciation right, a permitted transferee as
hereafter described) may exercise an option or stock
appreciation right or receive payment with respect to
performance shares or any other award. No award (other than an
award of stock without restrictions) may be sold, assigned,
transferred, exchanged, or otherwise encumbered, and any attempt
to do so will not be effective, except that (a) an award
may be transferable to a successor in the event of a
participants death, (b) a nonqualified stock option
may be transferable pursuant to a qualified domestic relations
order, and (c) an award agreement may provide that a
nonqualified stock option or a stock appreciation right may be
transferable to members of the participants immediate
family or to one or more trusts for the benefit of such
family members or partnerships in which such family members are
the only partners, so long as the participant receives no
consideration for the transfer. The transfer of a nonqualified
stock option may be subject to such other terms and conditions
as the Committee may determine.
Adjustments, Modifications, Terminations
The 2009 Plan will remain in effect until all shares of Common
Stock of the company subject to the 2009 Plan are distributed,
or the 2009 Plan is terminated as described below.
In the event of a stock dividend, stock split, or other
recapitalization that is considered an equity
restructuring for accounting purposes, the Committee shall
equitably adjust the number and type of securities available for
awards or the number and type of securities and amount of cash
subject to outstanding awards, the option exercise price of
outstanding options, and provisions regarding payment with
respect to outstanding awards. The Committee has the discretion
to make similar adjustments in connection with other changes in
the companys capitalization, including due to a merger or
consolidation. Adjustments in performance targets and goals
applicable to outstanding awards may also be made by the
Committee upon the occurrence of such events, so long as such
adjustments would not cause an award intended to qualify as
performance-based compensation for purposes of Code
Section 162(m) to fail to do so.
The 2009 Plan also gives the Board the right to amend, modify,
terminate or suspend the 2009 Plan, except that no amendment
shall be effective without stockholder approval if such approval
is required by applicable laws or regulations or the rules of
the principal securities exchange on which the companys
Common Stock is listed (which is currently the New York Stock
Exchange). No amendment or modification of the 2009 Plan shall
materially impair the rights of any participant under any award
previously granted without the consent of the participant,
unless the amendment or modification is made to comply with
applicable law, stock exchange rules or accounting rules.
In the event of a dissolution or liquidation of the company, a
sale of substantially all of the assets of the company, a merger
or consolidation of the company with or into any other
corporation, or a statutory share exchange involving capital
stock of the company, the Committee has the discretion, but not
the obligation, to replace or cancel in exchange for payment
outstanding options and stock appreciation rights in accordance
with the terms of the 2009 Plan. The Committee may also specify
in award agreements the consequences to an award of a change of
control of the company, which is generally defined in the 2009
Plan to include, in addition to the events described in the
preceding sentence, the acquisition by a person or group of 30%
or more of the Companys voting stock and certain changes
in the composition of the companys board of directors.
Tax Considerations
The company has been advised by its counsel that awards made
under the 2009 Plan generally will result in the following tax
events for United States citizens under current United States
federal income tax laws.
Incentive Stock Options. A participant
will have no taxable income, and the company will not be
entitled to any related deduction, at the time an incentive
stock option is granted under the 2009 Plan. If certain
statutory employment and holding period conditions are satisfied
before the participant disposes of shares acquired pursuant to
the exercise of such an option, then no taxable income will
result upon the exercise of such option, and the company will
not be entitled to any deduction in connection with such
exercise. Upon disposition of the shares after expiration of the
statutory holding periods, any gain or loss realized by a
participant will be a capital gain or loss. The company will not
be entitled to a deduction with respect to a disposition of the
shares by a participant after the expiration of the statutory
holding periods.
Except in the event of death, if shares acquired by a
participant upon the exercise of an incentive stock option are
disposed of by such participant before the expiration of the
statutory holding periods (a disqualifying
disposition), such participant will be considered to have
realized as compensation, taxable as ordinary income in the year
of disposition, an amount, not exceeding the gain realized on
such disposition, equal to the difference between the exercise
price and the fair market value of the shares on the date of
exercise of the option. The company will be entitled to a
deduction at the same time and in the same amount
as the participant is deemed to have realized ordinary income.
Any gain realized on the disposition in excess of the amount
treated as compensation or any loss realized on the disposition
will constitute capital gain or loss, respectively. If the
participant pays the option price with shares that were
originally acquired pursuant to the exercise of an incentive
stock option and the statutory holding periods for such shares
have not been met, the participant will be treated as having
made a disqualifying disposition of such shares, and the tax
consequence of such disqualifying disposition will be as
described above.
For alternative minimum tax purposes, an incentive stock option
will be treated as if it were a nonqualified stock option, the
tax consequences of which are discussed below.
Nonqualified Stock Options. A
participant will have no taxable income, and the company will
not be entitled to any related deduction, at the time a
nonqualified stock option is granted under the 2009 Plan. At the
time of exercise of a nonqualified stock option, the participant
will realize ordinary income, and the company will be entitled
to a deduction equal to the excess of the fair market value of
the stock on the date of exercise over the option price. Upon
disposition of the shares, any additional gain or loss realized
by the participant will be taxed as a capital gain or loss.
Stock Appreciation Rights, Performance Awards and
Cash-Based Awards. Generally, (a) the
participant will not realize income upon the grant of a stock
appreciation right, a performance share, a performance share
unit or performance unit award or a cash-based award,
(b) the participant will realize ordinary income, and the
company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction, in the
year cash, shares of Common Stock, or a combination of cash and
shares are delivered to the participant upon exercise of a stock
appreciation right or in payment of the performance or
cash-based award, and (c) the amount of such ordinary
income and deduction will be the amount of cash received plus
the fair market value of the shares of Common Stock received on
the date of issuance. Upon disposition of shares received by a
participant upon exercise of a stock appreciation right or in
payment of a performance or cash-based award, the participant
will recognize capital gain or loss equal to the difference
between the amount received upon such disposition and the fair
market value of the shares on the date they were originally
received by the participant.
Restricted Stock. Unless the
participant files an election to be taxed under
Section 83(b) of the Code, (a) the participant will
not realize income upon the grant of restricted stock,
(b) the participant will realize ordinary income, and the
company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction, when the
restrictions lapse, and (c) the amount of such ordinary
income and deduction will be the fair market value of the
restricted stock on the date the restrictions lapse. If the
participant files an election to be taxed under
Section 83(b) of the Code, the tax consequences to the
participant and the company will be determined as of the date of
the grant of the restricted stock rather than as of the date of
the lapse of the restrictions.
When the participant disposes of restricted stock, the
difference between the amount received upon such disposition and
the fair market value of such shares on the date the participant
realizes ordinary income will be treated as a capital gain or
Restricted Stock Units. A recipient of
restricted stock units will not recognize taxable income upon
the making of the grant and the company will not be entitled to
a deduction at such time. Upon payment or settlement of a
restricted stock unit award, the participant will recognize
ordinary income equal to the value of the shares received and
the company will be entitled to a corresponding deduction.
Section 162(m). Compensation of
the companys Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial
Officer and three other most highly compensated executive
officers is subject to the tax deduction limits of
Section 162(m) of the Code. Awards that qualify as
performance-based compensation will be exempt from
Section 162(m), thus allowing the company the full tax
deduction otherwise permitted for such awards. If approved by
the companys stockholders, the 2009 Plan will enable the
Committee to grant awards that will be exempt from the deduction
limits of Section 162(m) of the Code.
The 2009 Plan permits the Committee to provide in the award
agreements conditions of forfeiture of a participants
rights with regard to such award in the event of the termination
of employment of the participant
for cause, the participants breach of
restrictive covenants, or the participants having engaged
in an activity detrimental to the company. Such conditions of
forfeiture may include suspension or cancellation of the
participants right to exercise an option or stock
appreciation right, suspension or cancellation of the
participants pending right to receive an issuance of
shares or cash payment in settlement of any award, forfeiture of
any shares of restricted stock held by the participant or,
following the issuance of shares or payment of cash upon
exercise, vesting or payment of an award, either cancelling the
shares so issued or requiring the participant to pay the Company
in cash an amount equal to the gain realized by the participant
from such award.
The 2009 Plan permits the company to withhold from awards an
amount sufficient to cover any required withholding taxes. In
lieu of cash, the Committee may permit a participant to cover
withholding obligations through a reduction in the number of
shares to be delivered to such participant or by delivery of
shares already owned by the participant.
New Plan
The Committee has not yet made any determination with respect to
awards that may be granted in the future pursuant to the 2009
Plan. The closing sale price of a share of Common Stock of the
company on the New York Stock Exchange on September 10,
2009 was $29.01 per share.
The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock of the company present in
person or by proxy and entitled to vote on this item at the
meeting is required for approval of the 2009 Plan. Proxies
solicited by the board of directors will be voted for approval
of the 2009 Plan unless shareholders specify otherwise in their
proxies. For this purpose, a stockholder voting through a Proxy
who abstains with respect to approval of the 2009 Plan is
considered to be present and entitled to vote on the approval of
the 2009 Plan at the meeting, and is in effect a negative vote,
but a stockholder (including a broker) who does not give
authority to a Proxy to vote or withholds authority to vote on
the approval of the 2009 Plan shall not be considered present
and entitled to vote on the proposal.
The Board recommends a vote FOR approval of the 2009
Incentive Compensation Plan.
Proposal No. 3
Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public
Accounting Firm
The Audit Committee has appointed Ernst & Young LLP as
our companys independent registered public accounting firm
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. We are asking our
stockholders to ratify the selection of Ernst & Young
LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm.
Although ratification is not required by our bylaws or
otherwise, our board is submitting the selection of
Ernst & Young LLP to our stockholders as a matter of
good corporate practice. Representatives of Ernst &
Young LLP will attend the annual meeting, will have the
opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so, and
will be available to respond to appropriate questions.
The Board recommends a vote FOR ratification of the
appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as our companys
independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2010.
