Filed by the Registrant x | |
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o | |
Check the appropriate box: | |
o | Preliminary Proxy Statement |
o | Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
x | Definitive Proxy Statement |
o | Definitive Additional Materials |
o | Soliciting Material under §240.14a-12 |
Bank of Hawaii Corporation | ||
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter) | ||
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant) | ||
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box): | ||
x | No fee required. | |
o | Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. | |
(1) | Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: | |
(2) | Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: | |
(3) | Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): | |
(4) | Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: | |
(5) | Total fee paid: | |
o | Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. | |
o | Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. | |
(1) | Amount Previously Paid: | |
(2) | Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: | |
(3) | Filing Party: | |
(4) | Date Filed: | |
Sincerely, | |
Peter S. Ho Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and President |
1. | To elect 14 persons to serve as directors of the Company for a term of one year each until the 2016 Annual Meeting of Shareholders and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified. |
2. | To hold an advisory vote on executive compensation. |
3. | To approve the Bank of Hawaii Corporation 2015 Director Stock Compensation Plan. |
4. | To ratify the re-appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the 2015 fiscal year. |
5. | To transact any other business that may be properly brought before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof. |
By Order of the Board of Directors, | |
Mark A. Rossi | |
Vice Chairman and Corporate Secretary | |
Bank of Hawaii Corporation |
Please sign and return the enclosed proxy card or vote by telephone or on the Internet as promptly as possible. This will save the expense of a supplementary solicitation. |
Thank you for acting promptly. |
Page | |
Q: | What is a proxy? |
A: | A proxy is your legal designation of another person to vote the shares you own. That other person that you designate is called a proxy who is required to vote your shares in the manner you instruct. If you designate someone as your proxy in a written document, that document also is called a proxy or a proxy card. |
Q: | What am I voting on? |
A: | You are voting on the election of directors, the Company's executive compensation as described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis and related tables, the approval of the Company’s 2015 Director Stock Compensation Plan (“2015 Director Stock Compensation Plan”), the ratification of the re-appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the 2015 fiscal year, and any other business that may be properly brought before the meeting. Your votes on the Company’s executive compensation and the ratification of the re-appointment of the Company’s independent public accounting firm are advisory only, and will not bind the Company. |
Q: | Who may vote at the annual meeting? |
A: | Shareholders of record of Bank of Hawaii Corporation's common stock, par value $0.01 per share, as of the close of business on February 27, 2015 (the “Record Date”) are entitled to attend and vote at the annual meeting. Each share of common stock is entitled to one vote. On the Record Date, there were 43,743,655 shares of common stock issued and outstanding. |
Q: | How many votes do we need to hold the annual meeting? |
A: | The holders of at least one-third of the outstanding common stock on the Record Date entitled to vote at the annual meeting must be present to conduct business. That amount is called a quorum. Shares are counted as present at the meeting if a shareholder entitled to vote is present and votes at the meeting, has submitted a properly signed proxy, or has properly voted by telephone or via the Internet. We also count abstentions and broker non-votes as present for purposes of determining a quorum. |
Q: | What shares can I vote? |
A: | You may vote all shares you own on the Record Date. |
Q: | Why did I receive a one-page notice (the “Notice”) in the mail regarding the Internet availability of proxy materials this year instead of a full set of proxy materials? |
A: | The rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) allow companies to furnish proxy materials by providing access to such documents on the Internet instead of mailing a printed copy of proxy materials to each shareholder of record. Shareholders who previously requested to receive printed copies of proxy materials by mail will continue to receive them by mail. Shareholders who have not previously indicated a preference for printed copies of proxy materials are receiving the Notice this year. The Notice provides instructions on how to access and review all of the proxy materials and how to submit your proxy on the Internet. If you would like to receive a printed or e-mail copy of the proxy materials, please follow the instructions for requesting such materials in the Notice. |
Q: | Why am I being asked to vote on executive compensation? |
A: | In 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”) was enacted, requiring that public company shareholders be given the opportunity for a general advisory vote to approve the compensation paid to named executive officers. This non-binding vote must occur annually, biannually, or triennially. At the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in 2011, our shareholders strongly supported an annual vote on executive compensation and, in light of that preference, the Board determined to hold the advisory vote annually until next determined in 2017 or earlier. |
Q: | How can I vote my shares in person at the annual meeting? |
A: | If you are a shareholder of record, you can attend the annual meeting and vote in person the shares you hold directly in your name as the shareholder of record. If you choose to do that, please bring the enclosed proxy card or notice, admission ticket, and proof of identification. If you hold your shares in street name, you must vote your shares through your broker or other nominee. |
Q: | How can I vote my shares without attending the annual meeting? |
A: | You may vote without attending the annual meeting. If you hold your shares as the shareholder of record, you may instruct the proxies how to vote your shares by mail, telephone, or the Internet. If your shares are held by a broker or other nominee, you will receive instructions that you must follow to have your shares voted. Please refer to the summary instructions below and those on your proxy card, or, for shares held in street name, the voting instruction card sent by your broker or nominee. |
Q: | May I change my vote? |
A: | Yes. You may change your proxy instructions any time before the vote at the annual meeting. For shares you hold as shareholder of record, you may change your vote by providing notice to the Corporate Secretary, granting a new proxy with a later date or by attending the annual meeting and voting in person. Attendance at the annual meeting will not cause your previously granted proxy to be revoked unless you also vote at the meeting. If you voted by telephone or via the Internet, you may change your vote until 1:00 a.m. Central Time, April 24, 2015. For shares you hold in street name, you may change your vote by submitting new voting instructions to your broker or nominee. |
Q: | What is a broker non-vote? |
A: | The NYSE allows its member-brokers to vote shares held by them for their customers on matters the NYSE determines are routine, even though the brokers have not received voting instructions from their customers. Of the proposals anticipated to be brought at the annual meeting, only Proposal 4 (the ratification of the re-appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the 2015 fiscal year) is considered by the NYSE to be a routine matter. Your broker, therefore, may vote your shares in its discretion on Proposal 4 if you do not instruct your broker how to vote. If the NYSE does not consider a matter routine, then your broker is prohibited from voting your shares on the matter unless you have given voting instructions on that matter to your broker. Therefore, your broker will need to return a proxy card without voting on these non-routine matters if you do not give voting instructions with respect to these matters. This is referred to as a "broker non-vote." The NYSE does not consider Proposal 1 (election of Directors), Proposal 2 (advisory vote on executive compensation), or |
A: | Proposal 1 (election of Directors) is conducted annually by a majority of the votes cast in an uncontested election. This means that a director shall be elected if the votes cast for such nominee exceed the votes cast against the nominee. In the event of a contested election, the election shall be determined by a plurality of votes cast. This means that the nominees who receive the highest number of affirmative votes will be elected. Abstentions and broker non-votes will not affect the outcome of the vote. |
Q: | Why are there only 14 Directors on the ballot for election? |
A: | Sitting director David A. Heenan has reached the mandatory retirement age of 75 and is not standing for re-election. The number of directors to be elected has been reduced and fixed by the Board from 15 to 14 directors. |
Q: | Is my vote confidential? |
A: | Yes. We have procedures to ensure that, regardless of whether shareholders vote by mail, telephone, the Internet, or in person, all proxies, ballots and voting tabulations that identify shareholders are kept permanently confidential, except as disclosure may be required by federal or state law or as expressly permitted by a shareholder. We also have the voting tabulations performed by an independent third party. |
Q: | Who will bear the cost of soliciting proxies? |
A: | We will pay the cost of this proxy solicitation. In addition to soliciting proxies by mail, we expect that a number of our employees on behalf of the Board will solicit proxies from shareholders, personally, and by telephone, the Internet, facsimile, or other means. None of these employees will receive any additional or special compensation for soliciting proxies. We have retained Georgeson, Inc., 480 Washington Boulevard, Jersey City, New Jersey 07310 to assist in the solicitation of proxies for an estimated fee of $10,000 plus reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. We will, upon request, reimburse brokers or other nominees for their reasonable out-of-pocket expenses in forwarding proxy materials to their customers who are beneficial owners and obtaining their voting instructions. |
Q: | What does it mean if I get more than one proxy card? |
A: | It means your shares are registered differently and are in more than one account. Sign and return all proxy cards or vote each proxy card by telephone or Internet, to ensure all your shares are voted. To provide better shareholder services, we encourage you to have all accounts registered in the same name and address. You may do that by contacting our transfer agent, Computershare Investor Services (1-888-660-5443). |
Q: | May I propose actions for consideration at next year's annual meeting of shareholders? |
A: | Yes. You may submit proposals for consideration at the 2016 Annual Meeting of Shareholders by presenting your proposal in writing to the Corporate Secretary at 130 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 and in accordance with the following schedule and requirements. |
Q: | Where can I find the voting results of the annual meeting? |
A: | We plan to announce preliminary voting results at the annual meeting. We will publish final voting results in a report on Form 8-K within four business days of the annual meeting. |
Q: | What happens if the meeting is postponed or adjourned? |
A: | Your proxy will remain valid and may be voted at the postponed or adjourned meeting. You will still be able to change or revoke your proxy until it is voted. |
Q: | Where can I find out more information about the Company before the annual meeting? |
A: | You can find more information about the Company on-line at: |
Name, Age, and Year First Elected as Director | Principal Occupation(s) and Qualifications | Other Public Directorships Held in the Last 5 Years | ||
S. Haunani Apoliona; 65; 2004 | Trustee, Office of Hawaiian Affairs (“OHA”) (entity established by the Constitution of the State of Hawaii to improve the conditions and protect the entitlements of Native Hawaiians). Ms. Apoliona was elected OHA Trustee in 1996, and was re-elected to her 5th four-year term in 2012. Ms. Apoliona has dedicated more than 30 years working with and on behalf of Native Hawaiians. As Chairman of the OHA Board from 2000 through 2010 and Trustee of OHA since 1996, she has led the pursuit of Federal Recognition for Native Hawaiians, resolution of long-standing ceded land revenue disputes, and a vast array of advocacy initiatives for Native Hawaiians. Prior to OHA, she was President and Chief Executive Officer of Alu Like, a non-profit organization whose mission is to assist Native Hawaiians in achieving social and economic self-sufficiency, including workforce training, vocational education, and training in entrepreneurship, business development and computer technology. Ms. Apoliona is active in the community and serves on the boards of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. Ms. Apoliona’s knowledge of Native Hawaiian affairs and with cultural and charitable causes in Hawaii gives her a unique perspective on the values and interests of our core market, which pervade the business environment. These insights inform the discussion at both the Board and on the Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee on which all of the independent directors serve. | — |
Name, Age, and Year First Elected as Director | Principal Occupation(s) and Qualifications | Other Public Directorships Held in the Last 5 Years | ||
Mary G. F. Bitterman; 70; 1994 | Dr. Bitterman has served as President and Director of the Bernard Osher Foundation (a 37 year-old philanthropic organization headquartered in San Francisco that supports higher education and the arts) since 2004. Previously, Dr. Bitterman was President and CEO of the James Irvine Foundation, an independent grant-making foundation serving Californians, and before that President and CEO of KQED, one of the major public broadcasting centers in the United States, Executive Director of the Hawaii Public Broadcasting Authority, Director of the Voice of America, and Director of the Hawaii State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (and simultaneously ex-officio Commissioner of Financial Institutions, Commissioner of Securities, and Insurance Commissioner). Until BlackRock’s acquisition of Barclays Global Investors (“BGI”) in 2009, she was a member of the BGI board for nine years, serving on the Audit & Risk Committee as well as chairing the Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee. Dr. Bitterman currently serves as a director of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute, the Hawaii Community Foundation, the Commonwealth Club of California and Board Chair of the PBS Foundation, and an Advisory Council member of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and the Public Policy Institute of California. She is an Honorary Member of the National Presswomen’s Federation and a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. Dr. Bitterman received her bachelor of arts degree from Santa Clara University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from Bryn Mawr College. Dr. Bitterman’s considerable experience in broadcasting, media and public policy, her experience as a regulator with authority over Bank of Hawaii and other state-chartered banks, her service on the board of a large mutual fund complex and its key committees, and her deep understanding of the Company and the financial services industry provide her with broad expertise across a range of issues of critical importance to the Company’s activities in a highly regulated and public facing environment. Dr. Bitterman has gained extensive and valuable Company insight from her tenure as Lead Independent Director of the Board and she serves ex-officio as a member of each of the Board’s standing committees. | — | ||
Mark A. Burak; 66; 2009 | Retired. Formerly an independent consultant providing planning and business performance evaluation advisory services, and Executive Vice President for Planning, Analysis and Performance Measurement, Bank of America, having retired in 2000 after more than thirty years of service. Mr. Burak held various accounting and finance positions based in Chicago, London, San Francisco, and Charlotte at Bank of America and the former Continental Illinois National Bank, now part of Bank of America. As a consultant for Bank of Hawaii from late 2000 through 2003, he oversaw the development of the strategic plan and restructured the Company’s management accounting processes, including the implementation of a capital allocation methodology and development of a formal business unit performance evaluation process. Among other positions, Mr. Burak served as Controller, Managing Director of Management Accounting & Analysis, Business Segment Controller, and Regional Controller for Europe and Asia for the former Continental Illinois National Bank. Mr. Burak is a Certified Public Accountant. He serves on the Board of Trustees of the Honolulu Museum of Art and is a member of Financial Executives International, having served on several local chapter boards and as President of the San Francisco Chapter, and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Burak received his bachelor's degree in business administration in public accounting from Loyola University of Chicago and his M.B.A. in finance from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. Mr. Burak’s career in accounting, finance and strategic planning for major banking organizations brings a high level of sophistication to his participation in Board discussion of a wide range of financial, strategic planning and operating matters, and his prior engagement as a consultant to Bank of Hawaii gives him direct knowledge of our business. His professional experience and educational background led the Board to appoint him to its Audit & Risk Committee and to designate him as a financial expert on that Committee. Along with all of the other independent directors, Mr. Burak also serves on the Board’s Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee. | — |
Name, Age, and Year First Elected as Director | Principal Occupation(s) and Qualifications | Other Public Directorships Held in the Last 5 Years | ||
Michael J. Chun; 71; 2004 | Retired. Formerly President and Headmaster of Kamehameha Schools - Kapalama (a college preparatory school serving children of Hawaiian ancestry) from 2001 - 2012 and President, Kamehameha Schools from 1988 - 2012. As President and Headmaster, he was responsible for the leadership, financial management, administration and effectiveness of the college preparatory education program at the flagship Kapalama campus. Prior to his appointment at Kamehameha Schools, Dr. Chun was Vice President of Park Engineering, a Honolulu engineering consulting firm. He also served as Chief Engineer of the City and County of Honolulu and taught at the University of Hawaii where he directed graduate instruction and research in environmental engineering. In addition to being a director of Matson, Inc. (a shipping company that split from Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. in 2012), he serves on the boards of various professional and community organizations, including Hawaii Pacific University, Hawaii Medical Services Association, the Metropolitan Board of the YMCA of Honolulu, and Bishop Museum. Dr. Chun received his bachelor of science degree in civil engineering and his Ph.D. in environmental engineering from the University of Kansas, and his M.S. in civil engineering from the University of Hawaii. Dr. Chun’s leadership of one of Hawaii’s premier educational institutions both provides him with insights into key segments of our markets and customer base and, together with his engineering background, assists the Board in its consideration of a range of operational matters. These insights inform the discussion at both the Board and on the Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee on which all of the independent directors serve. | Matson, Inc., Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. | ||