Fees Paid
to Independent Auditors
The following table shows the aggregate fees paid to
Ernst & Young LLP by us for the services it rendered
during the fiscal years ended June 30, 2009 and 2008:
Description of Fees
Audit Fees(1)
Audit-Related Fees(2)
Tax Fees(3)
All Other Fees
(1) |
Includes fees for audit of annual financial statements, reviews
of the related quarterly financial statements, audit of the
effectiveness of our companys internal control over
financial reporting, certain statutory audits, and SEC filings. |
(2) |
Includes fees for accounting and reporting assistance and
audit-related work in connection with employee benefit plans of
our company. |
(3) |
Includes fees related to tax planning advice, tax return
preparation, and expatriate tax services. |
Committee Pre-Approval Policies
The Audit Committee has adopted an Audit and Non-audit Services
Pre-Approval Policy. This policy provides that audit services
engagement terms and fees, and any changes in such terms or
fees, are subject to the specific pre-approval of the Audit
Committee. The policy further provides that all other audit
services, audit-related services, tax services, and permitted
non-audit services are subject to pre-approval by the Audit
Committee. All of the services Ernst & Young LLP
performed for us during the last two fiscal years were
pre-approved by the Audit Committee.
Proposal No. 4
Stockholders Proposal Regarding Global Human Rights
The Office of the Comptroller of New York City, 1 Centre Street,
New York, New York 10007, has notified the Company that it
intends to present the following resolution at the annual
meeting, as custodian and trustee of the New York City
Employees Retirement System, beneficial owners of
756,688 shares of Common Stock of the Company, the New York
City Teachers Retirement System, beneficial owners of
693,472 shares of Common Stock of the Company, the New York
City Police Pension Fund, beneficial owners of
469,477 shares of Common Stock of the Company, the New York
City Fire Department Pension Fund, beneficial owners of
130,971 shares of Common Stock of the Company, and as
custodian of the New York City Board of Education Retirement
System, beneficial owners of 45,772 shares of Common Stock
of the Company. The Board of Directors and the Company accept no
responsibility for the proposed resolution and supporting
statement. The Board of Directors recommends a vote
AGAINST this stockholder proposal. As required by
Securities and Exchange Commission rules, the resolution and
supporting statement are printed below.
by William C. Thompson, Jr., Comptroller, City of New York, on
behalf of the Boards of Trustees
of the New York City Pension Funds
Whereas, Archer Daniels Midland Company, currently has
overseas operations, and
Whereas, reports of human rights abuses in the overseas
subsidiaries and suppliers of
corporations has led to an increased public awareness of the
problems of child labor, sweatshop conditions, and
the denial of labor rights in U.S. corporate overseas
operations, and
Whereas, corporate violations of human rights in these
overseas operations can lead to negative publicity, public
protests, and a loss of consumer confidence which can have a
negative impact on shareholder value, and
Whereas, a number of corporations have implemented
independent monitoring programs with respected human rights and
religious organizations to strengthen compliance with
international human rights norms in subsidiary and supplier
factories, and
Whereas, many of these programs incorporate the
conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on
workplace human rights, and the United Nations Norms on
the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations with Regard
to Human Rights (UN Norms), which include the
following principles:
1. All workers have the right to form and join trade unions
and to Bargain collectively. (ILO Conventions 87 and 98; UN
Norms, section D9).
2. Workers representatives shall not be the subject of
discrimination and shall have access to all workplaces necessary
to enable them to carry out their representation functions. (ILO
Convention 135; UN Norms, Section D9)
3. There shall be no discrimination or intimidation in
employment. Equality of opportunity and treatment shall be
provided regardless of race, color, sex, religion, political
opinion, age, nationality, social origin or other distinguishing
characteristics. (ILO Conventions 100 and 111; UN Norms,
section B2).
4. Employment shall be freely chosen. There shall be no use
of force, including bonded or prison labor. (ILO Conventions 29
and 105; UN Norms, section D5).
5. There shall be no use of child labor. (ILO Convention
138; UN Norms, section D6), and,
Whereas, independent monitoring of corporate adherence to
these internationally recognized principles is essential if
consumer and investor confidence in our companys
commitment to human rights is to be maintained,
Therefore, be it resolved that the shareholders request
that the company commit itself to the implementation of a code
of conduct based on the aforementioned ILO human rights
standards and United Nations Norms on the Responsibilities
of Transnational Corporations with Regard to Human Rights, by
its international suppliers and in its own international
production facilities, and commit to a program of outside,
independent monitoring of compliance with these standards.
of the Board of Directors AGAINST the Proposal
Throughout our history, it has been our objective to maintain
operating standards that incorporate the highest ideals of
character and business conduct. Our companys current
Business Code of Conduct and Ethics, adopted in 2003, is a
statement of the values to be recognized in the conduct of our
business by employees, officers, directors and other agents. The
Business Code of Conduct and Ethics is available on our internet
site, and is available free of charge on written
request to Secretary, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, 4666
Faries Parkway, Decatur, Illinois
The Business Code of Conduct and Ethics sets forth standards
regarding, among other things, fair employment, health and
safety, and child labor. Those standards are summarized below.
Our company is committed to the fair and equitable treatment of
all its employees and applicants for employment. We evaluate
applicants and employees by their qualifications, demonstrated
skills and achievements. Our company shall provide a work
environment free from verbal or physical conduct which
intimidates and harasses. We will not employ legally underage
workers or forced labor. We will provide a safe and healthy
workplace at each of our locations. Our company supports
business partners who treat employees with dignity and respect
and follow local employment laws. Our company will not condone
the employment or exploitation of legally underage workers or
forced labor and will not knowingly use suppliers who employ
such workers or labor.
Our board believes that our companys Business Code of
Conduct and Ethics and our existing business practices address
the substantive areas covered by the proposal. For these
reasons, our board does not believe that adoption of this
proposal is necessary or in furtherance of the best interests of
our stockholders.
Accordingly, the Board recommends that stockholders vote
AGAINST this stockholder proposal. Proxies solicited by
the Board will be so voted unless stockholders specify a
different choice.
for Submission of Stockholder Proposals
Proposals of stockholders intended to be presented at the next
annual meeting and desired to be included in our proxy statement
for that meeting must be received by the Secretary,
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, 4666 Faries Parkway, Decatur,
no later than May 28, 2010 in order to be included in such
proxy statement. Generally, if written notice of any stockholder
proposal intended to be presented at the next annual meeting,
and not included in our proxy statement for that meeting, is not
delivered to the Secretary at the above address between
August 7, 2010 and September 6, 2010 (or, if the next
annual meeting is called for a date that is not within the
period from October 6, 2010 to December 5, 2010, if
such notice is not so delivered by the close of business on the
tenth day following the earlier of the date on which notice of
the date of such annual meeting is mailed or public disclosure
of the date of such annual meeting is made), or if such notice
does not contain the information required by Section 1.4(c)
of our bylaws, the chair of the annual meeting may declare that
such stockholder proposal be disregarded.
with the Same Address
Individual stockholders sharing an address with one or more
other stockholders may elect to household the
mailing of the proxy statement and our annual report. This means
that only one annual report and proxy statement will be sent to
that address unless one or more stockholders at that address
specifically elect to receive separate mailings. Stockholders
who participate in householding will continue to receive
separate proxy cards. Also, householding will not affect
dividend check mailings. We will promptly send a separate annual
report and proxy statement to a stockholder at a shared address
on request. Stockholders with a shared address may also request
us to send separate annual reports and proxy statements in the
future, or to send a single copy in the future if we are
currently sending multiple copies to the same address.
Requests related to householding should be made by writing
Shareholder Relations, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, 4666
Faries Parkway, Decatur, Illinois
or by calling our Shareholder Relations at 217/424-5656. If you
are a stockholder whose shares are held by a bank, broker or
other nominee, you can request information about householding
from your bank, broker or other nominee.
It is not contemplated or expected that any business other than
that pertaining to the subjects referred to in this proxy
statement will be brought up for action at the meeting, but in
the event that other business does properly come before the
meeting calling for a stockholders vote, the named proxies
will vote thereon according to their best judgment in the
interest of our company.
By Order of the Board of Directors
D. J. Smith, Secretary
September 25, 2009
Article 1.
Establishment, Objectives, and Duration
1.1. Establishment of the
Plan. Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, a Delaware
corporation (hereinafter referred to as the
Company), hereby establishes an incentive
compensation plan to be known as the
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company 2009 Incentive Compensation
Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan), as
set forth in this document. The Plan permits the grant of
various forms of equity- and cash-based Awards. The Plan shall
become effective as of November 5, 2009 (the
Effective Date), and shall remain in effect as
provided in Section 1.3 hereof.
1.2. Objectives of the Plan. The
objectives of the Plan are to optimize the profitability and
growth of the Company through annual and
incentives which are consistent with the Companys goals
and which link the personal interests of Participants to those
of the Companys Stockholders; to provide Participants with
an incentive for excellence in individual performance; and to
promote teamwork among Participants. The Plan is further
intended to provide flexibility to the Company in its ability to
motivate, attract, and retain the services of Participants who
make significant contributions to the Companys success and
to allow Participants to share in the success of the Company.
1.3. Duration of the Plan. The
Plan shall commence on the Effective Date, as described in
Section 1.1 hereof, and shall remain in effect, subject to
the right of the Board of Directors to amend or terminate the
Plan at any time pursuant to Article 16 hereof, until all
Shares subject to it shall have been distributed according to
the Plans provisions. However, in no event may an ISO be
granted under the Plan more than ten years after the Effective
Article 2.
Whenever used in the Plan, the following terms shall have the
meanings set forth below, and when the meaning is intended, the
initial letter of the word shall be capitalized:
2.1. Affiliate means any entity
that is a Subsidiary or a parent corporation, as defined in Code
Section 424(e), of the Company, or any other entity
designated by the Committee as covered by the Plan in which the
Company has, directly or indirectly, at least a 20% voting
2.2. Award means a grant under
this Plan of Nonqualified Stock Options, Incentive Stock
Options, Stock Appreciation Rights, Restricted Stock, Restricted
Stock Units, Performance Shares, Performance Share Units,
Performance Units, a Cash-Based Award or an Other Stock-Based
2.3. Award Agreement means a
written or electronic agreement entered into by the Company and
each Participant setting forth the terms and provisions
applicable to an Award granted under this Plan.