Clinton R. Churchill; 71; 2001 | Trustee, The Estate of James Campbell (an organization administering the assets held in trust under the will of James Campbell) since 1992 (Chairman 1998, 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012). Mr. Churchill served as COO and CEO of The Estate of James Campbell prior to becoming one of its Trustees. He also served as Controller, Financial Vice President, and President of Gaspro, Inc. and three years as a management consultant with Touche Ross & Co. Mr. Churchill serves as a member of the Military Affairs Council and President of the Pacific Aviation Museum at Pearl Harbor. He received his bachelor of science degree in business and his M.B.A. in management and finance from the University of Arizona. Mr. Churchill’s long association with the Estate of James Campbell (now the James Campbell Company LLC), a nationally diversified real estate company and a major Hawaii landowner, has given him a broad perspective on business affairs in the Company’s core market as well as a deep knowledge of an industry that represents a large portion of our customer base. That perspective as well as Mr. Churchill’s background in financial accounting led the Board to appoint him to its Audit & Risk Committee, which he chairs. Along with all of the other independent directors, Mr. Churchill also serves on the Board’s Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee. | — | ||
Peter S. Ho; 49; 2009 | Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company since July 2010; President since April 2008; Vice Chairman and Chief Banking Officer from January 2006 to April 2008; Vice Chairman, Investment Services from April 2004 to December 2005; and Executive Vice President, Hawaii Commercial Banking Group from February 2003 to April 2004. Bank of Hawaii has been named one of America's best banks by Forbes for six consecutive years. Mr. Ho is currently serving a three-year term on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. In 2010, Mr. Ho was named Chairman of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation ("APEC") 2011 Hawaii Host Committee, a public-private entity comprised of private sector, labor and elected leaders created to support Hawaii, the country and President Obama’s hosting of APEC Leaders Week in November 2011. Mr. Ho is active in the Hawaii community and serves on several boards, including the Hawaii Medical Service Association, Aloha United Way, American Red Cross-Hawaii, McInerny Foundation, Shane Victorino Foundation, the Strong Foundation, Catholic Charities-Hawaii, and the Hawaii Bankers Association. He is a member of the Financial Services Roundtable, the Hawaii Business Roundtable, and the Hawaii Asia Pacific Association. Mr. Ho was named Young Business Person of the Year by Pacific Business News in 2003. In 2012, Mr. Ho was recognized as Hawaii’s distinguished citizen by the Aloha Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Mr. Ho holds a bachelors of science degree in business administration and an M.B.A. from the University of Southern California. He is also a 2008 graduate of Harvard Business School's Advanced Management Program. Mr. Ho's long career at Bank of Hawaii, his management responsibilities for all aspects of the Company's banking operations and his deep knowledge of our markets, community and culture all qualify him for service on our Board. | — |
Name, Age, and Year First Elected as Director | Principal Occupation(s) and Qualifications | Other Public Directorships Held in the Last 5 Years | ||
Robert Huret; 69; 2000 | Since 1998, Founding Partner of FTV Capital, a multi-stage private equity firm whose limited partners include many of the world’s foremost financial institutions. Mr. Huret is also Chairman of Huret Rothenberg & Co. a private investment firm, and is a director of Caplin Systems, Ltd., Cloudmark, Inc., and Financial Engines, Inc. Previously he was a senior consultant to Montgomery Securities. He has served as Senior Vice President, Finance and Trust Executive Officer at the Bank of California. Mr. Huret was also Vice President of Planning and Mergers and Acquisitions at First Chicago Corporation. He has 46 years of commercial banking, investment banking and private equity investment experience. He has participated in over 100 bank and bank-related mergers, public offerings and joint ventures, with an emphasis on technology companies focused in the financial services industry. He has served as Trustee of Cornell University and San Francisco University High School. He received his bachelor of science degree in industrial and labor relations from Cornell University and his M.B.A. with distinction from Harvard University. Mr. Huret’s knowledge of the commercial and investment banking business, his experience in finance and investment activities and his participation in strategic transactions across the financial services spectrum give him a broad and deep perspective on all facets of our business. These qualifications led the Board to appoint him to its Audit & Risk Committee, to designate him as a financial expert, and to appoint him Vice Chairman of the Committee. Along with all of the other independent directors, Mr. Huret also serves on the Board’s Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee. | Financial Engines, Inc. | ||
Kent T. Lucien; 61; 2006 | Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of the Company since April 2008; Trustee, C. Brewer & Co. Ltd., (a Hawaii corporation engaged in agriculture, real estate and power production) from April 2006 to December 2007; and Chief Executive Officer Operations, C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. from May 2001 to April 2006. He also held the positions of Controller and Chief Financial Officer and various other executive positions at C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. Prior to C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., Mr. Lucien worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers. He is a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Lucien serves on the board of Wailuku Water Company LLC. Mr. Lucien received his bachelor's degree from Occidental College and his M.B.A. from Stanford University. Mr. Lucien’s senior executive experience in significant Hawaiian businesses and his background in finance and accounting led the Board to nominate him as a director in 2006 and, prior to becoming the Company’s Chief Financial Officer, to serve on the Audit & Risk Committee as its chair and to be designated as a financial expert. These qualifications, coupled with his deep knowledge of the Company’s finances gained in his current role continue to qualify him for Board service. | Maui Land & Pineapple Co., Inc. |
Name, Age, and Year First Elected as Director | Principal Occupation(s) and Qualifications | Other Public Directorships Held in the Last 5 Years | ||
Victor K. Nichols; 58; 2014 | Former Chief Executive Officer of North America and President of Global Consumer Services for Experian, the leading global information services company providing data and analytical tools to clients around the world. Experian helps businesses manage credit risk, prevent fraud, target marketing and automate decision making, while enabling individuals to better manage creditworthiness and protect themselves against identity theft. While with Experian from 2007 to 2014, Mr. Nichols’ also served as Chief Executive Officer for the United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe, Middle East and Africa and Managing Director of Global Marketing Services, and as Group President, Experian Interactive. Prior to joining Experian, he was with Wells Fargo & Company for seven years where he served as Chief Information Officer and a member of the management committee, leading all key technology functions at the financial institution. Mr. Nichols was past President and founding partner of VICOR, Inc., an advanced technology engineering firm leading business transformation with a concentration in the financial services industry. His experience in information technology and the financial industry also included senior management positions at Bank of America in interstate banking integration, consumer loan services, and operations. Mr. Nichols is a director and a member of the audit committee of Bridgepoint Education, Inc. (a higher education company that includes three academic institutions). Mr. Nichols is also an independent agent serving as a part time Senior Advisor to Boston Consulting Group. In addition, he is a member of the Economics Leadership Council, University of California, San Diego and serves on, or as an advisor to, several boards including Crystal Cove Alliance and FTV Capital, Inc. He also recently served on the Leadership Council for UCI Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences and on the Dean’s Advisory Board, University of California, Irvine Merage School. He holds a bachelor of science degree in economics from the University of California, San Diego, and an M.B.A. in finance from the University of Berkeley, California. Mr. Nichols’ 28 years of experience and knowledge in both information technology and the financial services industry as well as his background and expertise in strategic planning add a valuable global perspective to the Board in understanding the increasingly important role information technology has in the financial services industry. These qualifications led the Board to appoint him to its Audit & Risk Committee and to designate him as a financial expert on that Committee. Along with other independent directors, Mr. Nichols also serves on the Board’s Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee. | Bridgepoint Education, Inc. | ||
Martin A. Stein; 74; 1999 | Partner, RSA Ventures (a consulting and venture capital company) since 1999; Chief Executive Officer and President, Sonoma Mountain Ventures, LLC (strategic and technology consulting and venture capital) 1998 to 2004. RSA Ventures specializes in telecommunications and internet-based financial companies across the United States and international companies including Canada and Israel. For eight years, Mr. Stein served as Vice Chairman of BankAmerica Corporation responsible for all technology and operations worldwide. He chaired various marketing, product strategy and budget committees for Bank of America and its parent company. He also served as EVP and Chief Information Officer responsible for all technology and operations at PaineWebber Corporation. As EVP of Fleet Financial Group, he was responsible for strategic planning, product development, marketing, MIS, operations and payments. Mr. Stein has been a director of Bank of Hawaii, the Company’s major subsidiary, since 1999. Mr. Stein brings extensive experience in merger and consolidation activities, organizational efficiencies and staff management and development. He received a bachelor of arts degree (cum laude) and an honorary doctorate degree in business science from St. John's University. Mr. Stein’s knowledge of the global commercial banking business and his focus on the technology that continues to be of great significance to the industry, as well as his experience in strategic transactions and operational challenges, allow him to provide the Board with valuable insight across a range of matters. These qualifications led the Board to appoint him to its Audit & Risk Committee. Along with all of the other independent directors, Mr. Stein also serves on the Board’s Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee. | — |