2.4. Beneficial Owner or
Beneficial Ownership shall have the meaning
ascribed to such term in
Rule 13d-3
of the General Rules and Regulations under the Exchange Act.
2.5. Board or Board of
Directors means the Board of Directors of the Company.
2.6. Cash-Based Award means an
Award granted to a Participant, as described in Article 9
2.7 Change of Control means what
the term (or a term of like import) is expressly defined to mean
in a then-effective employment or other written agreement
between the Participant and the Company or any Affiliate, or in
the absence of any such then-effective agreement or definition,
means either:
A Person other than the Company or a Subsidiary of the Company
acquires Beneficial Ownership, directly or indirectly, of
thirty-percent (30%) or more of either (i) the then
outstanding shares of Company common stock, or (ii) the
combined voting power of the Companys then outstanding
securities entitled to vote generally in the election of
directors (Voting Securities), provided that the
following will not constitute a Change of Control under this
subsection (a):
Any acquisition directly from the Company (excluding any
acquisition resulting from the exercise of a conversion or
exchange privilege with respect to outstanding convertible or
exchangeable securities unless such convertible or exchangeable
securities were acquired directly from the Company);
Any acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust)
sponsored or maintained by the Company or one or more of its
Any acquisition by any corporation with respect to which,
immediately following such acquisition, more than 60% of,
respectively, the then outstanding shares of common stock of
such corporation and the combined voting power of the then
outstanding voting securities of such corporation entitled to
vote generally in the election of directors is then Beneficially
Owned, directly or indirectly, by all or substantially all of
the persons who were the Beneficial Owners, respectively, of the
outstanding Company common stock and Voting Securities
immediately prior to such acquisition in substantially the same
proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to such
acquisition, of the outstanding Company common stock and Voting
Securities, as the case may be;
Approval by the stockholders of the Company of the complete
dissolution or liquidation of the Company;
The consummation of (i) a reorganization, merger or
consolidation of the Company (other than a merger or
consolidation with a subsidiary of the Company), (ii) a
statutory exchange of outstanding Voting Securities of the
Company, or (iii) a sale or other disposition of all or
substantially all of the assets of the Company (in one or a
series of transactions) (any transaction referred to in
clauses (i) through (iii) a Business
Combination), unless immediately following such Business
Combination all or substantially all of the persons who were the
beneficial owners, respectively, of the outstanding Company
common stock and Voting Securities immediately prior to such
Business Combination Beneficially Own, directly or indirectly,
more than 60% of, respectively, the then outstanding shares of
common stock and the combined voting power of the then
outstanding voting securities entitled to vote generally in the
election of directors, as the case may be, of the surviving or
acquiring entity (or its parent corporation) resulting from such
Business Combination in substantially the same proportions as
their ownership, immediately prior to such reorganization,
merger, consolidation or exchange, of the outstanding Company
common stock and Voting Securities, as the case may be;
A majority of the members of the Board of Directors of the
Company are not Continuing Directors, with the term
Continuing Directors meaning (i) the members of
the Board as of the Effective Date, and (ii) any individual
who becomes a member of the Board after such date whose
election, or nomination for election by the shareholders of the
Company, was approved by the vote of at least two-thirds of the
then Continuing Directors, but excluding any individual whose
initial assumption of office as a director of the Company occurs
as a result of an actual or threatened election contest with
respect to the election or removal of directors or other actual
or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on
behalf of any person other than the Board; or
Adoption by the Board of a resolution to the effect that any
Person has acquired effective control of the business and
affairs of the Company;
provided, however, that for purposes of Awards hereunder that
are subject to the provisions of Code Section 409A, no
Change of Control shall be deemed to have occurred upon an event
described in (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) that would have
the effect of changing the time or form of payment of such
Award, unless such event would also constitute a change in
control under Code Section 409A (regarding change in
the ownership or effective control of a corporation, or a change
in the ownership of a substantial portion of the assets of a
corporation) and related guidance thereunder.
2.8. Code means the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and the
regulations promulgated thereunder.
2.9. Committee means the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors, which shall
consist of two or more directors all of whom are intended to
satisfy the requirements for an outside director
under Code Section 162(m), a non-employee
director within the meaning of
Rule 16b-3
of the Exchange Act, and an independent director
under the rules of the New York Stock Exchange (or any other
national securities exchange which is the principal exchange on
which the Shares may then be traded); provided, however, that as
to any Section 162(m) Award, if any member of the
Compensation Committee shall not satisfy such outside
director requirements, Committee means a
subcommittee (of two or more persons) of the Compensation
Committee consisting of all members thereof who satisfy such
outside director requirement; and further provided
that any action taken by the Committee shall be valid and
effective whether or not members of the Committee at the time of
such action are later determined not to have satisfied the
requirements for membership specified above. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, for purposes of making and administering all Option
grants made by an officer or officers of the Company pursuant to
the delegation provided for in paragraph 6.1 below, the
Committee shall consist of the officer or officers to whom such
delegation has been made, acting together or individually,
unless otherwise specified by the Board of Directors.
2.10. Company means
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, a Delaware corporation, and any
successor thereto as provided in Article 18 herein.
2.11 Consultant means a consultant
or adviser engaged to provide services to the Company or any
Affiliate (other than in connection with (i) a
capital-raising transaction or (ii) promoting or
maintaining a market in Company securities) who is a natural
2.12. Covered Employee means a
Participant who, in the sole judgment of the Committee, may be
treated as a covered employee under Code
Section 162(m) at the time income is recognized by such
Participant in connection with an Award that is intended to
qualify for the Performance-Based Exception.
2.13. Date of Grant shall mean the
date on which an Award under the Plan is approved by the
Committee or such later effective date for such Award as the
Committee may specify.
2.14. Disability shall have the
meaning set forth in the Award Agreement, or if no definition is
specified in the Award Agreement, it shall have the meaning
ascribed to such term in the Participants governing
long-term disability plan; provided that, if no such plan exists
and no definition is specified in the Award Agreement, it shall
mean the inability of the Participant to engage in any
substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically
determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected
to result in death or can be expected to last for a continuous
period of not less than 12 months.
2.15. Effective Date shall have
the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 1.1 hereof.
2.16 Eligible Individual means any
person who is an Employee, a Non-Employee Director or a
2.17. Employee means any person
who is an employee of the Company or any Affiliate; provided,
however, that with respect to ISOs, Employee means
any person who is considered an employee of the Company or any
Affiliate for purposes of Treasury
Regulation Section 1.421-1(h).
2.18. Exchange Act means the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time,
or any successor act thereto.
2.19. Fair Market Value on any
date shall be determined on the basis of the closing sale price
of a Share on the trading date immediately prior to such date on
the principal securities exchange on which the Shares are traded
or, if there is no such sale on the relevant date, then on the
last previous day on which a sale was reported.
2.20. Freestanding SAR means a SAR
that is granted independently of any Options, as described in
Article 7 herein.
2.21 Full Value Award means any
Award other than an Option or Stock Appreciation Right.
2.22. Incentive Stock Option or
ISO means an option to purchase Shares
granted under Article 6 herein and which is designated as
an Incentive Stock Option and which is intended to meet the
requirements of Code Section 422.
2.23 Non-Employee Director means a
member of the Board who is not an Employee.
2.24. Nonqualified Stock Option or
NQSO means an option to purchase Shares
granted under Article 6 herein and which is not intended to
meet the requirements of Code Section 422.
2.25. Option means an Incentive
Stock Option or a Nonqualified Stock Option, as described in
Article 6 herein.
2.26. Option Price means the price
at which a Share may be purchased by a Participant pursuant to
an Option.
2.27 Other Stock-Based Award means
an Award described in Article 10 of the Plan.
2.28. Participant means an
Employee, Non-Employee Director or Consultant who has been
selected to receive an Award or who has outstanding an Award
granted under the Plan.
2.29. Performance-Based Exception
means the performance-based exception from the tax deductibility
limitations of Code Section 162(m).
2.30. Performance Share and
Performance Share Unit mean Awards granted to
a Participant, as described in Article 9 herein.
2.31. Performance Unit means an
Award granted to a Participant, as described in Article 9
2.32. Period of Restriction means
the period during which the transfer of Shares of Restricted
Stock is limited in some way and the Shares are subject to a
risk of forfeiture, or during which Restricted Stock Units are
subject to a risk of forfeiture, as provided in Article 8
2.33. Person shall have the
meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3(a)(9) of the
Exchange Act and used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) thereof,
including a group as defined in Section 13(d)
2.34 Prior Plan means the
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company Amended and Restated 2002
Incentive Plan.
2.35. Restricted Stock means
Shares granted to a Participant pursuant to Article 8
herein that are subject to certain restrictions and the risk of
forfeiture or repurchase.
2.36 Restricted Stock Unit means
the right granted to a Participant pursuant to Article 8 to
receive a Share in settlement of the Restricted Stock Unit after
its vesting.
2.37. Retirement means what the
term is expressly defined to mean in an applicable Award
Agreement or, in the absence of such a definition, means any
termination of employment at or after age sixty-five (65), or at
or after age fifty-five (55) with ten (10) or more
years of continuous service as defined under the ADM Retirement
2.38. Section 162(m) Award
means an Award to a Covered Employee intended to qualify for the
Performance-Based Exception.
2.39. Shares means the shares of
common stock of the Company, without par value.
2.40. Stock Appreciation Right or
SAR means an Award, granted alone or in
connection with a related Option, designated as a SAR, pursuant
to the terms of Article 7 herein.
2.41. Subsidiary means any
corporation, partnership, joint venture, or other entity in
which the Company has a majority voting interest; provided,
however, that with respect to ISOs, the term
Subsidiary shall include only an entity that
qualifies under Code Section 424(f) as a subsidiary
corporation with respect to the Company.
2.42 Substitute Award means an
Award granted or Shares issued by the Company in assumption of,
or in substitution or exchange for, outstanding awards granted
by a company or other entity acquired by the Company or any
Affiliate or with which the Company or any Affiliate combines.
2.43. Tandem SAR means a SAR that
is granted in connection with a related Option pursuant to
Article 7 herein, the exercise of which shall require
forfeiture of the right to purchase a Share under the related
Option (with a similar cancellation of the Tandem SAR when a
Share is purchased under the Option). Except for the medium of
payment, the terms of a Tandem SAR shall be identical in all
material respects to the terms of the related Option.
Article 3.
3.1. Committee Members. The Plan
shall be administered by the Committee. The members of the
Committee shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the
Board. The Committee shall have such powers and authority as may
be necessary or appropriate for the Committee to carry out its
functions as described in the Plan. No member of the Committee
shall be liable for any action or determination made in good
faith by the Committee with respect to the Plan or any Award
3.2. Discretionary
Authority. Subject to the express limitations of
the Plan, the Committee shall have authority in its discretion
to determine the Employees to whom, and the time or times at
which, Awards may be granted, the number of Shares, units or
other rights subject to each Award, the Option Price or purchase
price of an Award (if any), the time or times at which an Award
will become vested, exercisable or payable, the performance
measure, performance goals and other conditions of an Award, the
duration of the Award, and all other terms of an Award. The
Committee shall also have discretionary authority to interpret
the Plan, to make all factual determinations under the Plan, and
to make all other determinations necessary or advisable for Plan
administration. The Committee may prescribe, amend, and rescind
rules and regulations relating to the Plan. All interpretations,
determinations, and actions by the Committee shall be final,
conclusive, and binding upon all parties.
3.3. Action by the Committee. A
majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a
quorum for any meeting of the Committee, and the act of a
majority of the members present at any meeting at which a quorum
is present or the act approved in writing by a majority of all
the members of the Committee shall be the act of the Committee.
In the performance of their duties under this Plan, the
Committee members shall be entitled to rely upon information and
advice furnished by the Companys officers, employees,
accountants or counsel, or any executive compensation consultant
or other professional retained by the Company or the Committee
to assist in the administration of this Plan.
Article 4.
Shares Subject to the Plan and Maximum Awards
4.1. Number of Shares Available for
Grants. Subject to adjustment as provided in
Sections 4.1(a) and 4.3 herein, the number of Shares hereby
reserved for issuance to Participants under the Plan shall be
Thirty million (30,000,000), plus any Shares remaining available
for grant under the Prior Plan on the Effective Date. No more
than Fifteen million (15,000,000) of the Thirty million
(30,000,000) Shares newly reserved for issuance under the Plan
may be granted in the form of Full Value Awards. The Shares to
be delivered under the Plan will be made available from
authorized but unissued Shares or issued Shares that are held in
the Companys treasury.
Any Shares subject to an Award under this Plan, or to an award
granted under the Prior Plan that is outstanding on the
Effective Date, that expires, is forfeited, cancelled, or
returned to the Company for failure to satisfy vesting
requirements, is settled for cash or otherwise terminates
without payment being made thereunder shall, to the extent of
such expiration, forfeiture, cancellation, return, cash
settlement or termination, again be available for grant under
the Plan. The following Shares will, however, continue to be
charged against the foregoing maximum Share limitations and will
not again become available for grant: (i) Shares tendered
by the Participant or withheld by the Company in payment of the
purchase price of an Option, (ii) Shares tendered by the
Participant or withheld by the Company to satisfy any tax
withholding obligation with respect to an Award, and
(iii) Shares subject to a SAR that are not issued in
connection with the stock settlement of the SAR upon its
If a Tandem SAR is granted, then the Tandem SAR and the related
Option shall be counted as covering only the number of Shares
subject to the related Option for purposes of applying the
limitations of this Section 4.1.
Substitute Awards shall not be charged against the foregoing
maximum Share limitations, nor shall they reduce the Shares
authorized for grant to a Participant in any calendar year.
Additionally, in the event that a company acquired by the
Company or any Affiliate or with which the Company or any
Affiliate combines has shares available under a pre-existing
plan approved by stockholders and not adopted in contemplation
of such acquisition or combination, the shares available for
grant pursuant to the terms of such pre-existing plan (as
adjusted, to the extent appropriate, using the exchange ratio or
other adjustment or valuation ratio or formula used in such
acquisition or combination to determine the consideration
payable to the holders of common stock of the entities party to
such acquisition or combination) may be used for Awards under
the Plan and shall not be charged against the foregoing maximum
Share limitations; provided that Awards using such available
shares shall not be made after the date awards or grants could
have been made under the terms of the pre-existing plan, absent
the acquisition or combination, and shall only be made to
individuals who were not Employees or Non-Employee Directors
prior to such acquisition or combination.
4.2 Individual Award
Limitations. Subject to adjustments as provided
in Section 4.3 herein, the following rules shall apply to
grants of such Awards under the Plan:
Stock Options: The maximum aggregate number of
Shares that may be covered by Awards of Stock Options granted in
any one fiscal year to any one Participant shall be Two million
SARs: The maximum aggregate number of Shares
that may be covered by Awards of Stock Appreciation Rights
granted in any one fiscal year to any one Participant shall be
Two million (2,000,000).
Restricted Stock/Restricted Stock Units: The
maximum aggregate number of Shares that may be covered by Awards
of Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units granted in any
one fiscal year to any one Participant shall be One million
Performance Shares/Performance Share
Units: The maximum aggregate number of Shares
that may be covered by Awards of Performance Shares and
Performance Share Units granted in any one fiscal year to any
one Participant shall be One million (1,000,000).
Performance Units: The maximum aggregate
payout (determined as of the end of the applicable performance
period) with respect to Performance Units granted in any one
fiscal year to any one Participant shall be Ten Million Dollars
Cash-Based Awards: The maximum aggregate
payout (determined as of the end of the applicable performance
period) with respect to Cash-Based Awards granted in any one
fiscal year to any one Participant shall be Ten Million Dollars
Other Stock-Based Awards: The maximum
aggregate number of Shares that may be covered by Other
Stock-Based Awards granted in any one fiscal year to any one
Participant shall be One million (1,000,000), and the maximum
aggregate payout with respect to Other Stock-Based Awards
granted in any one fiscal year to any one Participant shall be
Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000).
4.3. Adjustments in Shares.
Equity Restructurings. In the event of any
equity restructuring, the Committee shall make such equitable
adjustments with respect to the Plan and Awards thereunder as
the Committee may deem appropriate to reflect the occurrence of
such equity restructuring, including adjustments to (i) the
aggregate number and kind of Shares or other securities that may
be issued under the Plan (ii) the
Award limits set forth in Section 4.1, and (iii) the
number and kind of Shares or other securities subject to
outstanding Awards and, if applicable, the Option Price or base
price of outstanding Awards.
An equity restructuring for this purpose means a
nonreciprocal transaction between the Company and its
stockholders, such as a stock dividend, stock split, spin-off,
rights offering or recapitalization through a large,
nonrecurring cash dividend, that causes a change in the per
share value of the Shares underlying outstanding Awards.
Other Events. In the event of any other change
in corporate capitalization, which may include a merger,
consolidation, any reorganization (whether or not such
reorganization comes within the definition of such term in Code
Section 368), or any partial or complete liquidation of the
Company to the extent such events do not constitute equity
restructurings, and subject to Article 20, the Committee
may, in its sole discretion, make such equitable adjustments
described in Section 4.3(a) as determined to be appropriate
and equitable by the Committee to prevent dilution or
enlargement of benefits.
Any adjustment made pursuant to this Section 4.3 shall be
conclusive and binding for all purposes of the Plan. Unless
otherwise determined by the Committee, the number of shares
subject to an Award shall always be a whole number.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, no adjustment made pursuant to
this Section 4.3 shall be authorized to the extent that it
would be inconsistent with a Section 162(m) Awards meeting
the requirements of Code Section 162(m) or cause an Award
to be subject to adverse tax consequences under Code
Section 409A.
Article 5.
Eligibility and Participation
5.1. Eligibility. Eligible
Individuals who may participate in this Plan include all
Employees, Non-Employee Directors and Consultants. References in
this Plan to employed, employment and
similar terms (other than Employee or
employee) shall be deemed to include, as the context
requires, the providing of services in the capacity of a
Non-Employee Director or Consultant. For purposes of the Plan, a
Participants employment shall be deemed to have terminated
either upon an actual cessation of providing services or when
the entity to which the Participant provides services ceases to
be an Affiliate. Except as otherwise provided in this Plan or
any Award Agreement, employment shall not be deemed terminated
in the case of (i) any approved leave of absence;
(ii) transfers among the Company and any Affiliates in any
Eligible Individual capacity; or (iii) any change in status
so long as the person remains in the service of the Company or
any Affiliate in any Eligible Individual capacity.
5.2. Participation. Subject to the
provisions of the Plan, the Committee may, from time to time,
select from all Eligible Individuals those to whom Awards shall
be granted and shall determine the nature and amount of each
5.3 Award Agreements. Each Award
will be evidenced by an Award Agreement setting forth the terms,
conditions and restrictions, as determined by the Committee,
which will apply to such Award, in addition to the terms and
conditions specified in this Plan. Acceleration of the vesting
or exercisability schedule of an Award and of the expiration of
the applicable term of the Award is permitted upon such terms
and conditions as shall be set forth in the Award Agreement,
which may include acceleration resulting from the occurrence of
a Change of Control.
Article 6.
Stock Options
6.1. Grant of Options. Subject to
the terms and provisions of the Plan, Options may be granted to
Participants in such number, and upon such terms, and at any
time and from time to time as shall be determined by the
Committee and such officer or officers of the Company who have
been delegated the authority to grant and administer Options by
the Board of Directors. Notwithstanding the foregoing, officers
delegated the authority to grant Options pursuant to this Plan
shall not have authority to grant Options to
themselves or to any officer or director of the Company who is
subject to the requirements of Section 16 of the Exchange
6.2. Award Agreement. Each Option
grant shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement that shall
specify the Option Price, the duration of the Option, the number
of Shares to which the Option pertains, provisions for vesting
and exercisability, and such other provisions as the Committee
shall determine. The Award Agreement also shall specify whether
the Option is intended to be an ISO or a NQSO.