Name, Age, and Year First Elected as Director | Principal Occupation(s) and Qualifications | Other Public Directorships Held in the Last 5 Years | ||
Donald M. Takaki; 73; 1997 | Chairman and CEO, HawkTree International, Inc. (a diversified holding company engaged in transportation, leasing, business records management, and real estate) since 1999. As Chairman and CEO of Island Movers, Inc., Mr. Takaki has grown his family-owned and operated transportation services company into Hawaii’s largest transportation service company, ranked among the top 250 companies in the State of Hawaii. He is the former Chairman of the Hawaii Convention Center Authority and former board member of Hawaiian Airlines. He is committed to his community, having served on the boards of many business and civic organizations, including the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau (Chairman 2004-2006), Hawaii Hotel & Lodging Association, Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii, Hawaii Korean Chamber of Commerce, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii, and Iolani School. He serves as President and General Manager, Pacific Region Baseball, Inc., a non-profit organization that brings student athletes to and from Hawaii and Asia to promote cross cultural learning. In 2007, Mr. Takaki was recognized as the Distinguished Public School Graduate by the Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation. In 2011, he was named to the Maui High School inaugural Hall of Honor. Mr. Takaki’s deep involvement in the community and knowledge of business affairs throughout the Hawaiian Islands, as well as the experience gained through 16 years of service on our Board, make him well qualified for service as a director. | — | ||
Barbara J. Tanabe; 65; 2004 | Owner, Ho’akea Communications, LLC (a public affairs company) since 2003. Ms. Tanabe has expertise in communications and issues management with over 30 years of experience in public affairs, crisis management, and broadcast journalism in the United States and Asia. She served as President and CEO of Hill & Knowlton/Communications Pacific and her own consulting firm, Pacific Century, where she counseled executives and government officials in the areas of cross-cultural communications, crisis and issues management, and news media management. Ms. Tanabe was one of the first Asian-American women journalists in the nation, and pioneered news coverage of issues dealing with ethnic minorities, diversity, and civil rights. She co-founded a public policy research firm, Hawaii Institute of Public Affairs, which produced studies resulting in legislation to promote economic development in Hawaii. She is a member of the Board of Governors of the East-West Center, serves on the boards of the Japan-America Society of Hawaii, Pacific Forum (The Asia arm of the Center for Strategic and International Studies), and numerous task forces including special assignments with the chief justice of the Hawaii State Supreme Court. In 2013, she received the distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Hawaii. In 2014, she co-founded the Hawaii Chapter of Women Corporate Directors. She received her bachelor of arts degree in communications from the University of Washington and an M.B.A. from the University of Hawaii. Ms. Tanabe’s expertise in and sensitivity to public policy matters, the media, and cultural and ethnic diversity in our core market bring insights that inform a wide range of Board deliberations and qualify her for service on the Board. Her management and business ownership background align her views on the Human Resources & Compensation Committee, on which she serves, with those of shareholders. Along with all of the other independent directors, Ms. Tanabe also serves on the Board’s Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee. | — |
Name, Age, and Year First Elected as Director | Principal Occupation(s) and Qualifications | Other Public Directorships Held in the Last 5 Years | ||
Raymond P. Vara, Jr.; 45; 2013 | President and Chief Executive Officer Hawaii Pacific Health. As President and CEO, he oversees Hawaii's largest health care provider comprised of Straub Clinic & Hospital, Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children, Pali Momi Medical Center, Wilcox Memorial Hospital and Kauai Medical Clinic. Prior to his appointment in 2012, he served as its Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of Operations since 2004. Mr. Vara also served as the Chief Financial Officer from 1998 to 2000 and Chief Executive Officer from 2000 to 2002 for Los Alamos Medical Center in New Mexico, an integrated health care service provider. Prior to his joining the private sector, Mr. Vara held various positions in the United States Army, including Controller for the Army's Northwestern Healthcare Network covering seven states, Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, Washington, and Assistant Administrator and Chief Financial Officer of Bassett Army Community Hospital in Fairbanks, Alaska. Mr. Vara is active in the Hawaii community and serves on several boards, including Island Insurance Company, American Heart Association-National Board, Finance and Operations Committee, Hawaii Pacific University - Chair of Compensation Committee, and American Red Cross Hawaii Chapter. Mr. Vara holds a bachelor's degree in finance from Hawaii Pacific University and received his M.B.A. from the University of Alaska. His community involvement and leadership of Hawaii's largest health care provider and non-governmental employer bring a valuable perspective of a key segment of the markets we serve. Mr. Vara's financial and operational background coupled with his senior executive and audit committee experience make him well-qualified to serve on the Company's Board and led the Board to appoint him to the Audit & Risk Committee in 2013 and to designate him as a financial expert on that Committee. Along with all of the other independent directors, Mr. Vara also serves on the Board’s Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee and joined the Human Resources & Compensation Committee in December 2014. | — | ||
Robert W. Wo; 62; 2002 | Owner and Director, C.S. Wo & Sons, Ltd. (a furniture retailer) since 1984. Under Mr. Wo’s leadership, this third generation family-owned and operated business has grown to become Hawaii’s largest furniture retailer, ranking it among the Top 250 companies in the State of Hawaii and among the Top 100 furniture retailers in the nation. He is a member of the Hawaii Business Roundtable whose mission is to promote the overall economic vitality and social health of Hawaii. He has always been active in the community, having served on the boards of Aloha United Way, Junior Achievement of Hawaii, and the Retail Merchants of Hawaii. Currently, Mr. Wo serves on several business and non-profit boards, including Hawaii Medical Service Association, Assets School, and Bobby Benson Center. He received his bachelor's degree in economics from Stanford University and earned his M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. Mr. Wo’s deep involvement in the community and knowledge of business affairs throughout the Hawaiian Islands bring a customer perspective to his participation in Board affairs and, as major employer in the state, qualify him for service on the Human Resources & Compensation Committee in addition to his role as a director. Along with all of the other independent directors, Mr. Wo also serves on the Board’s Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee. | — |
Name | Number of Shares Beneficially Owned | Right to Acquire Within 60 Days | Total | Percent of Outstanding Shares as of January 30, 2015 | |||||||||
More than Five Percent Beneficial Ownership | |||||||||||||
BlackRock, Inc. 55 East 52nd Street New York, New York 10022 | 5,419,079 | (1) | — | 5,419,079 | 12.40 | % | |||||||
Neuberger Berman Group LLC 605 Third Avenue New York, New York 10158 | 2,812,480 | (2) | — | 2,812,480 | 6.41 | % | |||||||
State Street Corporation State Street Financial Center One Lincoln Street Boston, Massachusetts 02111 | 2,463,209 | (3) | — | 2,463,209 | 5.60 | % | |||||||
The Vanguard Group 100 Vanguard Blvd. Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355 | 2,680,013 | (4) | — | 2,680,013 | 6.10 | % | |||||||
Current Directors and Director Nominees | |||||||||||||
S. Haunani Apoliona | 18,844 | (5) | 4,248 | 23,092 | * | ||||||||
Mary G. F. Bitterman | 34,534 | (5)(6) | 2,191 | 36,725 | * | ||||||||
Mark A. Burak | 6,011 | (5) | — | 6,011 | * | ||||||||
Michael J. Chun | 24,970 | (5)(6) | 2,191 | 27,161 | * | ||||||||
Clinton R. Churchill | 28,863 | (5)(6)(8) | 4,248 | 33,111 | * | ||||||||
David A. Heenan (not standing for re-election) | 52,486 | (5)(7) | — | 52,486 | * | ||||||||
Robert Huret | 40,485 | (5) | 4,248 | 44,733 | * | ||||||||
Victor K. Nichols | 1,241 | (5) | — | 1,241 | * | ||||||||
Martin A. Stein | 15,902 | (5)(6) | 2,191 | 18,093 | * | ||||||||
Donald M. Takaki | 47,816 | (5) | 4,248 | 52,064 | * | ||||||||
Barbara J. Tanabe | 20,854 | (5) | 4,248 | 25,102 | * | ||||||||
Raymond P. Vara, Jr. | 2,058 | (5) | — | 2,058 | * | ||||||||
Robert W. Wo | 48,124 | (5)(6) | 2,191 | 50,315 | * | ||||||||
Named Executive Officers | |||||||||||||
Peter S. Ho (also Director Nominee) | 174,657 | 101,585 | 276,242 | * | |||||||||
Kent T. Lucien (also Director Nominee) | 64,914 | (6)(9) | 32,191 | 97,105 | * | ||||||||
Wayne Y. Hamano | 29,307 | (6) | 4,776 | 34,083 | * | ||||||||
Mark A. Rossi | 50,388 | (10) | 30,000 | 80,388 | * | ||||||||
Mary E. Sellers | 68,951 | (6) | 51,490 | 120,441 | * | ||||||||
All current directors, director nominees, and executive officers as a group (23 persons) | 894,677 | 389,917 | 1,284,594 | 2.93 | % | ||||||||
* Each of the current directors, director nominees, and named executive officers beneficially owned less than one percent of Bank of Hawaii Corporation's outstanding common stock as of January 30, 2015. |