6.3. Option Price. The Option Price
for each grant of an Option under this Plan shall be at least
equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Fair Market Value of
a Share on the Date of Grant, except in the case of Substitute
6.4. Duration of Options. Each
Option granted to a Participant shall expire at such time as the
Committee shall determine at the time of grant; provided,
however, that no Option shall be exercisable later than one day
prior to the tenth (10th) anniversary date of its grant.
6.5. Exercise of Options. Options
granted under this Article 6 shall be exercisable at such
times and be subject to such restrictions and conditions as the
Committee shall in each instance approve, which need not be the
same for each grant or for each Participant. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the Committee may at any time, or upon the occurrence
of any events specified by the Committee in an Award Agreement,
accelerate a Participants right to exercise an Option.
6.6. Payment. Options granted under
this Article 6 shall be exercised by the delivery of a
written notice of exercise to the Company, setting forth the
number of Shares with respect to which the Option is to be
exercised, accompanied by full payment for the Shares. The
Option Price upon exercise of any Option shall be payable to the
Company in full either: (a) in cash or its equivalent, or
(b) by tendering, either by actual delivery of Shares or by
attestation, previously acquired Shares having an aggregate Fair
Market Value at the time of exercise equal to the total Option
Price, or (c) by a combination of (a) and (b). The
Committee also may allow payment of the Option Price in the form
of an authorization to the Company to withhold from the total
number of Shares as to which the Option is being exercised the
number of Shares having a Fair Market Value on the date of
exercise equal to the aggregate Option Price for the total
number of Shares as to which the Option is being exercised, an
irrevocable authorization to a third party with which the
Participant has a brokerage or similar relationship to sell the
Shares (or a sufficient portion of such Shares) acquired upon
the exercise of the Option and remit to the Company a portion of
the sale proceeds sufficient to pay the entire Option Price to
the Company, or by any other means which the Committee
determines to be consistent with the Plans purpose and
applicable law. Subject to any governing rules or regulations,
as soon as practicable after receipt of a written notification
of exercise and full payment, the Company shall deliver to the
Participant, in the Participants name, Share certificates
in an appropriate amount based upon the number of Shares
purchased under the Option(s).
6.7. Additional Rules for Incentive Stock
No more than Thirty Million (30,000,000) Shares reserved for
issuance under the Plan may be the subject of ISO Awards. ISO
Awards may be granted only to Employees.
No ISO shall be granted to a Participant as a result of which
the aggregate Fair Market Value (determined as of the Date of
the Grant) of the stock with respect to which ISOs granted to
that Participant are exercisable for the first time in any
calendar year under the Plan and any other stock option plans of
the Company or its Affiliates, would exceed the maximum amount
permitted under Code Section 422(d). This limitation shall
be applied by taking Options into account in the order in which
If Shares acquired by exercise of an ISO are disposed of within
two years following the Date of Grant or one year following the
transfer of such Shares to the Participant upon exercise, the
Participant shall, promptly following such disposition, notify
the Company in writing of the date and terms of such disposition
and provide such other information regarding the disposition as
the Committee may reasonably require.
Any ISO granted hereunder shall contain such additional terms
and conditions, not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan, as
are deemed necessary or desirable by the Committee, which terms,
together with the terms of this Plan, shall be intended and
interpreted to cause such ISO to qualify as an incentive
stock option under Code Section 422. Such terms shall
include, if applicable, limitations on ISOs granted to
ten-percent owners of the Company. An Award Agreement for an ISO
may provide that such Option shall be treated as a NQSO to the
extent that certain requirements applicable to incentive
stock options under the Code shall not be satisfied.
6.8. Restrictions on Share
Transferability. The Committee may impose such
restrictions on any Shares acquired pursuant to the exercise of
an Option granted under this Article 6 as it may deem
advisable, including, without limitation, restrictions under
applicable federal securities laws, under the requirements of
any stock exchange or market upon which such Shares are then
traded, and under any blue sky or state securities laws
applicable to such Shares.
6.9. Termination of
Employment. Except as otherwise provided by the
Committee in an applicable Award Agreement, a Participant shall
have the right to exercise the vested portion of an Option only
while such Participant is an Employee, or within three months
after such Participant ceases to be an Employee; provided,
however, that in the event the employment of the Participant is
terminated on account of the Participants death, the
Participants personal representatives, heirs or legatees
shall have the right to exercise the vested portion of any
Option held by the Participant at the time of his or her death
for one year following the date of death.
6.10. Nontransferability of Options.
Incentive Stock Options. No ISO granted under
the Plan may be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or
otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by will or by
the laws of descent and distribution. Further, all ISOs granted
to a Participant under the Plan shall be exercisable during his
or her lifetime only by such Participant.
Nonqualified Stock Options. Except as
otherwise provided in a Participants Award Agreement in
accordance with the terms provided below, no NQSO granted under
this Article 6 may be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned,
or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by will or by
the laws of descent and distribution or pursuant to a qualified
domestic relations order as defined in the Code or Title 1
of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act or the rules
thereunder. No NQSOs granted to a Participant under this
Article 6 shall be exercisable during his or her lifetime
by anyone other than such Participant. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, an Award Agreement for a NQSO may provide that the
Participant shall be permitted, during his or her lifetime and
subject to the prior approval of the Committee at the time of
proposed transfer, to transfer all or part of the Option to a
member or members of his or her immediate family (as defined in
the Award Agreement in a manner consistent with the requirements
for the
Form S-8
registration statement) or to one or more trusts for the benefit
of such family members or partnerships in which such family
members are the only partners. Any such transfer shall be
subject to the condition that it is made by the Participant for
estate planning, tax planning, or donative purposes, and no
consideration (other than interests in family-related entities
to which the transfer is made) is received by the Participant
therefor. The transfer of a NQSO may be subject to such other
terms and conditions as the Committee may in its discretion
impose from time to time, including a condition that the portion
of the Option to be transferred be vested and exercisable by the
Participant at the time of the transfer. Subsequent transfers of
an Option shall be prohibited other than by will or the laws of
descent and distribution upon the death of the transferee.
Article 7.
Stock Appreciation Rights
7.1. Grant of SARs. Subject to the
terms and conditions of the Plan, SARs may be granted to
Participants at any time and from time to time as shall be
determined by the Committee. The Committee may grant
Freestanding SARs, Tandem SARs, or any combination of these
forms of SAR. The Committee shall have complete discretion in
determining the number of SARs granted to each Participant
(subject to Article 4
herein) and, consistent with the provisions of the Plan, in
determining the terms and conditions pertaining to such SARs.
The base price of a Freestanding SAR shall equal the Fair Market
Value of a Share on the Date of Grant of the SAR, except in the
case of Substitute Awards. The base price of Tandem SARs shall
equal the Option Price of the related Option.
7.2. Exercise of Tandem
SARs. Tandem SARs may be exercised for all or
part of the Shares subject to the related Option upon the
surrender of the right to exercise the equivalent portion of the
related Option. A Tandem SAR may be exercised only with respect
to Shares for which its related Option is then exercisable.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan to the
contrary, with respect to a Tandem SAR granted in connection
with an ISO: (i) the Tandem SAR will expire no later than
the expiration of the underlying ISO; (ii) the value of the
payout with respect to the Tandem SAR may be for no more than
one hundred percent (100%) of the difference between the Option
Price of the underlying ISO and the Fair Market Value of the
Shares subject to the underlying ISO at the time the Tandem SAR
is exercised; and (iii) the Tandem SAR may be exercised
only when the Fair Market Value of the Shares subject to the ISO
exceeds the Option Price of the ISO.
7.3. Exercise of Freestanding
SARs. Freestanding SARs may be exercised upon
whatever terms and conditions the Committee, in its sole
discretion, imposes upon them.
7.4. SAR Agreement. Each SAR grant
shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement that shall specify the
base price, the term of the SAR, and such other provisions as
the Committee shall determine.
7.5. Term of SARs. The term of a
SAR granted under the Plan shall be determined by the Committee,
in its sole discretion; provided, however, that such term shall
not exceed ten (10) years.
7.6. Payment of SAR Amount. Upon
exercise of a SAR, a Participant shall be entitled to receive
payment from the Company in an amount determined by multiplying:
(i) the difference between the Fair Market Value of a Share
on the date of exercise over the base price; by (ii) the
number of Shares with respect to which the SAR is exercised. At
the discretion of the Committee, the payment upon SAR exercise
may be in cash, in Shares of equivalent value, or in some
combination thereof. The Committees determination
regarding the form of SAR payout shall be set forth in the Award
Agreement pertaining to the grant of the SAR.
7.7. Termination of
Employment. Except as otherwise provided by the
Committee in an applicable Award Agreement, a Participant shall
have the right to exercise the vested portion of a SAR only
while such Participant is an Employee, or within three months
after such Participant ceases to be an Employee; provided,
however, that in the event the employment of the Participant is
terminated on account of the Participants death, the
Participants personal representatives, heirs or legatees
shall have the right to exercise the vested portion of any SAR
held by the Participant at the time of his or her death for one
year following the date of death.
7.8. Nontransferability of SARs. No
SAR granted under the Plan may be sold, transferred, pledged,
assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by
will or by the laws of descent and distribution. All SARs
granted to a Participant under the Plan shall be exercisable
during his or her lifetime only by such Participant.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Award Agreement for a SAR may
provide that the Participant shall be permitted to transfer all
or part of the SAR for estate planning, tax planning, or
donative purposes to the persons and subject to the same terms,
conditions and restrictions specified in Section 6.10(b)
for comparable transfers of Nonqualified Stock Options.
Article 8.
Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units
8.1. Grants. Subject to the terms
and provisions of the Plan, the Committee, at any time and from
time to time, may grant Shares of Restricted Stock or Restricted
Stock Units to Participants in such amounts as the Committee
shall determine.