(1) | According to its Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on January 9, 2015, BlackRock, Inc. is a parent holding company or control person and its subsidiaries, BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG, BlackRock Advisors, LLC, BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited, BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited, BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited, BlackRock Fund Advisors, BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A., BlackRock Investment Management, LLC, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd, BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited, and BlackRock Life Limited (collectively referred to as “BlackRock”), may be deemed to have beneficial ownership as of December 31, 2014 of 5,419,079 shares of Bank of Hawaii Corporation common stock owned by its clients, none known to have more than five percent of outstanding shares except subsidiary BlackRock Fund Advisors and the iShares Select Dividend ETF. According to the same filing, BlackRock has sole power to vote or to direct the vote over 5,276,621 of those shares and sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition of 5,419,079 shares. |
(2) | According to its Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on February 12, 2015, Neuberger Berman Group LLC is a parent holding company or control person and its affiliates, Neuberger Berman LLC and Neuberger Berman Management LLC, which serve as a sub-adviser and investment manager, respectively, of Neuberger Berman Group LLC’s various registered mutual funds (collectively referred to as “Neuberger Berman”), may be deemed to have beneficial ownership as of December 31, 2014 of 2,812,480 shares of Bank of Hawaii Corporation common stock by its clients, none known to have more than five percent of outstanding shares except Neuberger Berman Management LLC. According to the same filing, Neuberger Berman has shared power to vote or to direct the vote of 2,804,344 of those shares and shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition of 2,812,480 shares. |
(3) | According to its Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on February 11, 2015, State Street Corporation is a parent holding company or control person and its subsidiaries, State Street Bank and Trust Company, SSGA Funds Management, Inc., State Street Global Advisors Limited, State Street Global Advisors Ltd., State Street Global Advisors, Australia Limited, and State Street Global Advisors, Asia Limited, may be deemed to have beneficial ownership as of December 31, 2014 of 2,463,209 shares of Bank of Hawaii Corporation common stock owned by its clients, none known to have more than five percent of outstanding shares. According to the same filing, State Street Corporation has shared power to vote or to direct the vote over 2,463,209 of those shares and shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition of 2,463,209 shares. |
(4) | According to its Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on February 10, 2015, The Vanguard Group is an investment adviser and its subsidiaries, Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company and Vanguard Investments Australia, Ltd., may be deemed to have beneficial ownership as of December 31, 2014 of 2,680,013 shares of Bank of Hawaii Corporation common stock owned by its clients, none known to have more than five percent of outstanding shares. According to the same filing, The Vanguard Group has sole power to vote or to direct the vote over 29,353 of those shares, sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition of 2,654,360 shares and shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition of 25,653 shares. |
(5) | Includes restricted shares owned by directors under the Director Stock Program: Ms. Apoliona, 14,605 shares; Dr. Bitterman, 945 shares; Mr. Burak, 945 shares; Dr. Chun, 19,745 shares; Mr. Churchill, 19,745 shares; Mr. Heenan, 24,745 shares; Mr. Huret, 945 shares; Mr. Nichols, 692 shares; Mr. Stein, 945 shares; Mr. Takaki, 23,745 shares; Ms. Tanabe, 945 shares; Mr. Vara, 945 shares, and Mr. Wo, 19,445 shares. Also includes shares owned by directors under the Directors Deferred Compensation Plan: Messrs. Churchill, 5,218 shares; Heenan, 22,241 shares; Huret, 20,369 shares; Nichols, 549 shares; Takaki, 5,093 shares; and Wo, 12,988 shares; and Mmes. Apoliona, 2,044 shares and Tanabe, 9,458 shares. |
(6) | Includes shares held individually or jointly by family members as to which the specified director or officer may be deemed to have shared voting or investment power as follows: Dr. Bitterman, 6,605 shares, Dr. Chun, 2,280 shares, Mr. Churchill, 3,400 shares, Mr. Stein, 3,000 shares, Mr. Wo, 9,808 shares, Mr. Lucien, 5,500 shares, Ms. Sellers, 45,117 shares, and Mr. Hamano, 536 shares. |
(7) | Includes 420 shares owned by a family partnership of which Mr. Heenan has shared voting and investment power. Also includes 156 shares owned by David A. Heenan, Inc. of which Mr. Heenan is president. |
(8) | Includes 500 shares held in an Individual Retirement Account. |
(9) | Includes 1,000 shares held in a Keogh account. |
(10) | Includes 1,890 shares held in an Individual Retirement Account. |
a) | In no event shall a director be considered independent if the director is an employee, or a member of the director’s immediate family is an executive officer of the Company until three years after the end of such employment relationship. Employment as an interim Chairman of the Board, CEO, Chief Financial Officer ("CFO") or other executive officer shall not disqualify a director from being considered independent following that employment. |
b) | In no event shall a director be considered independent if the director receives, or a member of the director’s immediate family receives, more than $120,000 per year in direct compensation from the Company, other than director and committee fees and pension or other forms of deferred compensation for prior service (provided such compensation is not contingent in any way on continued service). A director may not be considered independent until three years after ceasing to receive such compensation. |
c) | In no event shall a director be considered independent if the director is a current partner or employee of the Company’s internal or external auditor, or whose immediate family member is a current partner or employee of such a firm and personally works on the Company’s audit; or was a partner or employee of such a firm and personally worked on the Company’s audit within the last three years. |
d) | In no event shall a director be considered independent if the director is employed, or a member of the director’s immediate family is employed, as an executive officer of another company where any of the Company’s present executives serves on that company’s compensation committee until three years after the end of such service or employment relationship. |
e) | In no event shall a director be considered independent if the director is an executive officer or employee, or an immediate family member of the director is an executive officer, of a company that makes payments to, or receives payments from, the Company for property or services rendered in an amount which, in any single fiscal year, exceeds the greater of $1.0 million, or 2% of such other company’s consolidated gross revenues for such year, until three years after falling below such threshold. |
f) | A director will not fail to be deemed independent solely as a result of the director’s and the director’s immediate family members’, or a director’s affiliated entities, banking relationship with the Company if such relationship does not violate paragraphs (a) through (e) above and is made in the ordinary course of business on substantially the same terms as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with persons not affiliated with the Company and, with respect to extensions of credit, is made in compliance with applicable laws, including Regulation O of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and do not involve more than the normal risk of collectability or present other unfavorable features. |
g) | Audit & Risk Committee members may not receive directly or indirectly any consulting, advisory or other compensatory fee from the Company and shall otherwise meet the independence criteria of Section 10A-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Audit & Risk Committee members may receive directors’ fees and other in-kind consideration ordinarily available to directors, as well as regular benefits that other directors receive (including any additional such fees or consideration paid to directors with respect to service on committees of the Board). |
h) | Human Resources & Compensation Committee members may not receive directly or indirectly any consulting, advisory or other compensatory fee from the Company, and shall otherwise meet the independence criteria of Section 10C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Human Resources & Compensation Committee members may receive directors' fees or other in-kind consideration ordinarily available to directors, as well as regular benefits that other directors receive (including any additional such fees or consideration paid to directors with respect to service on committees of the Board). |
i) | If a particular commercial, industrial, banking, consulting, legal, accounting, charitable or familial relationship or transaction that is not addressed by the above standards exists between a director and the Company, the Board will determine, after taking into account all relevant facts and circumstances, whether such relationship or transaction is in the Board’s judgment material, and therefore whether the affected director is independent. |
• | A member of the Human Resources & Compensation Committee (or equivalent) of any other entity, one of whose executive officers served as one of our directors or was an immediate family member of a director, or served on our Human Resources & Compensation Committee; or |
• | A director of any other entity, one of whose executive officers or their immediate family member served on our Human Resources & Compensation Committee. |
Audit & Risk | Human Resources & Compensation | Nominating & Corporate Governance | ||
Mary G. F. Bitterman | Mary G. F. Bitterman | S. Haunani Apoliona | ||
Mark A. Burak | David A. Heenan *** | Mary G. F. Bitterman* | ||