8.2. Award Agreement. Each
Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Unit grant shall be
evidenced by an Award Agreement that shall specify the Period(s)
of Restriction, the number of Shares of Restricted Stock or the
number of Restricted Stock Units granted, and such other
provisions as the Committee shall determine.
The end of any Period of Restriction may be conditioned upon the
satisfaction of such conditions as are specified by the
Committee in its sole discretion and set forth in the applicable
Award Agreement. The Award Agreement shall specify when, after
the applicable Period of Restriction and the satisfaction of
applicable vesting conditions, settlement of the Restricted
Stock Units shall be made in Shares.
8.3. Transferability. Except as
provided in this Article 8, the Shares of Restricted Stock
granted herein may not be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned,
or otherwise alienated or hypothecated until the end of the
applicable Period of Restriction established by the Committee
and specified in the Restricted Stock Award Agreement.
Restricted Stock Units granted herein may not be sold,
transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or
hypothecated, except by will or the laws of descent and
distribution. All rights with respect to the Restricted Stock or
Restricted Stock Units granted to a Participant under the Plan
shall be available during his or her lifetime only to such
8.4. Other Restrictions. The
Committee shall impose such other conditions
restrictions on any Shares of Restricted Stock or Restricted
Stock Units granted pursuant to the Plan as it may deem
advisable including, without limitation, a requirement that
Participants pay a stipulated purchase price for each Share of
Restricted Stock or each Restricted Stock Unit, restrictions
based upon the continued employment of the Participant, the
achievement of specific performance goals (Company-wide,
individual), time-based restrictions on vesting following the
attainment of the performance goals,
restrictions under applicable federal or state securities laws.
Until such time as all conditions
restrictions applicable to Shares of Restricted Stock have been
satisfied and the Shares vest at the end of the applicable
Period of Restriction, they shall be evidenced by a certificate
deposited with the Company or its designee, or by a book-entry
notation on the records of the Companys transfer agent.
Except as otherwise provided in this Article 8, Shares of
Restricted Stock covered by a Restricted Stock grant made under
the Plan shall become freely transferable by the Participant
after the last day of the applicable Period of Restriction.
8.5. Voting Rights. Participants
holding Shares of Restricted Stock granted hereunder shall be
entitled to exercise full voting rights with respect to those
Shares during the Period of Restriction. A Participant who
receives a Restricted Stock Unit Award shall have no voting
rights with respect to any Shares covered by the Award prior to
the time the Award vests and is settled in Shares issued to the
8.6. Cash Dividends and Dividend
Equivalents. During the Period of Restriction,
Participants holding Shares of Restricted Stock granted
hereunder shall be credited with regular cash dividends paid
with respect to the underlying Shares while they are so held.
The Committee may apply any restrictions on the
Participants receipt of the dividends that the Committee
deems appropriate. Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, if the grant or vesting of Shares of Restricted Stock
is intended to be a Section 162(m) Award, the Committee may
apply any restrictions it deems appropriate to the payment of
dividends declared with respect to such Shares of Restricted
Stock, such that the dividends
and/or the
Shares of Restricted Stock maintain eligibility for the
Performance-Based Exception. A Restricted Stock Unit Award
Agreement may specify that the Participant shall be entitled to
receive dividend equivalents during the Period of Restriction as
provided in Section 21.6.
8.7. Termination of
Employment. Each Restricted Stock and Restricted
Stock Unit Award Agreement shall set forth the extent, if any,
to which the Participant shall have the right to continued or
accelerated vesting of Shares of Restricted Stock or Restricted
Stock Units following termination of the Participants
employment with the Company. Such provisions shall be determined
in the sole discretion of the Committee, shall be included in
the Award Agreement entered into with each Participant, need not
be uniform among all Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Unit
Awards granted pursuant to the Plan, and may reflect
distinctions based on the reasons for termination.
8.8. Section 83(b)
Election. If a Participant makes an election
pursuant to Code Section 83(b) with respect to a Restricted
Stock Award, the Participant shall be required to promptly file
a copy of such election with the Company.
Article 9.
Performance Units, Performance Shares, Performance Share Units
and Cash-Based Awards
9.1. Grant of Performance Units Performance
Shares, Performance Share Units and Cash-Based
Awards. Subject to the terms of the Plan,
Performance Units, Performance Shares, Performance Share Units
Cash-Based Awards (collectively, Performance Awards)
may be granted to Participants in such amounts and upon such
terms, and at any time and from time to time, as shall be
determined by the Committee.
9.2. Value of Performance
Awards. At the time Performance Awards are
granted, the Committee shall determine, in its sole discretion,
one or more performance periods (the Performance
Periods) and the performance goals to be achieved during
the applicable Performance Periods, as well as such other
restrictions and conditions as the Committee deems appropriate.
Performance goals for Performance Awards shall be set using the
performance measures contemplated by Section 11.1. In the
case of Performance Units, the Committee shall also determine a
target unit value or a range of unit values for each Award. Each
Performance Share or Performance Share Unit shall have an
initial value equal to the Fair Market Value of a Share on the
Date of Grant. Each Cash-Based Award shall have such value as
may be determined by the Committee.
9.3. Earning of Performance
Awards. Subject to the terms of this Plan, after
each applicable Performance Period has ended, the Committee
shall determine the extent to which performance goals have been
attained or a degree of achievement between minimum and maximum
levels with respect to Performance Awards in order to establish
the level of payment to be made, if any, with respect to such
Awards, and shall certify the results in writing prior to
payment of a Section 162(m) Award.
9.4. Form and Timing of Payment of Performance
Awards. Payment of earned Performance Awards
shall be made in a single lump sum following the close of the
applicable Performance Period. Subject to the terms of this
Plan, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may pay earned
Performance Awards in the form of cash or in Shares (or in a
combination thereof) which have an aggregate Fair Market Value
determined as of the end of the applicable Performance Period
equal to the value of the earned Performance Awards. Such Shares
may be granted subject to any restrictions deemed appropriate by
the Committee. The determination of the Committee with respect
to the form and timing of payout of such Awards shall be set
forth in the Award Agreement pertaining to the grant of the
9.5. Compliance with Code
Section 162(m). In the case of Performance
Awards granted to Covered Employees that are intended to be
Section 162(m) Awards, the Committee shall make all
determinations necessary to establish the terms of such
Section 162(m) Awards within 90 days of the beginning
of the applicable Performance Period (or such other time period
required under Code Section 162(m)), including, without
limitation, the designation of the Covered Employees to whom
such Section 162(m) Awards are made, the performance
measures applicable to the Awards and the performance goals that
relate to such measures, and the dollar amounts or number of
Shares payable upon achieving the applicable performance goals.
As and to the extent required by Code Section 162(m), the
provisions of such Section 162(m) Awards must state, in
terms of an objective formula or standard, the method of
computing the amount of compensation payable to the Covered
Employee, and must preclude discretion to increase the amount of
compensation payable under the Award (but may permit
discretionary decreases in the amount of compensation payable.)
9.6. Termination of Employment Due to Death,
Disability, or Retirement. Unless determined
otherwise by the Committee and set forth in the
Participants Award Agreement, in the event the employment
of a Participant is terminated by reason of death, Disability,
or Retirement during a Performance Period, the Participant shall
receive a pro-rata payout of the Performance Awards based on the
applicable performance goals which have been achieved for such
Awards over the applicable Performance Period, if any, as
determined by the Committee. Payment of earned Performance
Awards shall be made at a time specified by the Committee in its
sole discretion and set forth in the Participants Award
Agreement. With respect to any Performance Awards that were
intended to be Section 162(m) Awards, in the event the
employment of a Participant is terminated by reason of death or
Disability, the Committee may waive the requirement under such
Awards held by the Participant that one or more performance
goals be achieved as a condition of any payment under such
Awards; provided, however, that if any such Award is paid under
such circumstances prior to the attainment of the applicable
performance goals, the Award will no longer qualify for the
Performance-Based Exception.
9.7. Termination of Employment for Other
Reasons. In the event that a Participants
employment terminates for any reason other than those reasons
set forth in Section 9.6 herein, all Performance Awards
shall be forfeited by the Participant to the Company unless
determined otherwise by the Committee, as set forth in the
Participants Award Agreement.
9.8. Nontransferability. Except as
otherwise provided in a Participants Award Agreement,
Performance Awards may not be sold, transferred, pledged,
assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by
will or by the laws of descent and distribution. Further, except
as otherwise provided in a Participants Award Agreement, a
Participants rights under the Plan shall be exercisable
during the Participants lifetime only by the Participant.
Article 10.
Other Stock-Based Awards
The Committee may from time to time grant under the Plan Shares
and other Awards that are valued in whole or in part by
reference to, or are otherwise based upon
payable in Shares. The Committee, in its sole discretion, shall
determine the terms and conditions of such Awards, which shall
be consistent with the terms and purposes of the Plan.
Article 11.
Performance Measures and Minimum Vesting Periods
11.1 Performance Measures. The
performance measure(s) that may be used for purposes of
determining the degree of payout
vesting with respect to Section 162(m) Awards shall be
chosen by the Committee from among the following (these
performance measures may be applied on an absolute or
comparative basis, and may be applied to the Company, any
Subsidiary or Affiliate, or any division or business unit
(a) Earnings per share;
(b) Net income (before or after taxes);
(c) Return on assets, net assets, equity,
investment or capital;
(d) Cash flow, cash flow per share and
cash flow return on investments, which equals net cash flows
divided by owners equity;
(e) Earnings before or after any one or
more of taxes, interest, depreciation and amortization;
(f) Gross revenues; and
(g) Share price (including, but not
limited to, growth measures and total stockholder return).