Clinton R. Churchill* | Barbara J. Tanabe | Mark A. Burak | ||
Robert Huret ** | Robert W. Wo **** | Michael J. Chun | ||
Victor K. Nichols ****** | Raymond P. Vara, Jr. ***** | Clinton R. Churchill | ||
Martin A. Stein | David A. Heenan | |||
Raymond P. Vara, Jr. | Robert Huret | |||
Victor K. Nichols ****** | ||||
Martin A. Stein | ||||
Barbara J. Tanabe | ||||
Raymond P. Vara, Jr. | ||||
Robert W. Wo |
* | Committee Chairman |
** | Committee Vice Chairman |
*** | Committee Chairman (January - April 2014; retiring in April 2015) |
**** | Committee Chairman (May 2014 - present) |
***** | Committee Member as of December 2014 |
****** | Committee Member as of July 2014 |
• | An annual retainer for Audit & Risk Committee members in the amount of $13,000, an annual retainer for the Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee in the amount of $20,000, and an annual retainer for the Vice Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee in the amount of $15,000; and |
• | An annual retainer for Human Resources & Compensation Committee members in the amount of $11,250 and an annual retainer for the Chairman of the Human Resources & Compensation Committee in the amount of $19,250. |
Name | Fees Earned or Paid in Cash ($)(1) | Stock Awards ($)(2) | Option Awards ($)(3) | Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation ($) | Change in Pension Value and Non-qualified Deferred Compensation Earnings ($) | All Other Compensation ($) | Total ($) | ||||||||||||||
S. Haunani Apoliona | 55,000 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 107,542 | ||||||||||||||
Mary G. F. Bitterman | 86,750 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 139,292 | ||||||||||||||
Mark A. Burak | 55,500 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 108,042 | ||||||||||||||
Michael J. Chun | 50,000 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 102,542 | ||||||||||||||
Clinton R. Churchill | 62,500 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 115,042 | ||||||||||||||
David A. Heenan | 55,750 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 108,292 | ||||||||||||||
Robert Huret | 62,500 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 115,042 | ||||||||||||||
Victor K. Nichols | 30,250 | 39,409 | — | — | — | — | 69,659 | ||||||||||||||
Martin A. Stein | 60,500 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 113,042 | ||||||||||||||
Donald M. Takaki | 55,000 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 107,542 | ||||||||||||||
Barbara J. Tanabe | 65,000 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 117,542 | ||||||||||||||
Raymond P. Vara, Jr. | 55,500 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 108,042 | ||||||||||||||
Robert W. Wo | 68,500 | 52,542 | — | — | — | — | 121,042 | ||||||||||||||
(1) | Mmes. Apoliona and Tanabe and Messrs. Heenan, Huret, Nichols, and Wo elected to defer all of their respective fees earned in 2014. Mr. Takaki elected to defer only his Board retainer fees in 2014. |
(2) | The amounts in this column reflect the fair value of the restricted stock on the date of grant. On April 25, 2014 the Company issued grants of 945 shares of restricted common stock to each of the non-management directors, having an aggregate fair value of $52,542 based on the closing price of the Company's common stock of $55.60 on the date of the grant; 100% of the grant will vest on April 17, 2015. In July 25, 2014, the Company issued grants of 692 shares of restricted common stock to Mr. Nichols, who is also a non-management director, having an aggregate fair value of $39,409 based on the closing price of the Company's common stock of $56.90 on the date of grant. As of December 31, 2014, each director had the following number of restricted stock awards accumulated in their accounts (which excludes options exercised and held as common stock in their accounts): Ms. Apoliona, 2,745 shares; Dr. Bitterman, 945 shares; Mr. Burak, 945 shares; Dr. Chun, 2,745 shares; Mr. Churchill, 2,745 shares; Mr. Heenan, 2,745 shares; Mr. Huret, 945 shares; Mr. Nichols, 692 shares; Mr. Stein, 945 shares; Mr. Takaki, 2,745 shares; Ms. Tanabe, 945 shares; Mr. Vara, 945 shares; and Mr. Wo, 2,745 shares. |
(3) | No option awards were granted in 2014. As of December 31, 2014, each director had outstanding options to purchase the indicated number of shares of the Company's common stock: Ms. Apoliona, 4,248; Dr. Bitterman, 4,248; Mr. Burak, 0; Dr. Chun, 4,248; Mr. Churchill, 4,248; Mr. Heenan, 4,248; Mr. Huret, 4,248; Mr. Nichols, 0; Mr. Stein, 4,248; Mr. Takaki, 4,248; Ms. Tanabe, 4,248; Mr. Vara, 0; and Mr. Wo, 4,248. |
Peter S. Ho | Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, and President |
Kent T. Lucien | Vice Chairman, Chief Financial Officer |
Wayne Y. Hamano | Vice Chairman, Chief Commercial Officer |
Mark A. Rossi | Vice Chairman, Chief Administrative Officer, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary |
Mary E. Sellers | Vice Chairman, Chief Risk Officer |
Page | ||
• | Significant Enhancements to Our Compensation Program |
◦ | Rebalanced performance targets for the short-term incentive plan to be 80% quantitative and expanded disclosure of the quantitative and qualitative metrics utilized, for the 2015 performance period |
◦ | Enhanced long-term incentive plan performance period to three years, with a 3-year cliff vesting period, for the 2015-2017 performance period |
◦ | Increased rigor and clarity of long-term incentive performance metrics for 2015 |
◦ | Implemented formalized clawback policy in 2014 |
• | Strong Operational and Stock Performance |
◦ | Total shareholder return of 3.5%, exceeding the average performance of the S&P Supercomposite Regional Bank and S&P Supercomposite Bank Indexes (each excluding those banks with greater than $50 billion in assets) and the KBW Regional Bank Index |
◦ | Return-on-Equity and Return-on-Assets, two key measures of the Company’s financial health and performance metrics included in the executive compensation program, were up in 2014 relative to 2013. Additionally, two other key metrics in the executive compensation program, Stock Price-to-Book Ratio and the Tier 1 Capital Ratio, remained strong through 2014 |
◦ | History of consistent dividends, even through the financial crisis |
◦ | Recognition For Excellence |
▪ | Ranked number 2 by Forbes Magazine in 2014 among the 100 largest U.S. banks and thrifts based on nine measures of financial health. Among all banks on the list, we ranked highest on return on average shareholders' equity for the twelve-month period ending September 30, 2014. We are the only bank in the country to be ranked in the top five in each of the six years that Forbes has been compiling the list |
▪ | Ranked in the top 2 by the ABA Banking Journal for four consecutive years (largest banks and thrifts) |
• | Continued Alignment of Executive Pay with Company Performance |
◦ | 88% of CEO total compensation (salary, stock awards (long-term incentives), non-equity incentive plan compensation (short-term incentives), and all other compensation) is performance-based; 100% of short- and long-term incentives are performance-based |
◦ | Short-term and long-term incentives are tied to rigorous performance metrics, heavily weighted towards objective criteria with qualitative criteria based on measurable, value-driving metrics |
◦ | Significant share ownership requirements (5x base salary for CEO) |
• | Enhanced Shareholder Engagement |
◦ | During 2014, we reached out to shareholders holding 53% of the Company’s outstanding shares and engaged in substantive discussions with shareholders representing 43% of our shares. In these discussions, we learned that our shareholders were generally supportive of the key elements of our executive compensation program and were not seeking significant changes. |
Pay Elements | 2014 Design Elements | 2015 Design Elements |
Short-Term Incentive Plan | • 50% quantitative performance metrics o Diluted EPS as a % of Budget o Stock Price-to-Book Ratio o Risk Management • 50% qualitative performance metrics | • 80% quantitative performance metrics o Three performance metrics set at challenging levels relative to peers* and their weighting § Return-on-Equity (30%) § Stock Price-to-Book Ratio (30%) § Tier 1 Capital Ratio (20%) • 20% qualitative performance metrics |
Long-Term Incentive Plan | • Three-year plan • One-year performance period • Three-year vesting period • 100% quantitative performance metrics • Two performance metrics o Positive Net Income o One of the following set at challenging levels relative to peers § Return-on-Assets § Return-on-Equity § Stock Price-to-Book Ratio § Tier 1 Capital Ratio • To achieve full payout must have performed in top quartile in any one of the relative metrics • To achieve two-thirds payout must have performed in top two quartiles in any one of the relative metrics | • Three-year plan • Three-year sustained performance period • Three-year cliff vesting • 100% quantitative performance metrics ○ Three performance metrics set at challenging levels relative to peers* and their weighting § Return-on-Equity (40%) § Stock Price-to-Book Ratio (40%) § Tier 1 Capital Ratio (20%) • To achieve full payout, top quartile performance in all three performance measures must occur • To achieve any payout, top two quartile performance must occur with the actual payout determined by performance and metric weighting |
• | Dividend Yield: As of December 31, 2014, our dividend yield was relatively flat at 3.03% year-over-year, with a dividend payout ratio of 48.5%. |
• | Returning Value to Shareholders: The Company returned $64 million in capital to shareholders through share repurchases in 2014, nearly two times as much as was returned in 2013. |
Pay Elements | Components | Link to Performance | Weighting |
Base Salary | Cash | N/A | N/A |
Short-Term Incentives | Annual Cash Bonus | Diluted Earnings Per Share (“EPS”) | 16.67% |
Stock Price-to-Book Ratio | 16.67% | ||
Risk Management | 16.67% | ||
Community Presence and Reputation | 16.67% | ||
Leadership Development and Succession Planning | 16.67% | ||
Strategic Initiatives | 16.67% | ||
Long-Term Incentives | Performance Shares | Net Income | 33.33% |
Return-on-Assets | 66.67% | ||
Return-on-Equity | |||
Stock Price-to-Book Ratio | |||
Tier 1 Capital Ratio |
CEO Short-Term Incentive Metrics: Results | |||||
Metric | Weight | 2013 Target | 2013 Actual | 2014 Target | 2014 Actual |
Diluted EPS as a % of Budget | 16.67% | $3.35 | $3.38 | $3.60 | $3.69 |
Stock Price-to-Book Ratio Relative to Peers | 16.67% | Third Quartile | Fourth (Top) Quartile | Third Quartile | Fourth (Top) Quartile |