The Committee shall, in its sole discretion, define the manner
of calculating the performance measures it selects to use in any
Performance Period, which may include adjustments to such
measures as otherwise defined under U.S. Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles. In the case of performance-based Awards
that are not Section 162(m) Awards, the Committee shall
designate performance measures from among the foregoing or such
other business criteria as it shall determine in its sole
discretion. If there shall occur an event described in
Section 4.3, the Committee shall have the discretion to
adjust the performance targets or goals applicable to any
outstanding Awards; provided, however, that in the case of a
Section 162(m) Award, no such adjustment may be made that
would cause such Award to fail to satisfy the Performance-Based
11.2 Minimum Vesting
Periods. Except as otherwise provided in this
Section 11.2, (i) Restricted Stock Awards, Restricted
Stock Unit Awards and Other-Stock-Based Awards that vest solely
as a result of the passage of time and continued service by the
Participant shall be subject to a vesting period of not less
than three years from the applicable Date of Grant (but
permitting pro rata vesting over such time); and
(ii) Performance Unit Awards, Performance Share Awards,
Performance Share Unit Awards, Cash-Based Awards and other Full
Value Awards whose vesting is subject to the satisfaction of
performance goals over a performance period shall be subject to
a performance period of not less than one year from the
applicable Date of Grant. The minimum vesting periods specified
in clauses (i) and (ii) of the preceding sentence
not apply: (A) to Awards made in payment of earned
performance-based Awards and other earned cash-based incentive
compensation; (B) to termination of employment due to
death, Disability or Retirement; (C) upon a Change in
Control; (D) to a Substitute Award that does not reduce the
vesting period of the award being replaced; or (E) to
Awards involving an aggregate number of Shares not in excess of
5% of the number of Shares available for Awards under
Section 4.1.
Article 12.
Forfeiture Conditions
The Committee may provide in an Award Agreement for conditions
of forfeiture of a Participants rights with respect to
such Award in the event of: (i) the termination of
employment of the Participant for cause (as defined
in an Award Agreement), (ii) the Participants breach
of such restrictive covenants (e.g., non-competition and
confidentiality restrictions) as may apply to the Participant,
or (iii) the Participants having engaged in an
activity that is detrimental to the Company (including, without
limitation, criminal activity or accepting employment with a
competitor of the Company). Such conditions of forfeiture may
include, in the discretion of the Committee, (a) suspension
or cancellation of the Participants right to exercise an
Option or SAR (whether or not then otherwise exercisable),
(b) suspension or cancellation of the Participants
pending right to receive an issuance of Shares or cash payment
in settlement of any Award, (c) the forfeiture of any
Shares of Restricted Stock held by the Participant or
(d) following the issuance of Shares or payment of cash
upon exercise, vesting or payment of an Award, either
(1) cancellation of the Shares so issued (and repayment to
the Participant of the full purchase price, if any, paid for
such shares) or (2) requiring the Participant to pay to the
Company in cash an amount equal to the gain realized by the
Participant from such Award (measured by the value (on the date
of receipt) of any property
amount of cash received by the Participant under the Award, to
the extent in excess of any amount paid by the Participant). The
Company may deduct from any amounts the Company may owe a
Participant from time to time any amounts the Participant may
owe the Company under this Article 12 and any related Award
Article 13.
Beneficiary Designation
Each Participant under the Plan may, from time to time, name any
beneficiary or beneficiaries (who may be named contingently or
successively) to whom any benefit under the Plan is to be paid
in case of his or her death before he or she receives any or all
of such benefit. Each such designation shall revoke all prior
designations by the same Participant, shall be in a form
prescribed by the Company, and will be effective only when filed
by the Participant in writing with the Company during the
Participants lifetime. In the absence of any such
designation, benefits remaining unpaid at the Participants
death shall be paid to the Participants estate.
Article 14.
The Committee may permit (upon timely election by the
Participant) or require a Participant to defer such
Participants receipt of the payment of cash or the
delivery of Shares that would otherwise be due to such
Participant by virtue of the exercise of an Option or SAR, the
lapse or waiver of restrictions with respect to Restricted
Stock, or the satisfaction of any requirements or goals with
respect to Performance Units/ Shares. If any such deferral
election is required or permitted, the Committee shall, in its
sole discretion, establish rules and procedures for such payment
deferrals in a manner consistent with Code Section 409A and
the regulations thereunder.
Article 15.
Rights of Employees
15.1. Employment. Nothing in the
Plan shall interfere with or limit in any way the right of the
Company or any Affiliate to terminate any Participants
employment at any time, nor confer upon any Participant any
right to continue in the employ of the Company or any Affiliate.
15.2. Participation. No Employee
shall have the right to be selected to receive an Award under
this Plan, or, having been so selected, to be selected to
receive a future Award.
15.3 Shareholders. A Participant
shall have no rights as a shareholder with respect to any Shares
covered by an Award until the date the Participant becomes the
holder of record of the Shares, if any, to which the Award
Article 16.
Amendment, Modification, and Termination
16.1. Amendment, Modification, and Termination of
Plan. The Board may at any time and from time to
time, modify, amend, suspend or terminate the Plan in whole or
in part, but no such modification, amendment, suspension or
termination of the Plan shall materially impair the rights of a
Participant with respect to a previously granted Award without
the consent of the Participant, except such a modification or
amendment made to comply with applicable law, stock exchange
rules or accounting rules. In addition, no modification or
amendment shall be made without the approval of the
Companys stockholders to the extent such approval is
required by applicable laws or regulations or by the rules of
the principal securities exchange on which the Shares are then
16.2 Amendment of Awards. The
Committee may unilaterally amend the terms of any Award
Agreement previously granted, except that (i) no such
amendment may materially impair the rights of any Participant
under the applicable Award without the Participants
consent, unless such amendment is necessary to comply with
applicable law, stock exchange rules or accounting rules; and
(ii) in no event may an Option or SAR be amended or
modified, other than as provided in Section 4.3, to
decrease the Option Price or base price thereof, or be cancelled
in exchange for cash, a new Option or SAR with a lower Option
Price or base price, or other Awards, or otherwise be subject to
any action that would be treated for accounting purposes as a
repricing of such Option or SAR, unless such action
is approved by the Companys stockholders.
16.3. Adjustment of Awards Upon the Occurrence of
Certain Unusual or Nonrecurring Events. The
Committee may make adjustments in the terms and conditions of,
and the criteria included in, Awards in recognition of unusual
or nonrecurring events (including, without limitation, the
events described in Section 4.3 hereof) affecting the
Company or the financial statements of the Company or of changes
in applicable laws, regulations, or accounting principles,
whenever the Committee determines that such adjustments are
appropriate in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of the
benefits or potential benefits intended to be made available
under the Plan; provided that no such adjustment shall be
authorized to the extent that it would be inconsistent with a
Section 162(m) Awards meeting the requirements of
Code Section 162(m), or cause an Award to be subject to
adverse tax consequences under Code Section 409A; and
provided further that the Committees discretion shall be
limited by the provisions of Section 4.3 pertaining to
equitable adjustments in connection with equity restructurings.
16.4. Compliance with Code
Section 162(m). The Committee shall have the
discretion to grant Awards under the Plan which are
Section 162(m) Awards and Awards which are not
Section 162(m) Awards. Section 162(m) Awards granted
under the Plan shall comply with the Performance-Based Exception
from the tax deductibility limitations of Code
Section 162(m).
16.5. Compliance with Code Section 409A.
Timing of Payment to a Specified Employee. If
any amount shall be payable with respect to any Award hereunder
as a result of a Participants separation from
service at such time as the Participant is a
specified employee and such amount is subject to the
provisions of Code Section 409A, then notwithstanding any
other provision of this Plan, no payment shall be made, except
as permitted under Code Section 409A, prior to the first
day of the seventh (7th) calendar month beginning after the
Participants separation from service (or the date of his
or her earlier death). The Company may adopt a specified
employee policy that will apply to identify the specified
employees for all deferred compensation plans subject to Code
Section 409A; otherwise, specified employees will be
identified using the default standards contained in the
regulations under Code Section 409A.
Separation from Service. If any amount shall
be payable with respect to any Award hereunder as a result of a
Participants termination of employment or other service
and such amount is subject
to the provisions of Code Section 409A, then
notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, a termination
of employment or other service will be deemed to have occurred
only at such time as the Participant has experienced a
separation from service as such term is defined for
purposes of Code Section 409A.
Article 17.
17.1. Tax Withholding. The Company
shall have the power and the right to deduct or withhold, or
require a Participant to remit to the Company, an amount
sufficient to satisfy Federal, state, and local taxes, domestic
or foreign, required by law or regulation to be withheld with
respect to any taxable event arising as a result of this Plan.
17.2. Share Withholding. With
respect to withholding required upon the exercise of Options or
SARs, upon the lapse of restrictions on Restricted Stock, or
upon any other taxable event arising as a result of Awards
granted hereunder, Participants may elect, subject to the
approval of the Committee, to satisfy the withholding
requirement, in whole or in part, by having the Company withhold
Shares having a Fair Market Value on the date the tax is to be
determined equal to the minimum statutory total tax which could
be imposed on the transaction. All such elections shall be
irrevocable, made in writing, signed by the Participant, and
shall be subject to any restrictions or limitations that the
Committee, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate.
Article 18.
Each person who is or shall have been a member of the Committee,
or of the Board, shall be indemnified and held harmless by the
Company against and from any loss, cost, liability, or expense
that may be imposed upon or reasonably incurred by him or her in
connection with or resulting from any claim, action, suit, or
proceeding to which he or she may be a party or in which he or
she may be involved by reason of any action taken or failure to
act under or in connection with the Plan and against and from
any and all amounts paid by him or her in settlement thereof,
with the Companys approval, or paid by him or her in
satisfaction of any judgement in any such action, suit, or
proceeding against him or her, provided he or she shall give the
Company an opportunity, at its own expense, to handle and defend
the same before he or she undertakes to handle and defend it on
his or her own behalf. The foregoing right of indemnification
shall not be exclusive of any other rights of indemnification to
which such persons may be entitled under the Companys
Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws, as a matter of law, or
otherwise, or any power that the Company may have to indemnify
them or hold them harmless.
Article 19.
All obligations of the Company under the Plan with respect to
Awards granted hereunder shall be binding on any successor to
the Company.
Article 20.