Risk Management | 16.67% | Safety and Soundness | Achieved | Safety and Soundness | Achieved |
Community Presence and Reputation | 16.67% | Company presence and recognition | Achieved | Company presence and recognition | Achieved |
Leadership Development and Succession Planning | 16.67% | Executive and high-potential employee development | Achieved | Executive and high-potential employee development | Achieved |
Strategic Initiatives | 16.67% | Employee engagement, business growth, customer satisfaction | Achieved | Employee engagement, market penetration, brand improvement, efficiency, active risk and capital management | Achieved |
2014 Long-Term Performance Metrics: Results | |||
Performance | Third Quartile | Fourth (Top) Quartile | |
Net Income | $163 million | N/A | N/A |
Return-on-Assets* | 1.14% | X | |
Return-on-Equity | 15.50% | X | |
Stock Price-to-Book Ratio | 2.46 | X | |
Tier 1 Capital Ratio | 14.69% | X |
Compensation Program Governance Summary | ||||
ü | Robust shareholder engagement process | ü | Formalized clawback policy | |
ü | Demonstrated responsiveness to shareholder concerns and general feedback | ü | No tax gross-ups | |
ü | Compensation program closely aligns pay with performance | ü | Double-trigger change-in-control provisions* | |
ü | Significant share ownership requirements (5x base salary for CEO, 2x for other NEOs) | ü | No excessive perquisites | |
ü | Significant portion of compensation is variable or performance based | ü | No repricing of equity incentive awards | |
ü | No employment or severance agreements with NEOs | ü | Independent compensation consultant | |
ü | Anti-hedging and anti-pledging stock policies | ü | Independent Committee |
◦ | Align executive compensation with shareholder value creation |
◦ | Encourage retention and growth opportunities for executives |
◦ | Compensate executives for measureable and meaningful levels of Company performance |
◦ | Balance performance incentives while not encouraging excessive risk taking by executives |
(1) | The Committee leads a robust process to set and measure challenging goals: Company performance objectives are subject to a robust goal-setting process in which the Committee considers business-driven bottom-up and corporate top-down budgets and market projections. In setting each NEO's total compensation, the Committee considers among other factors, Company performance, relative shareholder return, the competitive marketplace, and the awards given to NEOs in past years. |
(2) | Substantial ‘at risk’ and variable compensation: 88% of CEO and at least 73% of the other NEOs' total compensation (salary, bonus, stock awards (long-term incentives), non-equity incentive plan compensation (short-term incentives), and all other compensation) is variable and impacted by specific Company performance. |
(3) | Alignment with shareholders: Each NEO is subject to robust stock ownership guidelines that require them to hold a significant number of company shares as long as they remain employed at the Company, with the CEO’s requirement at 5x base salary and other NEOs at 2x base salary. |
◦ | In the section of the banking and financial services industries where the Company competes for capital and talent |
◦ | In related industries within the financial services sector (regional banking) |
◦ | In a broad-based set of peers that are in different industries but similar in size and business scope |
◦ | Possible sources of, or destinations for, talent |
◦ | Comparable in: |
▪ | Business size and scope |
▪ | Complexity and organizational structure |
▪ | Compensation practices and structures |
◦ | Consist of some peers of our peer companies |
Peer Group Companies* | ||||||||||
Market Capitalization | Revenue | Total Assets | Employee Population (FTE)** | |||||||
Bank Peers (dollars in millions) | ||||||||||
Bankunited Inc | $2,944.9 | $867.9 | $19,210.5 | 1,587 | ||||||
Cathay General Bancorp | $2,039.6 | $459.2 | $11,511.8 | 1,132 | ||||||
City National Corp | $4,453.8 | $1,319.0 | $32,610.4 | 3,570 | ||||||
Commerce Bancshares Inc | $4,187.7 | $1,098.4 | $23,994.3 | 4,744 | ||||||
Community Bank System Inc. | $1,548.0 | $375.2 | $7,489.4 | 2,001 | ||||||
East West Bancorp, Inc. | $5,556.9 | $1,066.3 | $28,738.0 | 2,496 | ||||||
FNB Corp/FL | $2,311.0 | $664.6 | $16,127.1 | 2,879 | ||||||
Fulton Financial Corp | $2,289.9 | $763.5 | $17,124.8 | 3,620 | ||||||
Glacier Bancorp Inc | $2,083.4 | $389.5 | $8,306.5 | 1,813 | ||||||
Hancock Holding Co | $2,504.2 | $929.9 | $20,747.3 | 3,794 | ||||||
Home Bancshares, Inc. | $2,171.8 | $380.7 | $7,403.3 | 1,497 | ||||||
Intl Bancshares Corp | $1,767.5 | $573.1 | $12,079.2 | 2,968 | ||||||
Investors Bancorp Inc | $4,028.2 | $702.7 | $18,773.6 | 1,682 | ||||||
MB Financial Inc/MD | $2,434.3 | $592.4 | $14,602.1 | 1,775 | ||||||
National Penn Bancshares Inc | $1,550.9 | $380.2 | $9,750.9 | 1,658 | ||||||
Old National Bancorp | $1,749.0 | $554.6 | $11,647.6 | 2,938 | ||||||
Privatebancorp Inc | $2,609.5 | $642.0 | $15,603.4 | 1,168 | ||||||
Prosperity Bancshares Inc | $3,862.5 | $837.7 | $21,507.7 | 3,096 | ||||||
Signature Bank/NY | $6,337.6 | $959.3 | $27,318.6 | 945 | ||||||
Susquehanna Bancshares Inc | $2,434.5 | $829.0 | $18,661.4 | 3,346 | ||||||
Synovus Financial Corporation | $3,699.7 | $1,190.8 | $27,051.2 | 4,563 | ||||||
Texas Capital Bancshares Inc | $2,483.5 | $557.1 | $15,899.9 | 1,016 | ||||||
Trustmark Corp | $1,655.0 | $615.8 | $12,250.6 | 3,060 | ||||||
UMB Financial Corp | $2,588.1 | $862.6 | $17,501.0 | 3,498 | ||||||
Umpqua Holdings Corp | $3,695.7 | $1,001.8 | $22,613.3 | 2,490 | ||||||
United Bankshares Inc. | $2,591.7 | $499.5 | $12,328.8 | 1,703 | ||||||
Valley National Bancorp | $2,247.8 | $714.2 | $18,793.9 | 2,908 | ||||||
Webster Financial Corp | $2,935.7 | $921.0 | $22,533.0 | 2,704 | ||||||
Western Alliance Bancorporation | $2,411.6 | $442.3 | $10,600.5 | 1,131 | ||||||
Wintrust Financial Corp | $2,184.4 | $886.5 | $20,010.7 | 3,413 | ||||||
Average for Bank Peer Group | $2,845.3 | $735.9 | $17,426.4 | 2,507 | ||||||
Bank of Hawaii Corporation | $2,593.3 | $559.7 | $14,787.2 | 2,161 |
Peer Group Companies* | ||||||||||
Market Capitalization | Revenue | Total Assets | Employee Population (FTE)** | |||||||
Size-Based Peers*** (dollars in millions) | ||||||||||
Boston Beer Co. Inc. | $3,782.5 | $890.6 | $572.3 | 1,120 | ||||||
CARBO Ceramics Inc. | $924.9 | $648.3 | $934.2 | 1,025 | ||||||
Cepheid | $3,815.8 | $470.1 | $793.6 | 1,200 | ||||||
Heartland Express, Inc. | $2,370.9 | $871.4 | $760.0 | 5,220 | ||||||
HomeAway, Inc. | $2,808.6 | $427.3 | $1,524.3 | 1,737 | ||||||
Intersil Corporation | $1,882.3 | $562.6 | $1,154.3 | 1,017 | ||||||
Medidata Solutions, Inc. | $2,590.5 | $335.1 | $622.2 | 923 | ||||||
MGE Energy Inc. | $1,581.2 | $629.4 | $1,619.9 | 701 | ||||||
Morningstar Inc. | $2,884.9 | $744.2 | $1,020.2 | 3,800 | ||||||
Sotheby's | $2,979.0 | $926.0 | $2,462.7 | 1,577 | ||||||
TAL International Group, Inc. | $1,450.6 | $641.4 | $4,230.8 | 172 | ||||||
The Advisory Board Company | $1,765.9 | $555.1 | $1,022.6 | 2,800 | ||||||
The Ultimate Software Group, Inc. | $4,165.3 | $505.9 | $1,190.3 | 2,300 | ||||||
U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc. | $1,385.1 | $776.6 | $1,067.1 | 844 | ||||||
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc. | $2,619.0 | $607.6 | $553.4 | 312 | ||||||
Average for Size-Based Peer Group | $2,467.1 | $639.4 | $1,301.9 | 1,650 | ||||||
Bank of Hawaii Corporation | $2,593.3 | $559.7 | $14,787.2 | 2,161 |
Pay Elements | Components | Rationale for Form of Compensation | |
Base Salary | Cash | • To attract and retain executive talent • To provide a fixed base of compensation generally aligned to peer group levels | |
Short-Term Incentive | Annual Cash Bonus | • To drive the achievement of key business results on an annual basis • To recognize individual executives based on their specific and measurable contributions • To structure a meaningful amount of annual compensation as performance-based and not guaranteed | |
Long-Term Incentive | Performance Shares (RSGs and RSUs) | • To drive the sustainable achievement of key long-term business results • To directly align the interests of executives with shareholders • To structure a meaningful amount of long-term compensation as performance-based and not guaranteed |
2014 Short-Term Incentive Plan Financial Metrics – 50% Weighting | |||||
Metric | Weight | 2013 Target | 2013 Actual | 2014 Target | 2014 Actual |
Diluted EPS as a % of Budget | 16.67% | $3.35 | $3.38 | $3.60 | $3.69 |
Stock Price-to-Book Ratio Relative to Peers | 16.67% | Third Quartile | Fourth (Top) Quartile | Third Quartile | Fourth (Top) Quartile |
Risk Management | 16.67% | Safety and Soundness | Achieved | Safety and Soundness | Achieved |
2014 Disciplined Other Short-Term Metrics – 50% Weighting | ||
Strategic Initiatives (16.67% weighting) | Community Presence/Reputation (16.67% weighting) | Leadership Development/Succession (16.67% weighting) |
§ Employee engagement o Employee opinion survey results; well-being initiatives; company-wide employee activities o Among Hawaii Business Magazine’s “Best Places to Work 2014” - #1 in “Healthiest Companies” and #3 in “Most Family-Friendly” categories § Market penetration and deepening of relationships o Increased core deposits, average loans and leases, commercial real estate mortgage growth, and introduced managed account portfolio solutions § Leading market presence o Market penetration at 51%, 10-year high o #1 core deposits (over $10 billion, all-time high) § Customer satisfaction score over 80% in top 2 categories § $4.1 million non-interest expense savings § Actively manage risk and capital - dividend, share repurchase, regulatory and compliance initiatives | § CEO’s role as a member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco § Industry press recognition of BOH o Ranked number 2 by Forbes Magazine in 2014 among the 100 largest U.S. banks and thrifts based on nine measures of financial health. o Ranked in the top 2 by the ABA Banking Journal for four consecutive years (largest banks and thrifts) o SBA Lender of the Year – named to top category for large banks, and also recognized as 2014 SBA Veteran Lender of the Year o “Best Bank” according to the Honolulu Star Advertiser’s People’s Choice awards § Charitable/community activity o Employee Giving Programs (>$740,000 raised for local non-profits); Employee Volunteer Program – 109 events, nearly 7,000 employee volunteer hours o Launched Bank of Hawaii Foundation Scholarship Fund (awarded 26 scholarships totaling $91,000) for children and grandchildren of Bank of Hawaii employees | § Executive, high potential and middle manager development programs o 78 classes o 12,700 hours of leadership training delivered § Robust annual executive development process and succession review § Accelerated senior leaders’ development through business rotations § 100% of new senior officer promotions from within § Active participation of high potential leaders in Company’s key strategic initiatives teams § Enhanced and completed leadership development series o Offered new courses focused on talent management, engagement and productivity o Delivered training and management tools to aid middle management o Participated in learning partner/mentoring groups o Top 250 Company leaders have completed the series |
2014 - 2016 Long-Term Incentive Plan | ||||||
Performance Requirements for Long-Term Incentive Vesting | Timing of Long-Term Incentive Vesting | |||||
Performance Share Payout | Performance metrics* | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | ||
1/3 of target** paid if… | 2014 ROA, ROE, Stock Price-to-Book Ratio or Tier 1 Capital Ratio are in fourth (top) quartile relative to indexes | è è 1/3, 2/3 or 3/3 of Target Based on Performance è è | up to 1/3 of grant vests | up to 1/3 of grant vests | up to 1/3 of grant vests | |
1/3 of target** paid if… | 2014 ROA, ROE, Stock Price-to-Book Ratio or Tier 1 Capital Ratio are in the third quartile relative to indexes | |||||
1/3 of target** paid if… | 2014 net income is positive |
Pay Elements | 2014 Design Elements | 2015 Design Elements |
Short-Term Incentive Plan | • 50% quantitative performance metrics o Diluted EPS as a % of Budget o Stock Price-to-Book Ratio o Risk Management • 50% qualitative performance metrics | • 80% quantitative performance metrics o Three performance metrics set at challenging levels relative to peers* and their weighting § Return-on-Equity (30%) § Stock Price-to-Book Ratio (30%) § Tier 1 Capital Ratio (20%) • 20% qualitative performance metrics |
Long-Term Incentive Plan | • Three-year plan • One-year performance period • Three-year vesting period • 100% quantitative performance metrics • Two performance metrics o Positive Net Income o One of the following set at challenging levels relative to peers § Return-on-Assets § Return-on-Equity § Stock Price-to-Book Ratio § Tier 1 Capital Ratio • To achieve full payout must have performed in top quartile in any one of the relative metrics • To achieve two-thirds payout must have performed in top two quartiles in any one of the relative metrics | • Three-year plan • Three-year sustained performance period • Three-year cliff vesting • 100% quantitative performance metrics ○ Three performance metrics set at challenging levels relative to peers* and their weighting § Return-on-Equity (40%) § Stock Price-to-Book Ratio (40%) § Tier 1 Capital Ratio (20%) • To achieve full payout, top quartile performance in all three performance measures must occur • To achieve any payout, top two quartile performance must occur with the actual payout determined by performance and metric weighting |
• | Severance benefit - a “two times base salary and bonus” payment which is payable in the month following termination of employment. |
• | Payment for non-competition - an additional “one times base salary and bonus” payment that is payable only if the executive complies with the 12-month non-competition restrictions specified under the Retention Plan. |
• | In addition to non-competition restrictions, the Retention Plan imposes non-disclosure, non-solicitation and non-disparagement restrictions on participants. |
Officer | Stockholding Guideline (multiple of base salary) |
Chairman and CEO | 5x |
Vice Chairmen | 2x |
Name and Principal Position | Year | Salary ($)(1) | Bonus ($)(2) | Stock Awards ($)(3) | Option Awards ($)(4) | Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation ($)(5) | Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings ($)(6) | All Other Compensation ($)(7) | Total ($) | |||||||||||||||||
Peter S. Ho | 2014 | 794,424 | — | 5,680,158 | — | 1,250,000 | 2,358 | 141,969 | 7,868,909 | |||||||||||||||||
Chairman of the Board, | 2013 | 754,847 | — | 1,506,366 | — | 1,200,000 | — | 146,213 | 3,607,426 | |||||||||||||||||
Chief Executive Officer & | 2012 | 675,000 | — | 1,564,738 | 228,897 | 1,375,000 | 3,798 | 122,908 | 3,970,341 | |||||||||||||||||
President | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kent T. Lucien | 2014 | 443,942 | 425,000 | 912,232 | — | 470,000 | — | 96,970 | 2,348,144 | |||||||||||||||||
Vice Chairman, | 2013 | 423,500 | — | 502,281 | — | 419,000 | — | 71,668 | 1,416,449 | |||||||||||||||||
Chief Financial Officer | 2012 | 382,500 | — | 575,980 | 147,150 | 455,000 | — | 66,836 | 1,627,466 | |||||||||||||||||
Wayne Y. Hamano | 2014 | 358,278 | 450,000 | 912,232 | — | 410,000 | 102,039 | 87,418 | 2,319,967 | |||||||||||||||||
Vice Chairman, | 2013 | 330,308 | 250,000 | — | — | 349,000 | — | 60,478 | 989,786 | |||||||||||||||||
Chief Commercial Officer | 2012 | 310,097 | 200,000 | 503,607 | — | 325,000 | 5,237 | 66,100 | 1,410,041 | |||||||||||||||||
Mark A. Rossi | 2014 | 443,942 | — | 912,232 | — | 470,000 | — | 73,575 | 1,899,749 | |||||||||||||||||
Vice Chairman, Chief | 2013 | 423,769 | — | 502,281 | — | 419,000 | — | 72,085 | 1,417,135 | |||||||||||||||||
Administrative Officer, | 2012 | 375,770 | — | 572,162 | 147,150 | 455,000 | — | 67,430 | 1,617,512 | |||||||||||||||||
General Counsel, & | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Corporate Secretary | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mary E. Sellers | 2014 | 419,278 | — | 912,232 | — | 470,000 | 17,518 | 56,831 | 1,875,859 | |||||||||||||||||
Vice Chairman, | 2013 | 392,730 | — | 502,281 | — | 387,000 | — | 55,337 | 1,337,348 | |||||||||||||||||
Chief Risk Officer | 2012 | 330,769 | — | 566,913 | 147,150 | 420,000 | 9,808 | 50,009 | 1,524,649 |
(1) | Messrs. Ho and Lucien received no fees or compensation for their services on the Board of Directors. The Company pays on a bi-weekly basis. Normally there are 26 payrolls in a year; however, in 2014 there was an additional payroll. The 27th payroll is an anomaly to the bi-weekly pay schedule that cycles through every 11 years, and does not indicate an increase in the NEOs’ base salaries. |
(2) | For Messrs. Lucien and Hamano, amounts reported in this line include retention payments made pursuant to employment agreements entered in 2010 and, amended from time to time to extend the retention period. The Company does not generally have employment agreements with its executives. However, the Committee has from time to time entered into such agreements to retain key executives. In connection with the Company’s 2010 leadership transition, the Company entered into Retention Agreements with Messrs. Lucien and Hamano. The agreements, as amended, provided for retention payments of $425,000 to Mr. Lucien and $450,000 to Mr. Hamano in August 2014 subject to their continued employment at the Company through July 31, 2014. Mr. Lucien remains employed as the Company’s Vice Chairman and CFO and Mr. Hamano remains employed as Vice Chairman and Chief Commercial Officer. |
(3) | As more particularly described on page 32 herein, the Committee on January 24, 2014 reviewed Mr. Ho’s exceptional performance as CEO, including the development and successful completion of the 2011-2013 Company Strategic Plan, and considered his performance and level of compensation as compared to peer companies. Based upon this review, the Committee approved a one-time performance-based grant to Mr. Ho comprised of 28,350 shares of restricted stock and 28,350 restricted stock units. Mr. Ho will only realize the value of this one-time grant if the Company achieves rigorous performance-based thresholds over the performance period and subject to a four-year contingent vesting schedule. If the rigorous performance thresholds are not met, Mr. Ho will forfeit all or a portion of this one-time performance-based grant. |
(4) | This column represents the aggregate grant date fair value of stock options granted to the NEOs in accordance with ASC 718. The fair value of each stock option award was estimated on the grant date using the Black-Scholes option pricing model. The assumptions used in determining the grant date fair value for share-based compensation are described in the Company's 2014 Annual Report on Form 10-K in Note 15, Share-Based Compensation. |
(5) | All amounts reported under this column relate to awards earned under the Executive Incentive Plan. |
(6) | This column represents the annual change in the actuarial present value of accumulated benefits under the Employees’ Retirement Plan of Bank of Hawaii. Messrs. Ho and Hamano and Ms. Sellers are the only NEOs who are participants of this plan, which was frozen at the end of 1995. The increase in the value of the pension benefits from the prior measurement date is primarily due to the decrease in the discount rate used to measure the accumulated value of benefits (from 5.22% to 4.25%). In addition, the mortality table and improvement scale were updated for 2014. Additionally, for Mr. Hamano, the pension value increased by $93,514 due to the correction in monthly accrued benefits from $257.82 to $813.85. For 2013, Messrs. Ho and Hamano's pension value declined by $1,446 and $1,760, respectively. For 2013, Ms. Sellers' pension value declined by $4,377. |
(7) | The All Other Compensation Table that follows provides additional detail regarding the amounts in this column. |
Name | Year | Retirement Savings Plan 401(k) Matching Contribution ($)(1) | Value Sharing Funding ($)(2) | Excess Plan Value Sharing Funding ($)(3) | Retirement Savings Plan Company Fixed Contribution ($)(4) | Excess Plan Company Fixed Contribution ($)(5) | Executive Deferred Compensation Restoration Contribution ($) (6) | Other Compensation ($)(7) | Total All Other Compensation ($) | |||||||||||||||||
Peter S. Ho | 2014 | 10,400 | 7,173 | 47,848 | 7,800 | 52,032 | — | 16,716 | 141,969 | |||||||||||||||||
2013 | 10,200 | 6,512 | 47,878 | 7,650 | 56,246 | — | 17,727 | 146,213 | ||||||||||||||||||
2012 | 10,000 | 6,980 | 38,391 | 7,500 | 41,250 | — | 18,787 | 122,908 | ||||||||||||||||||
Kent T. Lucien | 2014 | 10,400 | 7,173 | 12,852 | 7,800 | 13,976 | 32,368 | 12,401 | 96,970 | |||||||||||||||||
2013 | 10,200 | 6,512 | 13,407 | 7,650 | 15,749 | 5,471 | 12,679 | 71,668 | ||||||||||||||||||
2012 | 10,000 | 6,980 | 14,728 | 7,500 | 15,825 | — | 11,803 | 66,836 | ||||||||||||||||||