Fundamental Change
In the event of a proposed dissolution or liquidation of the
Company, a proposed sale of substantially all of the assets of
the Company, a proposed merger or consolidation of the Company
with or into any other corporation, regardless of whether the
Company is the surviving corporation, or a proposed statutory
share exchange involving capital stock of the Company (any of
the foregoing, if consummated, referred to as a
Fundamental Change), the Committee may, but shall
not be obligated to do any of the following:
Replacement of Options or SARs. If the
Fundamental Change is a merger or consolidation or statutory
share exchange, the Committee may make appropriate provision for
the protection of the outstanding Options and SARs by the
substitution of options, stock appreciation rights and
appropriate voting common stock of the corporation surviving any
merger or consolidation or, if appropriate, the parent
corporation of the Company or such surviving corporation, in
lieu of Options, SARs and capital stock of the Company.
Cancellation of Options or SARs. At least
30 days prior to the occurrence of the Fundamental Change,
declare, and provide written notice to each holder of an Option
or SAR of the declaration, that each outstanding Option and SAR,
whether or not then exercisable, shall be canceled at the time
of, or immediately prior to (and conditioned upon) the
occurrence of the Fundamental Change in exchange for payment to
each holder of an Option or SAR, within ten days after the
Fundamental Change, of cash equal to the product of (i) the
amount, if any, by which the Event Proceeds per Share (as
defined below) exceeds, in the case of an Option, the Option
Price per share of such Option or, in the case of a SAR, the
base price per share as of the date of grant, and (ii) the
number of Shares subject to such Option or SAR. At the time of
such a declaration, each SAR and each Option shall immediately
become exercisable in full and each person holding an Option or
a SAR shall have the right, during the period preceding the time
of cancellation of the Option or SAR, to exercise the Option as
to all or any part of the Shares covered thereby or the SAR in
whole or in part, as the case may be. The exercise of any Option
or SAR whose exercisability is accelerated as provided in this
Section 20(b) shall be conditioned upon the occurrence of
the Fundamental Change and shall be effective only immediately
before such occurrence. If such a declaration occurs, each
outstanding Option and SAR that has not been exercised prior to
the Fundamental Change shall be canceled at the time of, or
immediately prior to, the Fundamental Change. No person holding
an Option or a SAR shall be entitled to any payment under this
Article 20 if the scheduled term of such Option or SAR
expires before the Fundamental Change, or if such payment would
be an impermissible acceleration under, or would fail to comply
with, the applicable requirements of Code Section 409A and
the regulations thereunder. For purposes of this
Article 20, Event Proceeds per Share shall mean
the cash plus the fair market value, as determined in good faith
by the Committee, of the non-cash consideration to be received
for each Share by the shareholders of the Company upon the
occurrence of the Fundamental Change.
Article 21.
Additional Provisions
21.1. Severability. In the event
any provision of the Plan shall be held illegal or invalid for
any reason, the illegality or invalidity shall not affect the
remaining parts of the Plan, and the Plan shall be construed and
enforced as if the illegal or invalid provision had not been
21.2. Requirements of Law. The
granting of Awards and the issuance of Shares under the Plan
shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations,
and to such approvals by any governmental agencies or national
securities exchanges as may be required.
21.3. Securities Law
Compliance. With respect to Participants subject
to Section 16 of the Exchange Act, transactions under this
Plan are intended to comply with all applicable conditions of
Rule 16b-3
or its successors under the Exchange Act. If any provision of
this Plan or of any Award Agreement would otherwise frustrate or
conflict with the intent expressed in the preceding sentence,
that provision to the extent possible shall be interpreted and
deemed amended in the manner determined by the Committee so as
to avoid the conflict. To the extent of any remaining
irreconcilable conflict with this intent, the provision shall be
deemed void as applicable to Participants who are then subject
to Section 16 of the Exchange Act. In addition, no Shares
will be issued or transferred pursuant to an Award unless and
until all then applicable requirements imposed by federal and
state securities and other laws, rules and regulations and by
any regulatory agencies having jurisdiction, and by any stock
exchanges upon which the Shares may be listed, have been fully
met. As a condition precedent to the issuance of Shares pursuant
to the grant, exercise, vesting or settlement of an Award, the
Company may require the Participant to take any reasonable
action to meet such requirements. The Committee may impose such
conditions on any Shares issuable under the Plan as it may deem
advisable, including, without limitation, restrictions under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, under the requirements of
any stock exchange upon which such Shares of the same class are
then listed, and under any blue sky or other securities laws
applicable to such Shares.
21.4. Governing Law. To the extent
not preempted by federal law, the Plan, and all agreements
hereunder, shall be construed in accordance with and governed by
the laws of the state of Illinois.
21.5 Participants Outside the United
States. In order to comply with the laws in other
countries in which the Company and its Affiliates operate or
have individuals otherwise eligible to be Participants, or in
order to comply with the requirements of any foreign securities
exchange, the Committee shall have the power and authority to:
(i) determine which Affiliates shall be covered by the
Plan; (ii) determine which Employees, Non-Employee
Directors and Consultants outside of the United States are
eligible to participate in the Plan; (iii) modify the terms
and conditions of any Award granted to Participants outside of
the United States to comply with applicable foreign laws or
listing requirements of any applicable foreign securities
exchange; (iv) establish subplans and modify Plan rules and
procedures, to the extent such actions may be deemed necessary
or desirable by the Committee (but no such action shall increase
the Share limitations of the Plan); and (v) take any
action, before or after an Award is made, that the Committee
deems advisable to obtain approval or comply with any necessary
local governmental regulatory exemptions or approvals or listing
requirements of any applicable foreign securities exchange.
21.6 Dividend Equivalents. An Award
(other than an Option or SAR) that does not involve the issuance
of Shares concurrently with the grant of the Award may, if so
determined by the Committee, provide the Participant with the
right to receive dividend equivalent payments with respect to
Shares subject to the Award (both before and after the Shares
are earned, vested or acquired), which payments may be either
made currently, credited to an account for the Participant, or
deemed to have been reinvested in additional Shares which shall
thereafter be deemed to be part of and subject to the underlying
Award, including the same vesting and performance conditions.
Dividend equivalent amounts credited to an account for the
Participant may be settled in cash or Shares or a combination of
both, as determined by the Committee, and shall be subject to
the same vesting and performance conditions as the underlying
Annual Meeting of Stockholders
Thursday, November 5, 2009
10:30 a.m. C.S.T.
James R. Randall Research Center
1001 Brush College Road
Decatur, IL 62526
Please present this ticket for admittance of the stockholder(s) named above. Admittance will be based upon availability of seating.
Instructions for Voting Your Proxy
This proxy covers all Archer-Daniels-Midland
Company shares you own in any of the following
ways (provided the registrations are identical):
Shares held of record |
ADM Dividend Reinvestment Plan |
ADM Stock Purchase Plan |
ADM 401(k)/ESOP for Salaried Employees |
ADM 401(k)/ESOP for Hourly Employees |
ADM Stock Purchase Plan for Salaried Employees (Canada) |
ADM Stock Purchase Plan for Hourly Employees (Canada) |
We are now offering stockholders three alternative
ways of voting this proxy:
By Telephone (using a touch tone telephone) |
Through the Internet (using a browser) |
By Mail (traditional method) |
Your telephone or Internet vote authorizes the
named proxies to vote your shares in the same
manner as if you had returned your proxy card. We
encourage you to use these cost effective and
convenient ways of voting, 24 hours a day,
7 days a week.
TELEPHONE VOTING Available only until 5:00 p.m.
Eastern time on November 4, 2009
This method of voting is available for residents of
the U.S. and Canada |
On a touch tone telephone, call TOLL FREE
1-800-850-5909, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
You will be asked to enter ONLY the CONTROL
NUMBER shown below |
Have your proxy card ready,
then follow the prerecorded
instructions |
Your vote will be confirmed and
cast as you directed |
INTERNET VOTING Available only until
5:00 p.m. Eastern time on November 4,
Visit the Internet voting
website at |
Enter the COMPANY NUMBER and
CONTROL NUMBER shown below and
follow the instructions on your
screen |
You will incur only your usual Internet charges |
VOTING BY MAIL Simply mark, sign and
date your proxy card and return it in
the postage-paid envelope
If you are voting by telephone
or the Internet, please do not
mail your proxy card |
Please mark
votes as in
this example. |
This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed below. If no direction is
made, this proxy will be voted FOR Items 1, 2 and 3 and AGAINST Item 4.
Archer-Daniels-Midland Companys Board of Directors
recommends a vote FOR Items 1, 2 and 3.
1. Election of Directors
06 - P.J. Moore
o |
07 - T.F. ONeill
o |
08 - K.R. Westbrook
o |
09 - P.A. Woertz
o |
o |
2. Adopt the Archer-Daniels-Midland Company 2009
Incentive Compensation Plan. |
o |
o |
o |
3. Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as
independent accountants for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2010. |
o |
o |
o |
Archer-Daniels-Midland Companys Board of Directors
recommends a vote AGAINST Item 4.
4. Adopt
Stockholders Proposal
Regarding Global Human
Rights Standards.
5. In their discretion, upon any other business that may
properly come before the meeting.
, 2009 |
IMPORTANT: Please sign exactly as
your name(s) appear(s) below. When
shares are held by joint tenants,
both should sign. When signing as
attorney, executor, administrator,
trustee or guardian, please give
full title as such. If a
corporation, please sign in full
corporate name by President or other
authorized officer. If a
partnership, please sign in
partnership name by authorized
person. |
This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors
for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders on November 5, 2009
This proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner directed herein by the undersigned
Stockholder. If no direction is made, this Proxy will be voted FOR Items 1, 2 and 3 and AGAINST
Item 4. The undersigned hereby appoints P. J. Moore, M.H. Carter and P. A. Woertz as Proxies, with
the power of substitution, to represent and to vote, as designated below, all the shares of the
undersigned held of record on September 10, 2009, at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held
on November 5, 2009 and any adjournments thereof.
(Important To be signed and dated on reverse side)